
Wednesday, July 14, 2021

Double take

About six weeks ago, or more, I had a warm and fuzzy memory of "the old days", when two good friends and I went to lunch once in a while. The lunch happened around my birthday, in the beginning. We lunched other times in a year, but we hit on my birthday often enough they brought me a gift.

One of us is an accountant, and her life went topsy turvy at the beginning of the last administration. Tax law went to the wind that year, and it was summer outside on a patio before she broke free, and even then she was distracted. The next year was even worse for her, and two of us lunched alone. 

The next year was no better for her, and then we know what happened and no one lunched out. So, earlier this year I thought of the lunches, and arranged for us to go to lunch today. "Be there or be square!" It was too pleasant for words. We even toasted my birthday.

They are very old friends, but as I looked at them today, it is like this. We have been friends a long time, but I am old. They are caring for friends and relatives my age, who need care. I did ask if they knew a reliable way to have old records shredded. I've lost track of that service, and have far too many records I don't need to move again. 

One of us, being an accountant, has a shredding service and offered me the excess room in her bin. And, she said, when it's time to get them into the bin, she will come and move them; I'm not to touch them. I'm really beginning to feel older than they are.

Speaking of time passing, Maurice Brassard et Fils are on vacation until August 3rd. Cest la vie.

When I came in from lunch I had a visual mystery. I even asked myself, has the Gerbera daisy planted a bit of itself in the zinnias?

I leaned over and gave its stem a little tug. It definitely was attached to the pot of zinnias. Then I took a good look at the Gerbera. No, not the same plant, but definitely the same orange.


  1. Hari OM
    Haha, I can see why the flower confused you there for a second of five... all gorgeous regardless of title. What a shame about the threads - but at least your order is in. And oh how wonderful to 'lunch' again!!! YAM xx

  2. Love orange flowers and lunches out!

  3. Your flowers are gorgeous. I sure miss seeing my friends, and my dear sister, and cousins. Soon I hope.

  4. Hooray for birthday lunches. And blooms.

  5. another step toward normalcy. and what of the Methodists and cards? and that zinnia does look a bit like a gerbera.

    1. The Methodists haven't gone back into their church, yet.

  6. Everyone should enjoy those lunches, birthday or not.
    Those flowers remind me of my mom's garden.

  7. A kind friend helping out is such a blessing.

    Your flowers are so pretty.

  8. I feel it too Joanne with a friend some 20 years younger than I. The gap is widening so very much. Love those flowers!


  9. The flowers are lovely. Alas my lunching friends are all gone now. But I remember them fondly.

  10. Beautiful zinnias! I am glad your friends are helping you a bit. It does them good to help!

  11. Lunching with friends is always enjoyable. Age makes no difference when people enjoy the company of each other. Your flowers are doing very well and make a cheerful display.

  12. That's good about the shredding service. Home shredders work, but they're not great for big tasks.

  13. I'm glad you are getting help with the shredding. The zinnias make my heart smile. even the 'not quite' zinnias that look like gerberas.

  14. Fascinating that your flowers are the same shade of orange. I'm thinking that eventually I'll need to have the contents of my 4 drawer file cabinet shredded! I tend to keep way more records than is necessary for far longer than is necessary.

  15. Lunching out with friends is special regardless of age differences. How nice that one of them can help with the shredding. Love the flowers!

  16. What good friends they are. I'm happy you have them.

  17. I have become ridiculously old compared to my younger friends, but they are a godsend.


  18. I must say Jenny and I don't bother to shred documents, even bank statements. But my mum was meticulous about shredding anything even remotely compromising. She probably shredded her holiday brochures "just in case".

  19. Good friends transcend differences in age.

  20. I can relate to every bit of this, dear Joanne.

  21. Nice to get together with old friends again and how nice of your friend to let you use her shredding service!

  22. Glad you reached out to your old friends. Time slips past so quickly that sometimes it gets away from us and we don't get together as we should.

  23. Getting together with long-time friends is something special. Nice that you're able to do so.

  24. I wonder if I downplayed the effect of the pandemic to myself. Get togethers are good.

  25. The flowers are beautiful, Joanne. I'm so glad you were able to meet up with old and wonderful friends.

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