
Saturday, March 13, 2021

Beets for supper

When I moved to this unit I resolved to do several things better. One involved food choices, and to that end I bought several cans of butter beans and navy beans and kidney beans and cannellini beans and beets. The former slipped away in soups and beans and greens, but the beets clung to the shelf. Finally I was down to the last can of beets, and still it remained. When the can opener blade pierced the lip last night, I knew I could get it gone. Sadly, it takes me three nights to consume a can of beets.

A packet from the landlord has come to each tenant. Granted I have been fifty years between landlords; nevertheless, I find this landlord exceedingly annoying. Instead of asking if any information on file has changed since the last submission, we are given all the paperwork to fill out and file again. The compounding problem of inadequate support services, and I conclude they can just evict me. I have a lovely independent living facility in mind, and I don't have to cook. And I can bring the loom.

I am winding on a new warp. Two facts have emerged. The first is to accept my right shoulder is giving out and this warp may be a week or so getting to the loom. The second is, I will run out of more than the four replacement tubes of warp I have on hand.

So what to do? Subdivide those four into enough to complete the warp? Go small, say five more tubes? It comes from Canada, and the shipping would be astronomical! Go big? How big? I ordered forty new tubes of warp.

I also have a lot of colors left to weave into towels. But, what to do with them? I've decided to try shows again this summer. Actually, just one show, the Peninsula Flea. I found the application, which I must get in soon. And, I absolutely must find someone to help me load in and out.

Busy, busy, busy, if I can get started. I must make an appointment with myself!

I did make an appointment for Toby to see the groomer and be divested of a lot of hair. He loves Vicki, and everyone there, they tell me. I will love the absence of hairballs. They greeted me every morning for the last two weeks.

Best of all, his sleekness fits right into the top lounge area.


  1. I agree wholeheartedly with your thinking about moving to a place with more support. Kudos to you. I believe you have the same cat tree that I purchased for Ruby. How often do you take Toby to the groomers?

    1. I've decided four month intervals, and booked him in July.

  2. I'm happy to hear that you're planning to do some shows this summer, to sell your towels. I love my/your towels so much that I'd like to help you sell them. If there's anything I can do from here (Maryland) let me know. I could be an East Coast distributor for you!

  3. Sue was just commenting this morning about how wonderful your towels are.

    Shipping within Canada is pricey. Far all I know, it could even be worse shipping from Canada.

    1. Just a cost of doing business, John. I work at making it the least possible per unit.

  4. Nice hair cut1 He looks magnificent . Independent living could be great, if it is truly independent. Support is necessary, absolutely. Good cooking is too. Too many rules that seem to govern such homes can be either impossible, or a settling. I don't know, I do think about it, frequently. I know that for sure we do not want what my parents experienced in Assisted living.

    1. I've had the "luck" to be in rehab units three times in my adult life. Two were associated with "living" units. One of those places I would not consign my worst enemy. I wrote them a Google Review that's had 50,000 views.
      The other is Regina Health Center. When I commented on the caliber of staff to the head nurse, she simply replied she would fire anyone complained of.

  5. A good way to use beets is to make borscht soup. But I don't know how well canned beets would work in that. I've only ever used fresh raw beets.

  6. We like fresh beets... not so fond of canned. Hope Toby is enjoying his new summer cut.

  7. Hari OM
    You've spoken of the assisted living place for over a year now, Joanne - is it time d'ya think? I don't see you getting evicted though; you're too good a payer and maintainer! As for getting back on the market run - well you've got more spunk in those old bones than are here in these onese!!! YAM xx

    1. Oh, Yam, when I really do not know what to do next, I will go. But just like that I am invited to sell in a gallery in town and the market. I need to get weaving.

  8. I have no doubt that you will research all your future options thoroughly before you make any decisions.

  9. My garden hasn't produced enough beets to make an entire pint of pickled beets. Which is fine because I still have pickled beets from years ago. I love them in theory...
    It does look like Toby and that cat lounge were made in the same factory. He's such a handsome cat but I can definitely understand what a relief it must be not to deal with hairballs.
    How very cool for you to sell towels at shows. Do you think Laura would help? Does she even have time?
    I'm sure you'll figure it out.

    1. Time is the current problem. I cannot possibly ask one to miss a day of work, and they work so many hours to pay the rent and buy food. My neighbor will help me with the first show.

  10. Toby looks dashing in his new cut! I'm not overly fond of beets but I will eat pickled beets. That's exciting that you are considering doing another show this summer. Maybe your sister can help out? Enjoy the rest of your weekend Joanne!

  11. Doing a show - I was going to say "sounds like fun" but since I have absolutely no idea of what that entails, I will say instead "good for you." Toby is looking very sleek, the decrease in hair balls will be good. I miss having cats. Beets and I do not like each other, they're just too weird with all of that color.

  12. The independent living unit sounds well worth consideration.
    When I first looked at Toby, peering through the mesh in his bag, I thought it was a piece of cross stitch waiting to be embroidered in black and white!
    Would Toby be allowed to join you at the independent living facility?

    1. I'm so sorry to hear that Joanne. No pets allowed is often a detterent for many people.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. That is a very sleek cat after grooming! Love his color too. I love beets in salads and pickled ones.

  14. Toby in the carrier is a fascinating photo. No furballs would be a great thing!

  15. Some people have no tact whatsoever!

  16. No pets is a problem. They make a big difference to living alone. it's a big decision to move to an assisted living rather than a retirement community. But, as you say, you'll decide when it's time.
    It would certainly be good to have shopping and cooking help.

  17. I hope you can find someone to help with loading and unloading at the show, I think it will be great for you to do this again, even if only once or twice.
    Have I read correctly between the lines and you are contemplating moving yet again?

  18. What a striking cat Toby is! I know of some assisted living places that allow up to 2 pets. But I don't know any in your area, probably. I know one in Tucson and one in Minnesota.

  19. That is sad news if Toby can't move but independent living sounds good and especially if you can take your loom. What a dilemma.

  20. It seems to me that you are making the right decisions for you. They always require the determination and courage you have.

  21. If you move into such a place as you described that would be ideal. No shovelling, no gardening and best of all no cooking.

  22. Thank goodness I don't have to deal with landlords. But home ownership can have its issues too!

  23. Toby does look sleek! So sad that he wouldn't be allowed in a different situation..surely some places would allow animal companions.
    Your security of tenure doesn't sound too good, even for a regular payee.

  24. Can you take Toby?
    Can you get a granddaughter to help put the warp on?
    Hugs from the south.

  25. It is such a challenge to try to decide what we want to do as we age. There are some lovely apartments downtown here that I wouldn't mind living in. But they don't allow pets and I'm not going without Teddy Magoo.

  26. I love beetroot sandwiches - I'm like Bert Baxter in the Secret Diary of Adrian Mole.

  27. It will be a big decision to make whether or not to move. The independent living situation sounds like a good idea.

  28. It sounds like moving on would be best.

    Toby is looking handsome.

  29. a senior living facility might not be all that bad if you can take the loom. because you will still need a purpose.if I was there I would volunteer to help you with the Peninsula Flea. and I'm sure Toby loves his haircut.

  30. I have never cared for red beets, but I love golden ones. I've tried to grow them, but the voles get to them faster than I. It's a good idea to have a Plan B in place, but I am with everyone else. You have too much spunk for now. Great to hear that you have new markets for your lovely towels!

  31. I had a cat that had to go in for a spring "haircut" every year. His name was Nova but after the cut - everyone called him Mr. Velvet because he was so soft!

  32. I love the indignity on the cat's face! And of all the foods I adore I am completely allergic to beets, even the smell.

    Lovely batch of new towels.

    I hear you on having a good nap blanket. Very important equipment.


  33. Hey, that independent living facility sounds great. I like the sound of it. A nicely groomed Toby might be just the ticket. :-)
