
Sunday, March 28, 2021


 OK, the pneumonia thing is done and dusted. I did send the doctor an email, "What, if anything should be done about the CT findings?" We'll see.

My weather has certainly changed! Spring is transitioning to fall. I put a note on my calendar to not jump the season and hang mandevillas before mid May. I believe I will pick a sunny day next week and plant my seed hoard. 

I am especially interested to see how well I did with salpiglosis seed collection. I was not especially confident with either my understanding or my method until I collected the zinnia seeds. I have enough of them to start a zinnia shop. Nevertheless. I bought another packet. They were right next to the wildflower garden seeds, so I bought both. It's probably time for them to stretch their arms and wiggle their toes and begin another year.

All the blue cobalt towels were hemmed yesterday, when I came back from shipping two large orders. Isn't that just how it always is? I actually wondered how I would find room on the shelf for the new stack of blue cobalt, or if I must make room on another shelf. And then in one fell swoop, the shelf was cleared for me.

The circle of towels needs big spaces to get around, and the other sad news, there are no more cream. I probably should have selected a color other than kiwi, but I kept it. This entire set I've selected is very "retro". I also have black, grey and, I think, periwinkle.

Well, I finished the last book in the "retro" line up on my Mp3. I had Theodore Dreiser and Henry James. I swapped out for a new biography of Alexander Hamilton, and Obama's first book, read by the author. I guess I'll fire them up and keep on with the kiwi.

I never got to the subject of the title, "Jam", so I'll pick up there next time.


  1. Love that your shelf was cleared and am blown away by the beauty of that circle.
    I wonder whether your doctor will reply to your email? I hope so.

  2. Listening to Obama reading his own book will be a treat for your ears!

  3. I remember last year when it turned cold again and you wrapped your mandevillas with a jacket so they wouldn't freeze! I believe it did the trick!

  4. Hari OM
    Yup, we are back in winter here... sigh... the colour ring of your towels is such a cheering sight and I am delighted for you that the orders are clearing the shelves as well!!! Jam can wait. YAM xx

  5. March on our patch is up and down and up and down. We expect it and dread having too much extraordinary nice weather, in fact. Last time March was "beautiful", we had a year of drought. 2012

  6. I began transplanting some of my seedlings today and I have to say I don't think I'll be doing this again. Other than the overall cost of growing plants this way, the spindly little seedlings are so delicate that it's very hard to untangle their limbs and get them into new pots. I do hope at least some of them 'take,' though it's doubtful at this point.

  7. Great that you emailed your doc! If you do not get answers, I'd consider getting a second opinion. Your health is important. Amazing that you can grow from seed. My seed attempts have always failed. I have no choice but to buy small plants.

  8. The title Jam has me thinking of Devonshire Teas where you are served a cup of tea alongside a plate of scones with strawberry jam and cream. Deeelicious. I've never been able to make scones as light and fluffy as those from the CWA (Country Women's Association) stall at the annual Royal Show.

  9. Just put up seven nursery flats of zinnias in the greenhouse today. The weather was nasty so took advantage of not being able to work in the garden. Your color wheel of towels is beautiful.

  10. So neat, tidy and beautiful your towels. Patience is a virtue and craft(wo)manship

  11. I always admire your art of weaving and the beauty of the colors.

  12. I listened to Obama reading his book too. Maybe the BBC sold it to the U.S., or maybe he gave it away to help sales.

  13. Now we are all waiting with bated breath to know whether the doctor replies to you. Be sure to let us know.

  14. I have never heard of a local doctor emailing although my dentist does.

  15. I too am curious what the doctor will respond.

  16. I wish I was as motivated to draw or make models as you are to weave. sigh. maybe after I get this yard in shape. maybe I should just ignore the yard and devote a day or two and stick with it.

  17. I do hope that your doctor gets back to you with some answers about the CAT scan.

    If I start to write anything about what despicable things are happening in GA and probably PA also, I would get too upset and ruin this pretty day we are having.

    I want to tell you about my Mandevilla. Last fall when I was taking cuttings from my summer plants to root, I decided to try to do it with the Mandevilla also but had little hope that it would work. The leaves lived and after a few months, I got some strong roots. I put it in dirt and put it on the windowsill and this weekend, a flower bloomed. I am going to take that as an omen and think that good things are ahead. All we have is hope and sometimes it turns out right.

  18. Prayers your test result are good, and for your good health
    Zinnia seeds here go into the potting soil this week.

  19. I love zinnias can hardly wait to see your production line!


  20. Beautiful circle! Do you think your doc will want you on oxygen? I'm keeping up on my yardwork(in between rain showers) but haven't even thought about planting yet.

  21. Still winter at your house? We are going to have a brief drop to daytime 60's and nighttime 40's this week in preparation for Easter. Always turns a bit chilly just before. And, rain - lots of that. Hope your seeds do well and pop right up out of the soil!

  22. I read Obama's new book and thoroughly enjoyed it.

    While most of our snow is gone here, we're due for some on Thursday.

  23. That rainbow of towels is so pretty. Good for you!
