
Monday, March 15, 2021

It isn't Sunday, just for starters

When things aren't happening as planned, my tidy little world appears crumbling, in my head at least, and sometimes in fact. I'm the person who has to know everything! It is absolutely true, I need to understand how things will happen, and how soon or distant.

For the last month or two nothing has been on track. Nothing!

This discourages me. The last time I was considering moving to an independent living facility, I had two interventions. The first was the cat, which I could not rehome, and the second the pandemic, which gave everyone a new attitude.

I put out a great burst of positivity that lasted literally a year and a half. Having no more grandchildren responsibility, I moved on to weaving. Set up shop, ordered a great deal of thread, and worked away, like Silas Marner.

All plans must wind down in time. No momentum is sustainable forever. Some universal law or another. I'm winding on a new warp under a great deal more tension. It's very hard on my arm, but once done, I will like it far more than the last. More tension means more yardage on the loom and off the tubes on the spool rack. And then, O Shit, more tubes will run out than I have replacements.

Time to reassess my life. Sales last year were very good, but definitely fell away this year. Not of concern, unless I buy a lot more thread, some of which I will need to finish the current warp.

I was kicking that can around this weekend when suddenly several things happened. The first order in four or five weeks came in. Then another. Then the gallery in town, where I used the show, asked me to come back, with the towels. And in the meantime, I decided I may as well be hanged for a sheep as for a lamb, so I signed up for six shows this summer at the Peninsula Flea.

And I called my supplier and put in a big thread order.

Then I went to town to mail my orders. I came home by a ten mile detour, just so I could drive up Truxell and get a current picture of the corkscrew willow header of my blog, and look what I found:

Valley Fire out on maneuvers. Those are the pumps into the lake, the ones that Nick, an especial favorite fireman of mine, painted red back when I was the department clerk. I'll guess they were just clearing lines; I know they refill that pumper truck with "city water" from a nearby town.

When I first pulled up, they were pumping that plume out over the lake. I couldn't get out of the car fast enough for a shot.

I came on home, stopping for the mail and to put my packet of material through the rent payment slot. That was another thing irritating me over the weekend, as you may recall. Making me grumpy and wanting to blow this popsicle stand.

It sure was windy, and my hair blew in my eyes and my mouth. It has been growing far too long, and part of feeling sorry for myself. So, I made an appointment for it to be cut tomorrow, before anything else.


  1. You have be given some now incentive. Those shows should keep you happy and busy.

  2. having a plan helps... which is why I am still making bears and doing online shows!! I'm glad you went ahead and ordered more supplies!!

  3. So happy to hear the towels are doing well. The shows will be lots of fun.

  4. I'm glad you have some things on the horizon to look forward to. I have to wait another month to get my hair cut.

    Also I'm wondering if dj-ing is something that will never happen again, even once this damn pandemic is over.

    1. When this is over, people will party hard and DJ's will dj hard!

  5. You are sounding more hopeful for sure. I am glad the towels are doing well, Joanne.

  6. That all sounds like a full and eventful day Joanne.

  7. YES more towels, Everyone needs at least five! I am saying that because I have nine...Of course i would live more, in every color, I love them but am a bit protective of them. Your hair looks fine longer, but i understand that thing about the wind! I understand head coverings and masks...Burka shopping anyone?

  8. Oh wow, Joanne! I am so happy for you. Having purpose and something to plan and do is a game changer.

  9. Good for you! You will have a busy summer with six shows plus the gallery in town! I love the pumper truck photos.

  10. Congratulations on more orders, and now more shows. I'm happy the gallery wants you and your towels back as well. You're on fire, lady! -Jenn

  11. Your business does very well and the demand for your high quality beautifully made towels is outstanding. Covid seems to have caused a bit of a blip for most businesses. A Spring haircut is on my calendar too. I've told my relatives to avoid all assisted living as we've learned a lot about their short comings.

  12. Sounds as if your world has swung into a much better, more active orbit, suits you better. Good!

  13. Spring is almost here; things are growing, things are moving forward, there is always hope! Sounds like you decided on optimism. I'm glad orders for the towels are coming in; they are so pretty.

  14. Yes, you look much better with short hair. Don't forget to post a photo with your new 'do.

  15. Ah yes, I see that your hair has grown out. I just cut my mom's hair yesterday. How interesting to see that fire truck clearing its lines.

  16. Wow your hair has really grown. Good for you that you can get a hair appointment. I still don't feel safe enough to do it and so it's been over a year now that I've let my hair grow. It is really far too long but at least I can tie it up. Your sales orders have blown up. Enjoy your weaving.

  17. You have a lot of different things rolling around in your head and they are waiting for a decision. It's tough. I know I've got things that have to be done but I wait.

  18. Clearing lines has to be done, but not here at this time of year.

  19. Lucky you to get a hair appointment. My hairdresser has packed up....and she was the only one I found who could cut European hair without charging an arm and a leg.

  20. Hari OM
    Hoorah for the gallery, Hoorah for the market stalls... Hoorah for Joanne!!! YAM xx

  21. I can see the hair getting into your eyes, but don't see any long enough to be getting in your mouth; good idea to get it cut anyway, with summer coming. My hair is ponytailed and clipped into place, I can't be bothering with hair cutting.
    I'm glad you are doing more shows again.

  22. I'm glad that you've come up with (rediscovered) a plan and direction. I too feel much better when I have some control over what will happen. 37 years of writing lesson plans as a teacher plus a somewhat controlling personality? Anyway, good to hear! I will join you in the hair trim club in about a month.

  23. Exciting and busy times ahead. Like you I am much more comfortable when things go/can go to a plan. I thrive on routine - though your routine would daunt me.

  24. Being busy is the way to go. Good news that you are getting towel orders and invites to shows.

  25. It is always good to be busy - as long as it doesn't get to be overwhelming, I say, with the greatest affection and admiration, Joanne, you are a tough old broad!

  26. My friend Kathleen always, ALWAYS made a plan for whatever contingencies she could imagine and she worked out solutions and then she felt free to just enjoy her life. I truly admired that in her. You are similar.
    You will know when you're ready to pack it in and move on to another phase of your life. Until then, you are doing what you love to do and are able to do for now and that is what you should be doing. I can't believe you have signed up for six shows! That's amazing!

  27. Sounds to me life is back online at your house. And six shows plus mail orders and the gallery request. Sounds like you're going to be busy! And, a new haircut always makes people feel better!

  28. Well, it certainly sounds like you got your energy back! Good for you!

  29. yay, not ready to become an old woman yet. I couldn't take the long hair any longer, took my chances, and got my hair cut last mid-November. the husband just walked in from getting his first haircut in over a year. he looks like a plain old man now instead of a shaggy old man.

  30. I heard some great advice once and apply it. "Don't ever make a major decision when in a bad mood."

    I've applied it over the years and it has served me well. Nothing is perfect. A plumber and the building super were fixing the toilet in my bathroom and knocked my robe and towel onto the floor, walked out without picking them up where they belonged and flew into such a massive and disproportionate rage. You should have heard me. And then I calmed down and was grateful I hadn't run screaming down the hall after them.

    We're all suffering from Covid fatigue in various forms. I know I am.

    Glad you're on the loom so to speak. I'm on the knitting needles.


  31. Why were the fire trucks pumping water into the lake? Were the manoeuvres a rehearsal for fire-fighting?

  32. All right! The orders came in, there are shows, and the world is better. I saw your shop on Facebook and shared it to my Fb. You rock, sistah.


  33. You really rock. Get that warp done, and start the weaving. Perhaps something new?

  34. How did that haircut go? Hope you are feeling rejuvenated and refreshed because it sounds like you are going to need it with all of those orders and shows you have. Look forward to seeing all of the amazing work you create.

  35. The universe is full of surprises, isn't it? There's nothing like a big dose of positive thinking to fill your sails and get you moving. I am with you with the haircut. The woman who usually cuts my hair has been off her game and the last two cuts have been bad. I've been putting it off, but I can't put it off much longer.

  36. Oh, hey, I think me and the dolls must be one of those new orders!
    They (the little red-haired dolls) were very excited to claim credit, anyway:
    "We convinced her not to stop making picnic blankets for dolls!"
    (Maybe you could put a sign up at the shows:
    Tea Towels, Also Doll Picnic Blankets. :)

    Hair cut? What's a hair cut?

  37. You'll feel like a million bucks after you get your hair cut!

  38. I am like you in that I hate it when things go off the rails. A big question has been, "Should I get my hair cut?" It's been a year. It's down to my shoulders. I look like a witch. Bob Dylan had the answer to my question: "the answer my friend is blowing in the wind." I HATE it when I go for a walk and the wind blows my hair in my mouth. My appointment for a hair cut is in two weeks. Can't wait!!

  39. A show of towels sounds interesting. Good luck with your shows, I hope they are a big success for you.
