
Monday, January 4, 2021

The news is getting thick

 Wow. Trump's Aberdeen, Scotland golf course is preparing for an ex-presidential visit on January 19th. The facility bled money for years. I wonder if our tax money supporting a former president over there will help the bottom line.

And England in lockdown for six weeks, minimum, to limit the spread of the new corona virus. May it be successful, especially in light of Boris Johnson combing his hair before he made the announcement. How much more ministerial he appears.

Back home, I dealt with my pharmacy. There is another branch of the same pharmacy near me. In fact, twice as near me. My neighbor uses it, and I asked her to pick up her script via the drive through and see if the window were clogged with people in cars having covid tests. 

In fact, she told me, not only did she zip through the pickup, she learned this branch of the pharmacy is testing from a tent in their lot.  I transferred my scripts over the weekend. My mother called that not getting angry. More like getting even.

In the meantime, the renegade amaryllis has four beautiful blossoms now. I gave it a spoonful of organic fertilizer I found up on the shelf. Boy, that stuff stinks. I watered it down a bit.

The cayenne towels are past the half way point. That means one of two tubes is woven. I mark half way now so I can adjust my measuring to get six towels from each tube, as I should. I'm tired of left over scraps, and having shipped the very last of them with today's towel order, another goal this year is to make no more.

So, that is the news from Boston, Ohio, as I've noticed it. How I hope life grows more adventurous, soon.


  1. Hari OM
    You thought Boris and combed his hair??? I really don't think he owns one. Scotland went into lockdown earlier - Boris always copies what oor wee Nicola does. The vaccinations are far too few and too slow getting done and the new viral varient is moving quicker, so it has to be done. Being back in my wee hutch and having got the local supermarket put me on their delivery list, I am reasonably cocooned. Except from the news.

    And say what??? Trump to visit here? No sign of that in our headlines (or small print) yet. I hope that turns out to be fake news!

    Glad you got the pharmacy situation sorted - though without that last fiasco, Amar would have no furever home!!! YAM xx

    1. Boris has his hair brushed...then musses it up before appearing...

  2. I am thrilled that you were able to deal with your pharmacy, and love the amaryllis's response to your care.
    I do hope that England's lockdown works. And soon.

  3. I wasn't happy to see that the deviant virus is now 2 hours away from my NY daughter. I'm sure it's everywhere or soon to be. We have so many covidiots to spread it around. I was one of those in a pharmacy line in NY in July and boy, the New Yorkers were angry at me. Nothing I could do about it. Having the tests in a tent seems much more logical. Scotland most certainly doesn't want Trump over there! Of course, many of us don't want him here either. He just needs to go away somewhere! Those are such beautiful blossoms!

  4. Lovely! Three blooms!

    Pres. Trump has not taken a salary in his presidency. He will not need any pensioning.

    1. But there are all those secret service protection people to feed and house. That was the expense I referred to. Already we are spending big, big bucks outfitting the local airdock to accept that big a plane. Everything costs money.

  5. Boris Johnson combed his hair?? Wow, perhaps 2021 really is a new beginning with good things to come. Your amaryllis is looking so very pretty. Hooray for a closer pharmacy!

  6. Why would Scotland let him in if they’re in strick lockdown which they are.

  7. Sounds like changing pharmacies is a darn good move! If possible, Scots hate Trump more than even anti-Trump Americans. Bet he'll get a real warm welcome there.

  8. The amaryllis keeps getting prettier. So glad you found another pharmacy that you will be able to go use the drive without waiting too long.

    I wonder if the current president can go to St Helena. Napoleon, another famous authoritarian, had a house there that may be available.

  9. The amaryllis is lovely. How great that you gave her a chance.
    Scotland was fully locked down as if midnight their time, meaning it's done. Until February. So who knows what Trump had in mind. The Scots are considering charges against him, too. Maybe Putin will send him a plane, non-stop to some faraway place. I doubt if they'd get a welcome in Moscow.

  10. I am getting cabin fever, feel like I have been stuck here for years. I don't care so much where Trump goes, as long as he goes and out of the country would suit me even better. All of his ventures have made money from his reign of inadequacy.

  11. You did get even without making yourself suffer. Good for you. The amaryllis is looking good.

  12. I'm so glad to hear you found a pharmacy with a drive through you can use! That beautiful amaryllis sure looks happy to be adopted by you. I know it is difficult for countries like the UK going into full lockdown but at least their government cares enough to try and get a handle on it. The US has more deaths from covid than any other country in the world and the way it is going it will just get worse. It is difficult for me to believe how many people here still don't think covid is a problem.

  13. I don't believe Boris combed his hair. I think he just washed it and fluffed it up a bit! There will be snow up in Scotland. That must be fake news!

  14. My mother would have said that you can smell the goodness.

  15. Hooray for the amaryllis!!
    Hope they don't let the orange one in...oh, hang on, it will be classified as business....

  16. Many, many, many people would like to tell Trump where to go. I've read that it's very warm there.

  17. I think that while Trump is in Scotland they should throw him into Loch Ness and then there would really be a Loch Ness Monster. We'd still be left with the other monsters he spawned!

  18. Yours is the second blog I've read today with the Trump-going-to-Scotland theory but I can't seem to find any mention of it in the NYT's or other major news outlets. Well, we shall see. Last night the Devil did go down to Georgia (thanks, Charlie Daniels) and spat his invectives about fighting like hell to hold on to office. What I don't understand is that he obviously has no desire to actually be president. Or at least doing the job of being president. I am keeping my fingers crossed that Perdue and Loeffler get their little white butts kicked out of office today. Quite frankly, I'm not going to rest easy until Biden is firmly and well and truly moved into the White House after taking that oath.
    On a much more personal level I am SO glad you got your prescription problem solved. Good for you!

  19. Good idea to change pharmacies...That'll learn them...or it should.

  20. Adventure awaits beyond the vaccine, I hope.

  21. I love those renegade amaryllis! That's a beautiful shade of red.

    All eyes on Georgia today. I hope they don't let us down! And just think, in 15 days we will have a new president no matter how much the current one kicks, screams, and tantrums on his way out the door.

  22. Me too... only heard about Scotland from you and one other place. Is it wishful thinking? Instead of the Trump defecting to Russia how about aliens arriving to take him away ?

  23. Wrong of me, I know, but I view Boris along with 45 and the premier of Ontario has half-wits. The 3 look like they were separated at birth, blondish and disorganized with money as their god and blustering and lying the modus operandi.

    Love your plant, mine bring me such joy.


  24. I love your plant. I may have to look at the grocery store for an after Christmas one like you found.
    I don't care where Trump goes as long as he is gone!

  25. Glad your cayenne towels are almost done! Amaryllis looking good.
    As for what's going on here with political issues... as stated before, just praying that common sense prevails and our country can start healing.

  26. Dear Joanna, not sure if what is happening in Georgia today can be called "adventurous"! What I do know is that a lot depends on today. I'm trying to figure out how we got to this impasse. This state of affairs that reveals the real fracturing of our democracy and also the death of a political party that now stands for fracturing. Well, I'll stop ranting. Peace. (A strange word to use perhaps given our political scene, but it's the world that sums up what we would have if we embraced the Holy Oneness of All Creation." So, peace!

  27. Looks like Nicola has said that he isn't welcome...

  28. Your rescued plant now looks wonderful . It's amazing what a little love and attention can do.

  29. It should grow more comfortable.

  30. Here's the response from Scotland ....
    But Scotland's first minister stressed it is illegal to travel in or out of the country without a valid reason and said: "Coming to play golf is not what I would consider to be an essential purpose."

  31. If he turns up in Scotland on the 19th he will have to isolate for a couple of weeks before they put him back on Airforce One, by which time he will have to charter his own flight. Airforce One will be occupied by Biden.

  32. I saw that tweet about the airport in Scotland being apprised to expect a plane like the one Trump has used in the past on the 19th. Then I saw several tweets from Scotland basically saying, no, you aren't welcome, you can't come here and the country is under lockdown and travel restrictions. but more democracy hating republicans in Pennsylvania refused to swear in and seat the democrat who beat the republican.

    The amaryllis is so pretty. it thanks you for the rescue.

  33. Some pharmacies are in a muddle lately. When I wanted a flu shot my regular pharmacy said they'd put me on a waiting list. I drove down the street to the grocery store pharmacy and they gave me a flu shot immediately. Time will tell where Trump lands. Beyond Scotland, rumor says: Trump hotel in Russia or Trump News. What are the odds?

  34. Boris combed his hair? I can't imagine it. My pharmacy does testing in the drive-through by appointment. Lines are long from late morning to late afternoon.


  35. Gorgeous blooms! I hear tell that Scotland told trump that he was no longer welcome to visit ostensibly due to Covid concerns, but we all know it is because Scotland hates him. Har-har.

  36. As Bea said, Nicola Sturgeon has said Trump won't be allowed into Scotland. I hope he doesn't try to visit England (or Northern Ireland) instead. Boris would no doubt give him a hero's welcome.

    The amaryllis is doing nicely!

  37. Oh the news about Trump. I wish he'd head to Scotland today. And stay! Yesterday was horrible. That amaryllis is beautiful
