
Saturday, March 27, 2021

Dr. Joanne's conclusion

And the CT scan says my old lungs belong to a former smoker who has undergone multiple surgeries and never took the tube to blow on and raise the three little balls seriously. I do not have pneumonia. All I ever had is a PC who heard diminished breathing sounds, and leaves me to read the procedure results. No word yet from her about the scan. Maybe at my six month follow up she will say "Well, as you saw, the scan said bla bla bla, which is not serious at this point of life, so I put off discussing it until your next appointment."

So, on to life. We must keep an eye on Georgia. I hope better minds than mine are making action plans we can help with. The blatant exercise of voter suppression must not stand, and it's a much bigger problem than boycotting Georgia peaches. In addition to forcing change in the short run, how do we show that the right to vote belongs to all of us.

I'll keep listening and reading, and some clear mind will help me understand what to do.

And back at home, I have plenty to do. I must go to the post office soon and mail some packages. The post office closes at one on Saturdays.

Back home, towels to weave. I was in a discussion of looms yesterday. I love and appreciate the counterbalance LeClerc that I use; it is a worker and I put it through its paces. I took off the blue yesterday, and while it was fulling I tied on the warp and just began the next color. Remember kiwi, that interesting green. It's been a long time since I last wove it.

And the length of blue is waiting to be cut into towels, as soon as I get back from the post office. It closes at noon on Saturday.

And on a happy note of spring, my neighbor stopped with an early birthday present, a gerbera daisy. Won't pig be a happy fellow when it's in a pot on the steps.

Finally, remember this travesty in Georgia. My vote was challenged once, here in my little blue corner of an extremely red state. I lost my temper and faced the man down, until he finally waved his hand and told them to accept my vote. But this is so much bigger, including here in Ohio, where late release of census figures will keep gerrymandering in place for another ten years...unless we do something about it.



  1. This is terrifying and discouraging. I don't know what to do and feel powerless. I am usually good at diagnosing myself and sometimes others. I knew when I had a UTI, even though the doctor didn't think I had one. I also suspected that my dad had leukemia way before he was diagnosed.

  2. Well, good news at least that it isn't pneumonia. Blatant voter suppression is a horror show.

  3. States should require voter ID, in my opinion. I need picture ID at the bank, to buy alcohol or cigarettes (I think so, haven't bought any), to get on an airplane, and sometimes at the doctor's office, etc. Voting is very important so ID should be required. I hope your CT scan shows results you want, when your PC looks at them.

  4. Too many people assume that ID requirement is what this new law in Georgia is about. They want to do away with almost all absentee voting, no voting after 5:00 PM, reduce the number of ballot boxes, require stricter ID on absentee ballots which could do away with secret ballots, early voting, force people to stand in long lines for indeterminate times, and make it illegal for anyone to provide water or food for them. I believe the new law will be declared unconstitutional.

    1. Not only that, Raffensberger is now a non-voting member of the Elections Commission. The people in the statehouse can remove any elections officials they don't like. Ultimately, they've given themselves the ability to over turn election results they don't like. If these laws had been in effect in 2020, GA probably would have given their electors to the former guy. These people are just evil.
      As to voter id for an absentee ballot? Why? Signature verification has been working just fine. I DO NOT want to attach my driver's license number to an absentee ballot. What ever happened to the concept of the secret ballot?

    2. One would surely hope it will be declared unconstitutional--I hadn't thought of that possibility. What is wrong with those people???

  5. Agree with Allison, pure evil , cheaters, can't win unless they do so. Anyway, Glad you do not have pneumonia - it is a killer! And you have too much weaving to do! LOVE the blue by the way! It looks like the sky we never have.

  6. I have been reading stories about voter suppression and worry. I do hope that they do not become law.
    I am glad that you don't have pneumonia - and of course I love your towels.

  7. Hari OM
    Politics everywhere is dangerous stuff at the moment - there was a bombshell announcement here in the Bonny Land yesterday. A narcissit's ploy for getting the attention he craves... There have been rumours of 'boundary shifts' here too and whether there should be ID provided when voting. rrrggghghghghpoopwpuqallanksdgn;asdgn pahueb....

    Meanwhile, good news about the lungs (as much as it is) and hoorah for pig getting a gerbera again!!! YAM xx

  8. This is just awful. I agree.

  9. Agree with Emma: too many people assume this is just about showing an ID. Or that's all that's focused on when they watch conservative media. All the other measures included are downright evil and purely to suppress the vote. I mean, offering water to voters waiting in long lines is to be a felony....WTH?!?

  10. There is a fundamental disconnect when a country that touts itself as a bastion of democracy, systematically (going all the way back to emancipation) seeks to prevent an entire segment of its populace from voting.

  11. We've had a really effed election here too Joanne and I am enraged. Mishandled from beginning to end with an addlepated Chief Election Officer who didn't know his arse from his elbow.

    Our democracies are threatened and it is quite terrifying.


  12. Voter suppression is horrifying and discouraging.

  13. What a fine birthday gift. (And happy birthday!)
    And they say there's no such thing as a time machine. Just go to Georgia, the state busily sending everyone back to the 1940s.

  14. We know their game and we can't let them get away with it.

  15. Hopefully you made it to the post office in time- you mentioned it closed at 1pm Saturday then a few sentences later at noon :)
    My first inj is coming up on Thursday- no side effects from any other vaccinations (yellow fever typhoid tetanus included) so am anticipating non from this one....

  16. I'm so glad to know you don't have pneumonia but geez, you would think your doctor would have checked more thoroughly than he did!

    This voter suppression going on is ridiculous! Why do we keep going back in time instead of forward?

  17. What shocks me is how blatant voter suppression is in a Georgia and elsewhere.

  18. Many docs are not very good diagnosticians. It's not ideal, especially when they treat for something incorrectly. I'm glad you don't have pneumonia. Happy B-day Joanne. That's a very lovely large gerbera daisy. Given your success with potted plants, I expect it to double in size. Voter rights must be protected. The shenanigans must be exposed.

  19. I can't fathom the blatant racism and suppression.

  20. I swear- these racist and horrible individuals keep popping up like ping pong balls in water. Just when we think that perhaps we've got things under control...
    I love the blue. It is like sky and clouds.

  21. How long before this is not a democracy. How long before it's a sham democracy where all votes are controlled. This is looking ugly.

  22. Happy Birthday (early!) I was shocked and saddened by the shenanigans going on in Georgia. How can they do this in this day and age when the rest of the world is trying to end racism and promote equality for all? And "You Go Girl" for taking that man on who tried to challenge your vote! I'd be doing a tap dance on his head!!

  23. p.s. That blue toweling is stunning.

  24. Very glad to hear it's not pneumonia after all. I was wondering how you could function like that with pneumonia, since I literally couldn't stay upright. Your doctor leaves something to be desired, I'd say.

    As does georgia. I'm looking for what I can do to help
    I already contribute to ACLU to help with the lawsuits there. But there has to be more.

  25. What kind of doctor/nurse/GP/whatever doesn't properly discuss the results of scans? And leaves you thinking you had pneumonia and all of us out here worrying about you?
    I haven't been hearing anything about Georgia, is this all still to do with the George Floyd death?
    Your last paragraph had me pop-eyed. You had to argue to be allowed to have your vote accepted??! that would never happen here.

  26. I've read the other comments now and have an idea of what is going on. My opinion? It's disgraceful and shouldn't be allowed. But how to stop it?
    I happen to think voting anywhere should be compulsory with ALL votes recognised and counted. Disallowing or overturning votes should be against the law. It's the fair way to do things.

  27. Maybe he thought it his patriotic duty to disallow your vote.

  28. that is a beautiful blue. and I wondered about the pneumonia.

    and Georgia republicans can go suck a big one. they've made it so that if the voters don't pick who they want, they can just void the vote and choose who they want. and add in the cruelty of making it against the law to offer water and snacks to people in line. these people are actively trying to destroy America's democracy.

  29. The moves towards voter suppression in Georgia are appalling. Is there nothing Joe Biden can do about it? There's no need for voter suppression in the UK. The Tories just spout a load of beguiling promises and soundbites and the voters fall for it.

  30. Never has it been more obvious which politicians need to go. I will never understand how Lindsey Graham won again. Or McConnell.

  31. Happy Birthday, Joanne. Hope it’s happy

  32. We've been so disgusted with what's been happening in Georgia. It has to be opposed or some other states could try to follow their criminal lead to prevent people of color from voting.
