
Wednesday, March 3, 2021

The day after

 My sister took me to the appointment for my second vaccine dose yesterday, and I was very grateful. First, I was vaccinated on the passenger side, in the other arm, which I thought good to do. Then, on the way home, my arms grew numb. But, I decided I would beat it this time, and when home I tuned into my current Netflix entertainment, Sweet Magnolias, which is dreadful, and started another sock. I made supper, read blogs and came to bed.

I've finished the course of antibiotics for that double pneumonia, and talked to the doctor about it today. She sent an order for a new x-ray to the clinic and I agreed to get over there soon. I wove some, ate lunch, and then my head filled with bees. I plopped into the recliner and went to sleep. In an hour my phone rang; my neighbor with the mail. I took it and went back to sleep. An hour later Ann called. We chatted, her lunch date arrived, and I went back to sleep.

An hour later I woke, cold. I went to the bedroom, got an extra blanket and went back to the chair. This time I slept to six, got up and found some leftovers. Now I've retired to the "office", to clean up the day's emails and maybe read the news. Or, go back to bed.

I just noticed the new amaryllis leaf, growing from the center of the plant. I do not know what the growths on each edge are. And, this leaf is not pointy, it is squared off. The internet told me to let it grow until the leaves fell over, when I should put it away. I wonder when that will happen.


  1. Sounds as if sleep was a good idea, between the second shot and the pneumonia, you were dealing with a lot. I'm amazed at how much you managed anyway.

  2. So glad to hear that you are sleeping, it is a healer and very important especially with pneumonia - takes a long time to recover too so take it easy. Relapse is a thing.

  3. Rest is good; an Amaryllis that thinks it wants to bloom again is excellent!! LOL I bet you that's another bloom stalk coming up in the middle. Outstanding!! Hugs and happiness to you -- our 2nd shot will come on the 15th of this month!

  4. That Amaryllis really loves your home!
    I've heard the vaccine can make some people sleepy, so I'm prepared for it when I finally get mine.

  5. So, you're feeling off? I'd heard that the second dose can be a kicker. My first dose was today. (Pfizer) So far, so good, although we'll see tomorrow.

  6. That 2nd covid shot really knocked you out! Hope you feel zippier tomorrow.

  7. The little amaryllis that could. Your body knew what it needed to do, and you didn't fight it. Sounds just about right. -Jenn

  8. It sounds as if sleep was just what you needed.
    I do love your amaryllis - and it obviously loves your home.

  9. It's good that you slept, maybe that will help fight the effect of the second shot. I hope you don't have too many side effects and feel better soon. It's great that you now have both shots behind you. I had my first shot today and I'm a little achy with a headache but not too bad. Take it easy for a couple of days!

  10. I hope you will not be too sore tomorrow, and that you will have had good, refreshing sleep all night. I have heard several people mention how draining the vaccine can be.

  11. Keep getting better and sleep more. Such a lot to contend with pneumonia and the jabs.

  12. Yeah for sleep. All that sleep will help you heal.

  13. Your body is working hard..and that is good, sleep heals.

  14. Glad that you got the second shot, Joanne, and I hope that the xrays reveal that the pneumonia has cleared up too. Seems like your poor body needed that sleep.

  15. Hari OM
    Well done for allowing the body its way. As long as Toby got his food and you didn't dehydrate... the two important things! &*> YAM xx

  16. Glad you were able to rest comfortably. How long was your arm numb? Take care, Kris

  17. Sleeping it off is kind of a good thing.

  18. Keep warm and rest...your plant is doing all the activity you need just at the moment.

  19. It takes time for the leaves to be spent on the amaryllis. Our always lasted for months.

    So glad to hear you have the second shot. Take it easy the next few days.

  20. Yes- take it is easy and recover from the effects of the vaccine. It can be debilitating for a few days for sure.

  21. Floresça onde Deus te plantar, permita que seja Ele a determinar seu caminho e você sentirá sua vida ser plenamente abençoada. Deus, melhor do que nós, sabe do que somos capazes, conhece nossas virtudes e fragilidades, e Ele certamente tem preparado para você um caminho recheado de alegrias e conquistas.

    Não tema e avance, deixe brilhar a luz do seu coração. Você merece ser muito feliz e Deus certamente lhe proporcionará essa bênção.

  22. I had the first jab yesterday - When I was at my Walgreens to pick up my meds, the pharmacist told me she had an extra dose (someone had canceled) and she offered it to me! So random but 1 dose done!
    Hope you feel better soon!

    1. What a boon for you! I hope they also scheduled you for the 2nd dose. Take care.

  23. My husband had a similar reaction to the second shot. He slept most of two days. So glad you are done with both shots.

    1. The lethargy is boggling. Just moving from where it came on me to a place to lie down was questionable.

    2. Note to self: go home and lie down right away so you won't have to move when the lethargy hits. Even if the lethargy doesn't hit, I'll have a nap at least and naps are always good.

  24. I had a lot of fatigue and weakness after my second shot and it took me awhile to shake it. Women tend to get reactions to the second shot more that men. They think it is hormone related. I didn't think I had any more of them.

  25. Ack. Looking forward for shot number two, not looking forward to side effects. The pneumonia vaccines were very hard on me, I'm really hoping this won't be. I really hope you are feeling better tomorrow.

  26. I'm so glad you're all dosed up! Haven't gotten one yet but I did get the shingles vaccine earlier this winter and, as you probably know, that's a two time vaccination, as well. I got sick both times. Kind of ironic that the sickest I've been in ten years or more was due to a vaccination meant to keep me well. I hope you're feeling more up to Joanne speed now.

  27. Having a strong reaction to the shots is a good thing, some say. It's almost 10:30 your time so I hope you're sleeping/healing. Feel better soon.

  28. Dear Joanne, I am glad you got the second shot - I've heard that the body's reaction to that might be heavier than the first time.
    It is very, very good to give your body the rest it demands - and sleep and get well.
    I wish you good health, dear friend!

  29. that seems to be the general reaction, sore arm (or numb in your case) and then a day of sleep. though two or three days after my second jab the injection site itched for a few days. now it has become a red spot with a scab forming over it. that's what happened after the first shot too but I didn't notice until I had absent mindedly scratched it and the little scab came off. I pointed it out to the jabber for the second shot and she seemed surprised. I figured maybe that little spot was not from the first shot after all, but now the second jab spot is doing the same thing. weird.

    and that new amaryllis leaf looks rounded to me.

  30. One of mine looks just like that.

  31. Sleep, beautiful sleep, esp when under a warm blankie.

  32. Dear Joanne,

    Just been catching up with your posts and what an eventful few days you have been having.

    It is such good news about the vaccinations. We do not have any date in sight as yet, but hearing of so many now into the process is rather heartwarming as it all brings the world some steps closer to the light at the end of the COVID tunnel.

    We have long since given up on houseplants. We do like them as they bring the outside indoors and the fresh green is always a welcome and cheery sight. But, we are absolutely useless at looking after them. So, we cannot offer any assistance with your plant except to say that whilst it is green and not yellow there is hope.

    Enjoy the rest. This is your body's way of telling you how to recover. So, do not worry about things which can wait, give your mind and body the relaxation they are needing. curl up in the warm blanket, read a good book, watch a good film and think of the adventures to come.

    Take care.

  33. I am glad you got that second vaccine. I have heard the 2nd shot hits you harder than the first. Sleeping sounds like the smart thing.

  34. I'm so glad you tolerated that 2nd shot well. You've been through a lot this winter. I'm relieved that you're now vaccinated, Joanne. It feels good, doesn't it?
