
Tuesday, March 9, 2021

What a difference a swallow makes

The first time I read the phrase "one swallow does not a summer make," I had no idea of a swallow except something in the mouth. I carried that misconception far too long. And I was even longer seeing an actual swallow.

Yesterday was so promising, I dressed in lighter clothing and lasted through breakfast before I switched out the lighter fleece for my heavy Carhart. I found and watched Harry and Meghan's interview. I have yet to watch the extra thirty minute clip, but I will. 

Princess Diana's death tragic death made an indelible impression on me. I was too familiar with suicide, depression, harm before that time, and her death happened over our Labor Day weekend and at a personal  event that seared it and her two children forever into my memory.

Listening to Meghan and Harry's account of their three years in the palace seemed like a recounting of Diana's life. I am happy for them that they have taken up residence "over here." And I know there are as many opinions of that young couple as there are opinions, so I leave that topic there.

And today...

I knew when I got up, it would be a good one. Back into yesterday's "spring" clothing, which I've worn all day. What a difference a swallow makes, and I've never seen that bird about here, but I watched them every summer evening when I lived on the next road south.

Most of the morning I spent sitting on the very uncomfortable bench out on the deck, breathing deeply, in and out. How wonderful spring smells. I think I could even smell daylight savings time coming on.

Eventually I retired to the studio and began cleaning up the loom for a new warp. Then lunch and back to knitting. I keep working as much as I can on this sock; it's the second of a pair. I want them done so I can start over and try a new toe pattern I've found.

I do need to find something interesting to watch on Netflix. I've torn off my old totally notated desk pad so I can list new programs to watch. I just finished the Mormons Murdering Mormons documentary. 

Ruth and I have a lunch date next week. The last time we went to lunch, last November, I wore a jacket that caused her to say she thought she had the identical jacket in her closet. I'll wear it again next week and see if she wears hers, too.


  1. That's a pretty jacket. Some members of the royal family must not have learned anything from their experience with Diana. With Meghan, racism is added to the mix. I'm glad Harry and Meghan got out.


  2. Today here it was just above freezing.

  3. Princess Diana's death left a strong impression on me as well. I was a fan of hers from the start of her engagement. I got up at some ungodly hour to watch every minute of the wedding. I've watched all the Royal weddings that were broadcast here including Harry and Meghan's. I hope overall that a level of peace and acceptance can be found for both sides of that family.

    We've had a few warmer days alternating with colder days and still always cold nights. I am more than ready for Spring and at least we are getting there one day at a time.

    I love that jacket too! I bet it looks wonderful on you!

  4. I like that jacket! Very elegant. I would like to do away with Daylight Savings time since I see no need for the one hour time changes twice a year. I have too many clocks! I have unpopular opinions about Meghan, so I'll keep them to myself.

  5. Princess Diana's experience was very sad. A young woman in love with a man that clearly loved someone else from the start. The departure of the royals to CA was probably a good idea for them. The latest interview, in my opinion, is not benefiting anyone.

  6. That's a nice jacket. I like the way the air smells when autumn has properly settled in.

  7. I wish the best for Meghan and Harry and their family. I think the Queen and her writing staff addressed it well. I hope their dysfunctional family will learn to function and they live happily ever after. Unfortunately, fairy tales aren’t real life.

    Your jacket is lovely. Enjoy the few more days of spring in winter.

  8. The Royal Family learned nothing, NOTHING, from Princess Diana's life and ordeal. They are still making the same mistakes all over again.

    We've watched a few interesting things on Netflix recently. One is a British movie set in WW2 called "Summerland." And an excellent mystery series called "Lupin." The first season of 5 episodes is streaming now, and the second season will be posted this summer, I believe.

  9. Hari OM
    Families - they are the same the world over and in every social class. Each will tell the tale according to their view and agenda.

    That's a lovely jacket! I hope you both have a tasty and chatty lunch. We are a loooong way off spring here. Another couple of months at least until the swallows arrive! I remain denned. YAM xx

  10. I am binge watching "Imposters" at the moment, intrigue!! Dark humor but very fun. Meghan and harry bailed, it will save them for sure. Such an unhealthy environment in the palace!

    That jacket is beautiful.

  11. Hooray for good days - and for the scent of the seasons.

  12. Our swallows won't come till April, but their flying feats on the air are a wonderful sight. Love the jacket, it is that difficult time of the year when temperatures go up and then go down - so what to wear.

  13. I watched the second episode of the Mormon Murders tonight. And, at happy hour with the neighbors I received a recommendation for 'RAKE' -- supposed to be a funny one... and also "Imposters" was recommended. Good watching!! I join the others in saying the jacket is very nice and looks to be warm and comfortable!

  14. I liked the adaption, 'One swallow does not Anne Summers make'. Do you have Anne Summers shops over there?

  15. Now I can honestly say, when going to meet a friend, I have never wondered whether he would be wearing the same coat!

  16. I love it: smelling spring and even daylight savings.

    It was only a little below freezing this morning, so I took my camera out on my first early shoot in a very long time.It felt good.

  17. The small of spring...I remember that from our time in Europe. Faint but distinct.
    Can you get 'Spiral' on Netflix? Cult French cop series with subtitles.

  18. Watching little Harry and William march down the street in the funeral procession was about the saddest thing I've ever seen. How could they have asked those boys to do that?
    I am so glad that spring is coming your way. Enjoy every breath of it!
    Did you know that Cozumel is the "Island of Swallows"? It is and I have watched them darting about many times. So beautiful.

  19. A very nice jacket. We are all itching for Spring..
    I didn't watch The Interview, not that interested...from all the clips it looks like the Firm hasn't learnt anything since Diana.
    They don't like to remember their genealogy either..none have mentioned that George 3 of England's wife princess Charlotte was descended from King Alfonso 3 of Portugal and his African their descendants the Windsors are...also mulattoes??

  20. I do love that jacket! I was on the river that weekend. it was the first thing we heard after take out when we got to the little store/campground on our way out of Big Bend. I didn't watch the interview though I did read some of the highlights. I don't get Americans' fascination with the British royals. they're just people like the rest of us. some of them are nice and some of them are assholes. I wouldn't want to be one with your whole life laid out, what you must do, what you cannot do so good for them for giving it up for a real life.

    definitely spring here as it was before the arctic freeze took everything to the ground.

  21. Every morning I open the bedroom window when I wake and sniff what the day is about. It changes as the season advances.
    I love that jacket. Maybe your lunch companion will wear hers and you can shout SNAP! when you meet.

  22. We will get warmer again today, altho, rain is expected. It feels great, tho, and I am glad to be rid of the snow. Of course, it will get cold again so we have to be ready for anything!! :)

  23. I watched the swallows swooping at my son's house. I love watching them all in their cloud formation.

  24. The interview was Harry and Megans version of life as they saw it.But only one side of the story. I hope their life is happy and that they enjoy their choices

  25. Netflix? We get that here. I love the jacket too. Elegant.

  26. I know it's spring. I saw buzzards yesterday.

  27. Nice jacket. The royals and this interview is news but I just don't understand the amount of attention it is getting. I've been to Britain many times during my career. Now maybe if I was black myself I would have noticed racism there but I've always thought we were more racist in the US. I also recall learning that Jimi Hendrix received a better reception in the UK than in the US. IMHO the royals are elite snobs by definition.

  28. It is good to be able to go out and breathe again. Have fun at your lunch.

  29. Such a pretty jacket. I understand you desire to be outside to just breathe. We’ve been holding our breath for far too long.

  30. Attractive jacket. Sitting outdoors in practice for summer. :)
    Have a fun lunch

  31. Your jacket almost looks like most unusual patchwork, but I see it has a label inside. I'd like to see some of your weaving made into a waistcoat perhaps.

    I'm still digesting the Harry & Megan interview, having only watched clips on YouTube. In the past Prince Philip has made racist comments (eg "slitty-eyed Chinese") and shot endangered Bengal Tigers in Nepal - not a good look for royalty.
    However, they ruled him out. The press will not let it be till they find out who it was. See our own scandal about a historic rape allegation. The accused had to come out eventually to save the rest of the Cabinet.

  32. What is the toe pattern, Joanne? And have you considered 2 socks at a time on 2 circs? No 2nd sock syndrome!

    1. I'll post it when I try it, soon. Thanks. I've tried 2 on circs. I cannot make as good a sock. I'm still wearing socks I knit 18 years ago.

  33. That is a pretty snazzy jacket, Joanne! I, too, watched the interview. Meghan sharing that she felt suicidal during her time in the UK and that she was not able to receive support from the Firm was distressing. May their life in Santa Barbara be happier experience for them!

  34. A side-effect of the Meghan and Harry saga that suggests things are changing for the better. The executive director of the Society of Editors was forced to resign after saying there was no racism in the press. A few years ago he might have got away with it.

  35. Dear Joanne, it will take some time till the swallows return to Berlin. But the sun comes out - which is almost as good: fine bright weather and everything lits up.
    I am very, very busy these days (secret will be lifted soon), thus am not very often in Blogland, but will return soon.
    As the swallows.

  36. I love that jacket! I don't know why I am always so surprised that the British royal family still seems to be mired in the 18th century. We've had three days of warmer weather, actual sunshine and soft breezes. The dogs and I sat out on the deck, closed our eyes and faced the sun. It was glorious, with the chickadees flitting about.

  37. I wonder if the swallows still return to Capistrano?

  38. That's a lovely jacket, Joanne. It looks warm. We watched Penguin Bloom last night and really enjoyed it. It's based on a true story about a young mother who gets paralyzed from the waist down and finds hope in a magpie.
