
Sunday, March 7, 2021

Breaking into spring

There hasn't been much to say about the current batch of towels on the loom. I like the color well enough; this set, plus the few natural towels that ended the warp. I have enough warp left to put on the loom for the usual six colors of towels, and then no more unless/until I buy more warp.

The towels came off last week and I fulled them and set them aside. Later I cut them, and set them aside. Saturday morning I stationed them to begin hemming, and then the sleep fog overtook again. I crept to the chair, put up my feet and was gone.

I woke after two hours, refreshed, but cold. And my mind's eye was focused on a blue fleece blanket in the back of my car. I've had that blanket for over twenty years, given by a friend back in my weaving days. It always lived in my vehicle and kept me warm many nights, napping on the drive home.

Straight to the car and the blanket was mine. I put it in the washing machine and returned to my hemming job.

 Washed and folded, against the next nap.

Cat proofed. I am sooooooooooo allergic to cat dander, and Toby has plenty of dedicated and pampered nap spots.

Back to the warm and sunny front room and the stack of towels. My daughter called. I put her on speaker and kept on sewing, describing the window of sunshine, the beautiful green aqua flowing under the presser foot, the cream towels to hem next.

Sounds like Key West, she said. The Caribbean, the Mexican Riviera. And yes, the new green aqua is exactly that wonderful color of the water over the cream colored sand.

When I finished the warp off weaving cream, I had three towels plus an exactly square remnant. Napkin folding always begins with a square, and now I have a square. No need to first fold my towel down to a square to begin folding the rose. I can't say it has improved the appearance of the final product, but it has improved the procedure.


  1. Good production!
    That blanket does look snuggly....

  2. I love your presentation of finished towels. And yes, that color is a great reminder of tropical beaches and ocean.

  3. Hari OM
    Your towel flower is always an eye-delight! The fleece is lovely - but have you thought of weaving yourself a blanket too? YAM xx

    1. I've done that, long ago. My loom is dedicated to towels now. The change over and back is too much time (and pain).

  4. That is a beautifully folded rose! The aqua is gorgeous!

  5. That blanket looks soft. I was cold last night, so I grabbed my retirement afghan--not as soft, but very warm. Love aqua! It's such a soothing color.

  6. Love your work - and fetching in that snuggly blanket was a brainwave.

  7. What a deliciousness for the eyes! You are a very talented woman. And those pillows? I have a pillow with almost the same pattern.

    1. That used to be the pattern of the whole love seat, until it was reupholstered. Now, just the pillows.

  8. You certainly are a champ when it comes to weaving towels! Well done!

  9. I'm glad you survived your second shot well and popped up to continue weaving. And what a kind lady to have cat dander issues and still keep Toby. You're a good cat mama.

  10. What a beautiful fan of colors this time! So many! Glad you got that fleece blanket inside. When we rest, we can get so chilled, I guess the blood slows down?

  11. Glad you found the blanket to keep you warm. I could do with one here in the UK. It sure has turned cold again.

  12. makes me want to spend some time on a tropical beach. been too many years.

  13. As always, your work makes me feel like I am lazy!! I have come to appreciate a good nap and will wake chilled from time to time. Cat dander is my enemy, as well. There used to be a product available called Allerpet-C and another with a D for dogs. I used it on the Himalayan cat that was my anniversary gift the year I was tested to identify my allergies. What a thoughtful guy I married!!

  14. You woke on the post side of pandemic where you are concerned, Joanne. A few weeks and you are safe at long last!

  15. I really enjoy being able to take a nap whenever I feel sleepy. I remember napping on the way home form work on the bus, several times I woke up past my stop and had to walk back, but the naps were worth it. The cushions protecting your blue blanket are very pretty.

  16. Beautiful post. I have been feeling a lot like napping these past few weeks but sadly haven't done it. Not sure why but I've never been a napper.

  17. I now love napping, but only on a warm Summer afternoon.

  18. I guess from early childhood a favourite blanket is a source of comfort!

  19. Darling Joanne,

    How talented you are and how pretty the final results of your handiwork!

    We find it difficult to believe, as threading a needle is a challenge beyond us, that you have actually made these towels from scratch. And, how charming they look displayed to perfection with the central rose. You are an artist.

    Napping is such a luxury and so beneficial we find. A quick nap is so restorative. When working, one would have called it a 'power nap', recharging the batteries for the next onslaught of energy consuming graft. But, now, in the bliss of retirement, which we call 'not working', one can nap as one pleases....that is if others allow us the pleasure.

  20. You are simply wonderful. I seem to have this tendency to nap too. Covid shots and chemo and snoring.....that's me.

  21. Another job well done, Joanne. I can imagine the great satisfaction that you get from making these soft, lovely towels. I love the ones that you made and sent to me and I am so thankful for your kindness.

  22. Have to tell you Joanne... (has nothing to do with post) but one day this week my grandson was cleaning up the kitchen and asked if he could use the towels hanging on the Aga (which are yours). I said, "no... not if others are available, they are very useable and wash well, but I love to keep them hanging there as they remind me of a friend who made them."

  23. What a pleasure it is to dry a skillet with one of your soft, absorbent towels.

  24. working in a sunny room - nice
    stay warm

  25. I bought a new blanket to use in my family room. It has pockets for my feet. Stay warm!


  26. The green aqua is fabulous. Nice choice. I glad your napping blanket is going to get some good use. I have a preferred napping blanket as well and it is amazing. Take care,

  27. You are such a hard worker, Joanne. Those towels are gorgeous!
