
Friday, January 8, 2021

No good title comes to mind

 If you've watched too much news these last couple of days, raise your hand. OK, I've counted all of us. My stomach still clenches, my heart rises when I read something new, like this morning: an officer now has died.

Most striking now, believers still believe. The somewhat less than half who voted to retain the current president still believe his message; that noise and rally counts are the same as legally cast and certified votes. I sincerely want the current congress to make the voting process crystal clear, so that in two or four years the loyal opposition actually is loyal to the Constitution and can believe their candidate won or lost fairly.

I've done so little these last two days! I'm near the end of the cayenne towels, and plan on returning today. I still will. There are those socks to finish too. I neared the turning of the heel last night. But ambition is crushed. I am working hard at turning this setback of mind. 

I did have a couple of memorable towel adventures last year. Early on, before spring as I remember, my Texas cousin, Ellis, who lives south of the Red River, in contrast to my living north, tested me on the merit of my towels, and apparently I passed. He ordered ten towels. 

I was instructed to hold them until the week before Christmas; he wanted them for presents. Eventually I mailed them two weeks before. His candidate had bolloxed the mail completely, though I cited only the slow progress at repairing the post office as my reason. His package arrived safely, with three days to spare.

The other towel adventure I remember well was the husband of my partner at cards with the Methodists. Around Thanksgiving, I think, he texted me, could he come buy some towels for Nancy's birthday present? He knew how to look them over on my blog, and made his selection. I wrapped them in tissue paper, as usual, and put them in the envelope, unsealed.

Nancy called this morning to tell me how much she was enjoying the gift. I asked if it had been a surprise, and she said Yes, and added he was quite proud of himself. That's a story that makes me smile.

In the course of chatting, I learned there is another new dog in her house. They had a springer spaniel that moved here with them, but the old fellow passed on, as old fellows do. In due time Jake, a new spaniel moved in. I met him; we played cards at Nancy's once, and Jake was introduced. He's the big brother now.

And on the other end of the sofa, his little sister, Jacki. He's still "learning" her. Toilet training is a tough go.


  1. I've done zip the last two days, glued to the TV and social media. well, I did do my volunteer shift yesterday and yoga last night, class having been moved to Thursday night just the one time.

  2. Photos of cute dogs are always welcome. I'm choosing to keep away from the media as much as possible. This morning I read only the newspaper headlines and skipped the articles.

  3. The only 'problem' I have detected with your towels is that they get better with age. I really cannot justify ordering more while the 'old' ones are going so strong.
    And yes, I have watched too much news over the last few days. I am deliberately turning off/away now.

  4. the believers will die believing just as any believer in anything tends to do - evidence will not sway, they have too much invested. parasitical orange power, there is little hope for them other than Covid spreading in that mob. Though the place was thoroughly scrubbed Covid is so tiny that surely it must have found placed to infect.
    We had a Springer once but she had what is called "springer rage" and had to be let go. Poor girl, overly bred they reckon.

    1. My friend Ann and her husband have a rescue springer. His name is Henry, and I've met him a couple of times, though he went to the outdoor kennel the last time I was there. He's simply too strong to be around me; I'd be on the floor. Ann and Pat acquired Henry from a couple who boarded their old springer with them. They missed it so much when he was gone, they got another springer. And for a seventy plus year old couple, a springer was too much.

  5. I am discouraged by the continued belief (brainwashing) of that lunatic fringe. I've mostly stayed away from the news, although I've read some articles on-line. That was enough.

  6. Those photos make me smile so much.

    As to your country, I do hope all criminals are prosecuted. There should be a massive deterrent to further Bastille like assaults on the centre of government and not let it slide away. It is sickening.


    1. I asked Nancy to send them. We all needed a pair of handsome dogs to look at today.
      As for that insurrection, I guess the jacket is closing around the perpetrator now.

  7. As you quite rightly point out the most troubling thing of all is the fact that almost half the electorate voted for Trump, and continues to be believe in him, some of them with an almost messianic zeal. AS with many other cult leaders he will sooner or later make them drink the Koolaid, or its equivalent.

  8. Hari OM
    The scripted 'conciliation' I saw on the news earlier did nothing to allay any qualms about there being peace and quiet tween now and 21st... honestly, it seems there is no bottom (or peak in viral things). We can only keep our head to our personal grindstones, my friend, or risk complete depression. Loved the husband and birthday story. Springers live up to their name... YAM xx

  9. I've had to turn the news OFF Joanne. Between that terrible kerfuffle/election mess and covid news, I can't take it anymore! I'm having a really hard time finishing up this sock and yet another hat. Pre-Christmas I was going like a dervish but have since lost my mojo.

  10. The members of our government who took Trump as an inspiration are now hastily disassociating themselves. Some seem to have gone into hiding.

  11. You were wise to send the towels early. I just got a Christmas card today from a nephew two states away. It was postmarked December 10. I am still waiting for two gift cards ordered on December 12th. Last tracking information has them in Rochester, NY. I am in Pennsylvania but at least they are on the right coast.

    The news gets scarier and scarier so after Jeopardy tonight, I will turn the station to a Disney. My heart can’t take much more of this and I fear for Inauguration Day.

    1. I'm still getting cards mailed as early as December 1oth.

  12. The mail is slow here because of Covid. They leave mail for 72 hours before they touch it. I suppose it helps.

  13. I mailed cards to England and they arrived in 10 days. My cards sent to NYC arrived in 25 days. The dogs are adorable and they look very comfy on their couch. The news seems to be on repeat and like many others I have had enough.

  14. I love your towels too. And there are still five more in the mail to me, so every day I cross my fingers before the mailman arrives. Lots of my mail is late though. I ordered cookies from Brooklyn NY, shipped on Dec 26, that are still in transit, in Linthicum, MD, to be precise, as the tracking says. My towels are probably up there with my cookies. They can ditch or eat my cookies if they'd just deliver my towels! Or I could drive there in 45 minutes and root around the warehouse for my packages. Not likely.

  15. Those are pretty dogs. It's good to have photos of dogs to cleanse the psychic palate. There is a lady on twitter who frequently posts about her rescue Chinese Crested. He has to be the cutest dog to ever live, although the corgi contingent is also darling. The mail is such a disappointment these days. I'm signing up for the new drugs by mail program with some trepidation - but I really want the 90 day refills. We'll see.

  16. Jacki will be toilet trained in no time, spaniels are pretty smart.
    Mail these days just can't be counted on. I remember ordering things from Amazon and getting them within a week or ten days all the way downunder! Now I order something and simply forget about it, that way I get a nice surprise when something turns up.

  17. I want to know how we can hold the politicians who supported trump up until Wed. of this week accountable.

    Yay, for Cayenne towels!

  18. You can always cheer me up with a photo of a dog.


  19. Yes, congress certainly has it's work cut out for it. I will feel better once we are well past the 20th as those groups that attacked the capitol are making more threats for the inauguration. It all makes me sick.

    I enjoyed hearing about your memorable towel adventures. I have no doubt that many of your lovely towels were under quite a few Christmas trees this year and brought much happiness!

  20. Hello, Jake, pleased to meet you! There's something very endearing about spaniels.

  21. Every day your towels make me happy again. There is something so special about them.

  22. Life this week all over the world.......unbelievably strange!

  23. I listen to the news all day, then watch Harry Potter DVDs as therapy at night.

  24. I'm trying to wean myself from the news (which means only checking it 4 or 5 times a day rather than having it on always) because it just frustrates, angers, scares me further. Nice to read about your lovely towels and others cute dogs.

  25. Remember what I said about holding on to the thundering beast? That takes a lot of energy.

  26. I've taken to watching Disney+...

  27. Weave towels, not tangled webs of conspiracy theories. If only more people had satisfying hobbies like yours.

  28. I have watched more news than I should. Today, I read a book.

  29. Dear Joanne, we also stare at the TV with unbelieving eyes! The world was always a mad place, but that knowledge doesn't help very much. We start a new year, which hopefully brings better news.

  30. Your towels are great. I probably would have ordered some if it weren't for the times when I am skeptical of cross-border mail.

  31. I flat out love all my towels. I need one more too.
