
Wednesday, March 24, 2021

A bit stifled at the moment

I've been busy every day, last week and this. Bizzy, bizzy, bizzy, as I've often typed, and not just weaving. But I've had so little to say. I've been concerned about this damn pneumonia thing, and shuffled about in it.

First there was an x-ray that showed pneumonia in the right lower lung and a bit in the left. A course of drugs and a new x-ray that showed it gone in the right lung, but present as much now in the left. Wait three weeks and yesterday a CT scan to see what the pneumonia is doing.

Pause for statement from patient, why wait three weeks? Response: to see if it resolves. I emailed the doctor, why are we waiting?  They don't make real answers in writing. It's all verbal. Email answer: protocol.

So yesterday was the CT at one, with no eating the previous four hours. That probably is the chief cause of my current irritation Half the cause, at any rate. I got up early to be done with breakfast before nine. The very brief CT over, I drove through Dunkin Donuts to have a lunch of coffee and bagels stuffed with cream cheese.

I simply cannot tolerate the flavor of fast food any more. Not an honest hamburger from a real restaurant, but stuff that really isn't food, but refined petroleum distillates. The little cream cheese stuffed bagel had an interesting, herby flavor, but...? I ate the second one because I still was hungry. That was about 1:30, and at bedtime the flavor still consumed my body.

Worse yet, the results of the CT have not yet hit my clinic chart. X-rays show up no later than the next morning. Now it's been twenty four hours since I took a deep breath, hold it and breathe. 

On a happier note, I stopped at the gallery and consigned a dozen towels to Diane. She seems excited. Knowing how full up she is with artists' works, I expected the towels would be scattered about, augmenting other displays. To my surprise, immediately inside the door:

And for everyone who has not seen the inside of a shop in too, too long:

And that's about a third of what is in there. Riverlight Gallery. Diane ships. But buy your towels from me. 

And finally, I'm off to get Laura in a few minutes, for the monthly shopping and laundry spree.

I'm sure I'll have the answer to the CT scan by tomorrow, and I can quit grumbling. And, I've begun a new pair of socks, to try the new toe. After the socks, I have a red sweater to knit. Hard to believe trying out a new toe takes precedent over a red sweater.


  1. I'm feeling rather blah myself. several days in a row of overcast and rain or drizzle. what a great little gallery. I wish I had invested my time in learning a technique that was not quite so fucking difficult and time consuming and could produce things for a price that ordinary people would/could pay. oh well, I haven't been inspired lately anyway. and while I have little pots of annuals to plant around I may just read the rest of the day.

  2. Of course your towels are front and centre. That is a gallery I could spend hours and hours in (and probably quite a lot of filthy lucre too).
    I do hope that the latest x-ray is clear. I have been spending more time than I like with the medicos of late and their protocols bring out my grumpy inner self very rapidly. As does their woeful communication - with me and with their peers.

  3. Hari OM
    First - well you're still breathing and have enough left to tell us your woes, so I'm going with positive results on the cards - or at least not worse!

    Yes, the towels are in the perfect spot - I can feel that shop. I am immediately back in there after these five years and smell and sense everything in there. I looked at my lovely window glass just now, and have your shawl on right this minute!!! I am guessing Diane has faith in your towels shifting! Quite right too. YAM xx

  4. What a beautiful shop! Your towels look at home there among the other treasures.

  5. I hear your angst, Joanne. Waiting for results from tests seem to take forever. Anxiety flows from the stomach and takes over (at least for me). It is good that you have something to do to keep your mind busy. Here is hoping that you will get the "all clear" answer soon.

  6. So sorry about the pneumonia, Joanne. Hope you get your results soon. And I love the shop! Looks so inviting... and your towels do too. I know that not eating can make you grumpy... when I stopped eating for those few days last week, DH said I was "snippy"... and I guess I was.

  7. I hope the shopping and laundry went well as did the Pneumonia results. You delight me with your creativity. I'm still falling asleep at the post.

  8. Look at all that lovely glass work...placed right by the windows to catch the light....and people passing by. And your favoured goods are right by the catch the eye of people coming in!

  9. The colors of your towels really stand out in the store. I bet they sell quickly! What a lovely shop! I do miss shopping like that, altho, I have vowed not to buy any more trinkets for my home after spending so much time decluttering during COVID!
    I hoping you get good news from the doctor! It is tough to wait, tho.
    Feel better soon!

  10. Hope you get results soon and get it sorted.
    That shop is so full of lovely things...and that is a good showing of your towels

  11. Medical tests and waiting for results are a PAIN in the you-know-where. Hope this issue resolves quickly! Big hugs to you. xoxo

  12. Good that you stay on top of getting your test results, I do the same as well as seek answers on cause and preventative actions going forward. Healthcare requires lots of self-advocacy. Your friend has a nice display and your towels look beautiful front and center. Your shopping trip with Laura always seems very pleasant. She's good company and seems to be doing well on her own. You must be very proud of her.

  13. I hope you get the all clear on your CT scan, Joanne. Your towels look right at home in that shop; I'm sure they will sell easily. Take care, my friend.

  14. Hopefully you'll have things resolved shortly.

  15. Since when does pneumonia "resolve" by itself. I had it in 2016 and honestly, I thought I would die. If I had not gotten in to see my doctor on Monday, after being told I had no breath sounds on the previous Friday, Jim had decided he would be taking me to ER because he was afraid. So I guess the idea of letting pneumonia sit around and fester for three weeks is incomprehensible to me. I hope you're better and soon.

  16. I am often busy with nothing to say. I love that line as you expressed it! Your towels look lovely in the shop. I imagine they won't stay on the shelf very long. I hope your pneumonia will clear up soon.

  17. I wish you lots of luck with the CT scan and the towel sales in the stores. Two very different well wishes I know.

  18. What a great shop Diane has! I love artisanal craft stores just stuffed full of handmade, attractive things!

  19. I just so want everything to be okay for you, Joanne. You mean a lot to me.

  20. I'd be grumbling too if I had a pneumonia/chest condition that wasn't going any place. I hope your CT scan shows that you are on the mend.

  21. Newly knitted socks are great. but a toe, that is really important.

  22. I sure hope it all resolves itself quickly. Pneumonia sounds very serious. Joanne, your towels look so pretty in the showcase. What an awesome shop that is.

  23. Thank you for the look inside that lovely shop. I hope the new toe works out well. And I hope the pneumonia is gone too.

  24. pneumonia is a difficult one to shake. Take it easy. Get a heftier antibiotic, big guns!! It is a shit ailment that is for sure! And it will wear you down so Hit it hard with something that will zap it. I have had pneumonia twice and it is the least fun ever. Make demands forcefully, sometimes the doctor does not know how serious it is sitting there in your lung!

  25. That shop looks lovely. I can't remember the last time I went in a nice shop. I only go to buy groceries and pick up prescriptions. Dull.


  26. What a lovely shop and your towels are well placed to be seen. I could spend some time looking about the shop. Isn't it frustrating waiting for test results? It sounds like you have a case of stubborn pneumonia but hopefully by now it is gone. I'm keeping you in my thoughts.

  27. There is nothing more frustrating than waiting for medical results. I hope your lungs are clear. Do you get the pneumonia vaccine? Thank you for the tour of an actual shop. She did a nice job displaying your lovely towels.

  28. Pneumonia is no trifling matter, Joanne, and I hope you will soon recover. Delays in knowing are as bad as having the condition it sometimes seems.

  29. I am also hoping that you receive good news today.

  30. The towels looks great in the shop. The shop looks great in and of itself! I hope that your test results are favorable. x

  31. I'm so bored with the blah within. I had sketched out a blog post about it earlier, I'm sure the sighing could be heard all the way down in Ohio.

    I absolutely love that shop. I could poke around there for hours. Love how your towels are displayed!

    Good luck with the CT


  32. I hope the result of the CT scan was reassuring.

    I never liked fast food, especially hamburgers, so I've never been to a KFC or McDonalds or Burger King in my life. But I can never get enough pasta.

  33. The question is how do you FEEL? You have not slowed down much. I am hoping for a good reading of your scan.

  34. Your display is the best thing in the store. :)

  35. Oh, how I wish that store was near me.
    Good luck with the CT scan.

  36. I'm with you on the fast food - never ate it as a child or adult - still don't. Not real food. I like the gallery there.
