
Saturday, March 20, 2021

Happy days

I slept in one hour this morning. That felt wonderful! Made the bed, got dressed, read my email. Fortunately I read the email; UPS scheduled Monday's delivery for today.

There still were three bouts to tie on. I haven't whined much about the progress of the new warp on the loom. It just is, and I've kept steadily at it, winding it on and tying it to the old. I've tied two or three bouts a day, and yesterday I left off with three more to tie. So, not even breakfast yet and I see I better begin tying darn soon. 

The box arrived after lunch. I kept on with the loom. It was tied on but not to the front, yet. Can't weave that way.

But, all tied the front apron and ready for weaving, I moved on to the bobbin winder to put blue cobalt on my bobbins and open the box.

And there you have it, my next warp or two and enough of the most popular colors to keep people happy for a bit. Actually, I've been wanting to weave grey and black again, and good to have them. And I wove a few bobbins of blue cobalt, before I quit for the day.

So, that's been my occupation these last couple of weeks, dressing the loom again. I have an appointment Tuesday to deliver a load of towels to the gallery in town. 

Spring definitely is here and it's growing warmer every day. I'm looking forward to nosing about the gallery again, first time in more than a year!


  1. The blue is lovely. I'm so glad you are finally beginning to feel warm again. Your garden will appreciate the sun too.

  2. That is a gorgeous blue. I am sure that you will enjoy seeing the gallery - and that they will enjoy seeing you.

  3. Wonderful! Love the blue cobalt. Spring is full of such possibilities, isn't it?

  4. That looks like so much work. That's a pretty color to weave.

  5. Sleep late and get a package delivered. It was a good day.

  6. I wish you could have a Fairy Godmother to magically tie on and prepare your loom! That blue is beautiful. Who am I kidding, all of your colors are beautiful! Enjoy the rest of your weekend!

    1. When we employed local weavers to help, my sister and I prepared the looms and wound the bobbins. We used to joke the weaving fairies had been there overnight.

  7. It must be very tricky to set up such a loom. What a lot of work! But your weaving is so beautiful.

    1. Thank you. Knowledge, experience, knowing the process is important, but it's still too easy to make a mistake.

  8. A lovely crisp shade of blue that is. Don’t forget your mask the day of the gallery visit or you’ll be turned away quick smart.

    1. Yes, it's hanging in the car and the thing I must take two steps back and reach in for. It just feels like wearing one is over, but it isn't.

  9. Looks terrific. And to spend your time creatively is terrific.

  10. It sounds so good to hear of normal things returning to our lives again! Enjoy!

  11. Hari OM
    ...ah, but I spy yellow..&*<>.. have fun with all that Joanne, it just yells SPRING!!! YAM xx

  12. It's good to have a lie in when your body asks for it.
    Do it much more, and after waking, makes me feel sluggish!
    Well done on your industry x

  13. The gallery trip will be quite an adventure.

    1. I've been there before, with clothes. This will be much smaller and easier!

  14. The blue is somewhat similar to what I'm hoping my new sheets look like.
    You are persistent and amazing, Joanne!

  15. love that blue. a little bit every day gets it done. one of these days I'll get back to making art, I think. just so much work to be done in the yard right now. sooner than I like it will be too hot.

    1. I would like to be out, putting dirt in pots and planting seeds. Sadly, it still snows in April and our last frost date is early May. I was caught out last May, hanging beautiful pots of blooming mandevilla the first weekend of May, and we had freezing temps overnight and in the day for an entire week.

  16. So lovely to see all those rich colors together in the box.

  17. Oh no! That cobalt blue calls to me. Will I have to order one or two? Probably. How many towels can one person use? A goodly number I've learned. And I'll continue to give them away to friends on birthdays. Keep on working!

  18. Oh, Joanne, you are tempting me with that blue cobalt... I may have to order that. And I think the grey/black combination would be popular too. I'm glad you're going back to the gallery. (I hope one day to return to our pottery studio)

  19. Always nice to have a lie in. I like the blue cobalt - it's one of my favourite colours for anything.

  20. So tickled to see the Orphan Red dolls (the girlettes) on your "Where the Towels Live" page! The towel truly is beautiful to see and to TOUCH. Thank you!

    How many towels can you weave per one, um ... threading? warping? of the loom?

  21. I put on 100 turns and get about 70 towels. I very roughly think that may be 500 yards, but I'd have to do some serious math to decide if that is accurate.

  22. When we lived in the RV, we mounted an 8x11 inch white board on a mirror. The RV took quite the pounding from the terrible roads in this country, but the white board never fell down. If the current solution for the motion activated light fails, try these.

    1. I had a couple left from moving in her a year and a half ago. I opened a sticky tab to mount a hook and the sticky on the tab, had dried up on both sides! I've always loved those little dudes, but now?

  23. I can hear the hopefulness of spring in your words. Joanne, you accomplish more than some 50 year olds I know.

  24. I noticed all sorts of trees in bloom this past weekend, and I've given away at least 15 Butternut Squash seedlings. I have 8 left and just might plant these in the front yard! I wonder if your Amaryllis bulb is finished with her blooming. Such a gorgeous bloom...

    1. I'm sure it's done blooming, and have no idea about the growing. That just keeps on.

  25. Well done Joanne, some days are more of an effort than others so I applaud your perseverance and my favourite is the blue. You have a lovely craft area.


  26. I love to get new fabric and thread, or I used to as I don't sew so much anymore. It was like getting new school supplies in the fall. Anticipation for a fresh new start!

  27. The black thread looks fun. And I really like how the cobalt sort of pops with color.

  28. That color is great, Joanne. I love it. Spring is definitely here as well. 70 a few days ago and I woke up to snow this morning. Take care.

  29. Bravo. Yes, gallery walking, weaving, sharing it all. You are doing wonderfully.
