
Sunday, February 28, 2021

Back to back outtings

Last week I had a visitor, and went grocery shopping with Laura. Next week I have the annual ophthalmologist appointment, my second Covid vax and a consult with my PC about the pneumonia finding. Next week can wait. Last week was both amusing and fun. Here's more.

My youngest daughter asked to come visit, and she stopped by Tuesday afternoon. It seemed a normal chat, knit visit, but it was a mistake and can't happen again. Shelly said she was surprised I let her come. I came to understand why. The two youngest have not, will not tell her where they live. Laura has her blocked on the phone.

It's very difficult for me to behave normally, yet withhold information in the normal course of conversation. I know Laura has not revealed her current living arrangement to her mother, but had no idea Blake has not done so, also. Rearranging my scrambled brain to accommodate that was tricky. I can't do it again.

Thursday Laura and I went grocery shopping, an outing I thoroughly enjoy. I have no one else willing to devote that bock of time, and I'm sure one day Laura will not be able, either. Until then, I like our monthly afternoon of chatting and shopping. I had to tell Laura I'd inadvertently divulged her employer to her mother and she responded she was "not bothered." Phew.

We saw this car in Kreiger's parking lot. Laura disapproves of cars that are not black or white, but gave this car a pass.

"We" carried in the groceries and unloaded them onto the counter. Then my smiling cohort ran the vacuum while I put them away.

This picture was for Shelly, who had invited herself to tour the house on Tuesday. When she opened the refrigerator, its contents were exactly those left-over containers, one mashed potatoes and one squash. "Bachelor's quarters!" she snorted.

So, back to Laura and shopping. We worked down to waiting for the laundry to dry. A pleasant afternoon all around, and that includes Toby cat.

Next week will be far more busy. I've confirmed my eye appointment several times by text. I am highly annoyed at their shabby trick of making the appointment for 10:30, and asking me to confirm I will arrive at 10:15. It's a half hour drive to the office. With any luck it will be raining sleet and I will cancel.


  1. It's always sad when family members can't (or won't) get along. You're lucky to have Laura, and she's lucky to have you.

  2. That Laura is good people, and I suspect because of you.

  3. I am happy for you that you and Laura have these times together.

  4. Yes, even if the weather is awful, please go. Yes too, every doctor does that to me also. The hospital tells me too be there half an hour early. I am not impressed either.

    Yes, how wonderful that you and Laura have this time together.

  5. I enjoyed my peek at your world. How lovely to have a family member like Laura to help out a bit and get that fridge nice and full!

  6. So glad that you and Laura work together well.

  7. Family complications can be trying, no doubt about that. You and Laura got a lot done and had fun accomplishing many tasks. A good time for you both. Toby posing for the camera is adorable.

  8. Busy days, lady!
    Families. What can I say? At least Laura seems sane and able to deal with the world and I am glad of that.

  9. Sounds like you had a fairly pleasant week, Joanne. Glad Laura is around to help you. And that Toby is one handsome cat! I see buttermilk, yogurt, and cabbage in your frig! I always have buttermilk and sour cream in mine (yogurt gives me a migraine). And we love cabbage. Making a batch of cabbage at the moment with lots of purple onion and bacon!!

  10. It's an interesting article:

    1. Wonderful, wonderful, Mage. I signed up to learn most everything.

  11. It's very hard having a daughter who is not conducive to family serenity and harmony. I have such one living in the UK and my feelings about her are so torn up most of the time. She caused much disruption and heartbreak and it's probably best that she removed herself. We have often said that if she returned the disruption to all of us would be painful again.

    Laura is a star. So lovely you hang with her.


    1. Thank you, WWW. It's difficult to explain rationally. I do not know why her two youngest have cut her off and I'm stupid to keep falling for the fishing expeditions.

  12. My aren't you just the social butterfly. It must be hard to not be able to enjoy a visit with your daughter. I was hoping things were changing.

  13. I am so very happy that Laura is still firmly in your life, and sorry that she and Blake have stepped away from their mother. Family fallings out affect the whole family. Do you still see Blake?

    1. I don't see him but have corresponded on appropriate occasions.

  14. Laura is such a wonderful girl to help you out like she does! I see that Toby loves her too. Cats always know good people when they see them! It is so difficult when there is a break in the family especially when it puts you in the middle. I have a similar situation between my two sons and it breaks my heart. I see both of them and they are fine with me but not with each other. Good luck with your appointments next week. Most all of my doctors make an appointment and then tell me to arrive 15 minutes or even 30 minutes early. Enjoy the remainder of your Sunday.

  15. Our local clinic's soupuss secretary always asks you to be fifteen minutes ahead of your appointment. She excelled herself last week when Leo was first up to report present and correct and then she left his dossier to last. He wheeled himself out. Complaint to the boss in hand.

  16. Hari OM
    Oh dear, I thought the L&B had attempted a repair of that rift - but perhaps learned their lesson as adults... shame you were put on the spot though. Laura is looking so well and cheerful - it brightens my heart as it must yours. YAM xx

  17. That sounds difficult, Joanne! Good that Laura came. Sometimes it doesn't help to try to understand why people act as they do. Save your energy, and give yourself - and Laura - a treat! xxx

  18. I'm so glad you and Laura got over the rough spot. and Shelly, sees your refrigerator is empty and makes no offer to help you shop.

    1. I never thought of it that way. Thanks for that insight.

  19. The 15 minute add on time except it is often an hour before the doctor comes in the door, where I have been waiting an hour and 15 minutes. He's a wonderful doctor , or I wouldn't continue.

  20. She is a gem, that grandchild of yours! The other part is sad but families certainly can be challenging and heart breaking. Glad you have all of your ducks in a row. I need to see the eye guy too but will put it off until second vaccine has proved itself!( oh dear, autocorrect instead of ducks, spelled it with an "I")

  21. Ditto all of the positive comments about Laura and what a jewel she is.

  22. I am looking forward to seeing the eye doctor. It's been awhile and my prescription no doubt needs to be changed.

  23. We all have relatives we'd never choose as friends. It's so difficult to deal with people who are on the outs with each other, too. I observe how you refrain from judging. The grownup in the room!

  24. Good luck to you during your busy week, Joanne. I am glad you and Laura have one another.

  25. You and Laura are a wonderful pair. I can read the love in your words and know that when you type her name that you are smiling. You raised Laura to be a good person, Joanne.

  26. I'm glad you've got those appointments booked, especially the COVID vaccination. That will be a load off your mind. I'm sorry you have family troubles, Joanne. Love your Laura though.

  27. Laura is wonderful! The situation with your youngest daughter sounds sad and disturbing for all involved. Your week is busy! Appointments are tricky these days.

  28. Lovely to have Laura still be able to help. I think a world filled with only black or white cars would be pretty dull, I like seeing the colours, although lately our roads here have more silver than any other colour.
    I don't know where one of my sons is living, he never tells me so that I'm unable to tell his ex if she ever asks. All his mail comes to my place because he doesn't trust her and I don't know where she lives either.

  29. How good it is that Laura has a grandmother like you.

  30. Ah. there's the thumbs-up again. Here we have cars of such a weird colour that I find them impossible to name, as in 'is that green, or is it a blue-pink?'

  31. I know how great it is to have family to help you, and I think most of us have some family member that is the monkey wrench. I'm so glad that you and Laura have each other. You seem like a great team! And I am so envious of your sparkling clean refrigerator...

  32. Family intrigues can be hard to navigate!

  33. I am sorry. Broken families are incredibly painful.

  34. We all wish for a little less drama, I guess. Life is too short.

  35. It's lovely that you and Laura had a good afternoon together. Withholding information about family from family is tricky.


  36. Relationships are hard. I have a strained one with my oldest child. I am always looking for her motive when we talk. She usually wants something more than my companionship. Usually costs me in my pocketbook and my heart. I never let my guard down and find it exhausting!

  37. There are some family issues I can do nothing about. I try to accept people where they are at but it often frustrates me that I can do nothing to help.
    But things have a way of working out (even if I am not thrilled!) and life goes on...

  38. An interesting week you had. Sounds as though it was a very nice visit with Laura.

  39. You time with Laura sounds wonderful. She is a good granddaughter.

  40. Dear Joanne, you have the fortitude of the pioneer women I read about in my teens. Mom let me read "adult" novels when I was 10. (At the time, little sex was in these.) And I always opted for historical novels. Many were about the westward trek from Independence (where I lived) to Oregon, California, or Santa Fe. I met so many intrepid women in these novels and many men looking for land and fortune. You remind me, as I said, of those women. You are unafraid of change--or perhaps you simply channel any of your concerns or fears--and you can let go and experience loss because you can accept change. You're a wonder, Joanne. Peace.

  41. It sounds complicated. I don't know the context of what's happened, but I do understand broken families. I had to sever ties with my sisters to protect myself.

  42. All the blocking of youngest daughter sounds serious. It's a shame when families develop rifts like that. Often they go on indefinitely. My father and I were estranged for some 20 years until he died.
