
Friday, March 19, 2021

Close calls

I missed most of yesterday. There was cold, nasty rain all day. I took out the trash in the morning and called venturing out of the question. This morning my trash cans are at attention at the road and I'm good to go myself.

Here is the new haircut, on my way to lunch with Ruth. The green scarf was for the holiday. I cannot locate my Erin go bragh pin. I'm out of places, except, obviously, where it is. 

It was wonderful to see each other; we'll do it again. The only news to report is that we are growing older. 

You may recall I was hurrying to finish a pair of socks, to begin a new pair. Suddenly I was encountering a split in the yarn and tied a knot, to work in later. I looked at the inside after a bit and knew I could not wear a sock with eight or ten knots. I marked the edges, pulled out three needles and ripped out at least an inch.

Back on the needles and a little knitted. It seems a moth attacked the ball of yarn. I also hustled that bit of discarded yarn out to the trash. I do not have any cat proof waste basket.

The amaryllis continues its confounding way. The leaves simply are big beyond imagining. It swoons over my kitchen table. The two little growths on each side that could have been new blooms simply withered away. A new leaf has emerged from the center.

My googled instructions are to follow the plant's lead. The leaves will collapse, as did the blossom stalks, and then it's time to cut them off and consign the pot to the back of the closet. I'm also instructed to continue watering up to that time. I feel that all that water is keeping the cells intact. But if I quit watering, will I kill it?

In the midst of all this pondering, my wonderful little motion sensor light fell from it's place on the wall again, and this time must be the last. Although stuck up with factory supplied double sided tape, its weight exceeded the sticking ability of the tape. Two sets of tape were supplied, and I went through both. What to do? How to hang it up? 

The little light lived on the dryer for a couple of days while I considered hanging it, but how? I have those hooks to be peeled off when done, but how to supply the loop for hanging. I considered twisted cord, but then I would have to stop tying on the new warp to make that.

Rustling around the waste basket for a safe place to dispose of that yarn, I did find one of those nasty wires that close up bread bags. It was mine!


I put it down with a strip of paper tape and then a layer of gorilla glue. The cat was all attention from the tower as I used the chest of drawers for a work surface. As I was spreading on the glue, he flashed into my line of sight and I barely swept his nose from the glue. Such a cat.


  1. Don't you love good old fashioned common sense! You made a very creative repair on that and of course, cats love to be in the middle of such activities!

    Did Ruth wear her matching jacket? I love your green scarf for St. Patrick's Day and your new haircut looks great!

  2. Hari OM
    You're a guerilla with the gorilla... &*> YAM xx

  3. Perseverance will always rule the day! Sorry about those bad spots in the yarn. Must be frustrating... I had signed up to make a crocheted blanket for a child through Annie's Crafts, but when the kit came, it was for a Chemo Hat! I don't know how to work circles that require a place holder (notwithstanding I don't own a place holder pin). So, I'll see what I can do to make a nice blanket for the homeless center.

  4. I like your haircut!
    I also like how you managed to solve your problem. You are a MacGyver!
    Cats just have to know what's going on, don't they? Maurice followed me around on my little stroll around the yard today, pretending all the while that she just happened to be there.

    1. Cats are not happy until they're completely involved in whatever's going on, and confident they could do it better.

  5. I love when I can solve these challenges. Well done you. I hope it stays now.

    We have a fierce storm outside my window at the moment, lashings of rain. Cosy indoors. This will clear off the snow.

    I love how you use the word "swoon."


  6. Love your ingenuity. I use those tags to seal bags but probably wouldn't have thought of your solution.
    And yes, cats HAVE to be involved - sometimes to their detriment and often to the detriment of the project.

  7. Love you description. I could picture it all, cat included. Great solution.

    Glad you got out with a friend! Sounds so normal. We need that desperately.

  8. The only green I've got are a dark green toque, and a camo green bandanna.

  9. I believe I'd just set the amaryllis bulb out on the porch soon as weather permits and leave it there until weather doesn't permit. Good job fixing the hall light!

  10. You must ask yourself or someone you know well the following: If you were an Erin go bragh pin, where would you hide?


  11. Good thinking 99! Those bread bag ties come in handy in a small way out in the garden - we have square hard plastic things on our bread bags (not much further use for them) but packets of freezer bags come with the long ties so I get my fix that way.

  12. Looking smart!...The pin will turn up, now you've stopped looking!
    Greetings to your forecat..keeping an eye..and a paw...on you!!

  13. Cute haircut! I am envious. Mine is a few weeks away. Cats are so curious and it can get them in trouble. You are like McGyver! Do you remember him?

  14. Life's little day to day needs and happenings can certainly keep us busy. Some weeks there is more of it. Happy weekend to you Joanne.

  15. The hairdo looks good, Joanne. Better keep an ear tuned to the wolf whistles.

  16. Knowing how to improvise always comes in very handy. Sounds like Toby had a near miss with the gorilla glue. Nice hair cut. A celebratory holiday lunch with Ruth sounds excellent. Corn beef and cabbage is a favorite this time of year. Warmer weather will be welcomed for the weekend.

  17. I sometimes use those super-strong rare-earth ceramic magnets to stick things onto the wall. The only problem is making sure you will have a stud in the wall in the area you want to stick it. Mine holds fast through sheetrock to the nails in the studs. But it looks like you improvised very nicely! Glad the kitty escaped having his nose glued due to that curiosity they all seem to have!

  18. You MacGyvered that sensor light! Well done :)
    I have some yarn given to me by a friend, it is x% Alpaca and y% acrylic, the friend thought it was 100% Alpaca and when she found it wasn't, unpicked her work and gave the yarn to me. I soon found out she hadn't been careful with the unpicking and the doll blanket I knitted is filled with thin bits where the yarn was not quite shredded, and knots where it was completely broken.

  19. You understand the cat's soul so well, and the concern for plants is always so special.

  20. Cats and young Grandchildren have a way of "helping" at the most inconvenient moments.

  21. Enjoy your weekend. We should have good weather.

  22. I am sure that the glue manufacturer will be looking to you for new ideas for their marketing campaigns, Joanne!

  23. Nobody can get a professional haircut here right now, but looking at most people's neat coiffure I think some people maybe breaking the rules.

  24. Have you see the stick on velcro. One side goes on the light, the other on your wall?

  25. Bo would have tried to knock it out of my hand to see if it warranted a good chewing! He keeps life interesting!!

  26. Joanne, your mentioning Toby's being interested in yarn made me think how much he must be interested in your weaving loom... with all that yarn? Does he like to watch you weave? And does he try to bother the yarn?

  27. I love your new haircut, Joanne. And the green scarf looks great on you!
