
Sunday, January 10, 2021

Look at the time!

 When I read a book, I try to review what I've read before I put down the book. When I come back to the book, I do my best to remember what I read last. I think I need to do that to remember my day. 

I came to my office corner to update my towel page. But first, I thought I'd review the news. Afterward I had to squeeze my eyes tight shut to remember why I came here. To update the towels! 

They are updated and you can have a look at the cayenne. I am very pleased with the "hand".  The dye of a thread can affect the way it feels, called its hand, in weaving. Sometimes a color achieves hand in each wash. Sometimes it's there the first time.

When I came to breakfast this morning, I was in fine fettle. I had just one disagreement with Mr. Cat, for lying across a narrow aisle. On the other hand, he keeps me on my toes.

Even before breakfast I had to admire, then photograph that amaryllis. There were the first four blossoms on that stunted stalk, at eye level, and the tall new stalk, which had adequate water and even some fertilizer.

Speaking of The Cat, amaryllis and cat can be a deadly mix. I told him to keep his curiosity to himself, or one of them would spend the duration behind a closed door.

Toby did help himself to a taste test, as you can see there on the lower right petal. He was sick for a day, and then seems to have figured cause and effect. The amaryllis has not been molested again.

I have reason to be more than pleased with this bulb. It has four original blossoms, it has a tall stalk that will produce more blossoms, it has another stalk coming, there to the right of the tall stalk, and yet another stalk pushing up between the tall one and the other one.

It still was not eleven in the morning, so I made a pan of corn bread. It is crusty on purpose. I love it. An extra five minutes in the oven. Then I retired to the studio to begin hemming cayenne towels. I took photos to post and then had a square of cornbread for lunch. Eight potential squares left.

And so, down the hall to post photos, and I have pissed away an hour trying to ferret out some decent news. I quit. Better news won't start until we inaugurate a new president. It is obvious the GOP will not step up to the plate, admit an error.

I could have turned the heel of my inaugural sock in the time I have wasted reading the inconsequential, inadequate response of my government to an insurrection ended by a few brave officers hiding the lawmakers, even officials who encouraged the mob on, until a very late arriving line of law enforcement walked the mob back.


I'm done with the news for the next ten days. I will call my doctor's office tomorrow and see where to find my shot. I am in charge of myself. And the cat, if we need to evacuate. A little humor there.


  1. I agree with you. As of this afternoon I gave up on looking for anything new. It's the same old anger and defiance both being repeated forever. I just pray for a safe inauguration.
    Is this the Covid shot you can get? I am in the next tier of people but who knows how long it will be before it happens. And where I'll have to go to get the shot. Currently the hub is well over my driving range north of here. So I'm hoping for something a bit more local.
    Meanwhile, with or without a shot, we have to keep on being boringly careful..
    I expect the cat will look out for you, even if you did try to kill him with that rogue flower you brought home. At least, I'm guessing his thought processes here.

  2. All the news programmes give is the predictable babble....better off enjoying your rescue plant!

  3. I fear for Binen's and Harris' lives. they aren't through, they have another attack planned. we'll see if they are brave enough to go forward with it now that the cat is out of the bag. retribution won't happen until Biden's DoD is in charge.
    Took my sister to get her first shot today. Mine is next Saturday. and that amaryllis is amazing. I've had more than one bloom stalk per bulb but 4!

    1. I can't think like a terrorist, but the people who protect Biden and Harris do. I'll leave it to them to thwart the attacks to come. Have you read Obama yet? The book is close to 800 pages because it's a running narrative of his presidency. He ran his shop the same way I ran mine and the way I'm sure Biden and Harris will run theirs. I think they will be in control of events.

  4. I know the obstacles cats cause. We've tripped over a slew of cats over the years. Used to laugh when the doctor's office would ask "Is there's anything in your house you could trip over?" Ghost loved to sleep on the stairs. She is a dark grey and the stair carpet (only carpet we have in the house) is charcoal...
    And yes, I'm worried about Biden and Harris too. But I was worried about Obama and he got through his years fine. I will (like you) trust the right people will have it all under control on that day. But I do worry about the few days preceding the 20th. Don't think the extremists will lay low. They like the limelight too much.

    1. I tell myself, if the secret service could protect Obama from the crazies, they'll take care of Joe and Kamala. We've seen some people who've sworn an oath keep it. The capitol police officer who died was a trump sympathizer. But his duty was to the capitol and its occupants, and he defended them even when the mob beat him in the head with a fire extinguisher.

  5. I love that Amarylis! What a find you have there. Who could have guessed it would bloom out and excel the way it has? Must be the love and care you give it. ;) It shines for you! Tripping over a cat isn't so difficult--especially when they're hungry and they see you fixing their plate of food.

  6. You hit the motherload with that amaryllis. Glad that curiosity did not, in this case, kill the cat.
    I had cornbread for my lunch one day last week. It was a treat.

  7. Hari OM
    That amaryllis is surely paying its way for the rescue!!! I have taken to staying in my bed the past two days; mainly due to weather and there os no place warmer - and I have a full bed-table set up for computer and edibles and such... even a proper bum-prop to avoid pressure. So apart from skimming the headlines online, I am basically hibernating. YAM xx

    1. Wow. You make me jealous! But I can't operate treadles from bed.

  8. Good idea not to watch the news. We are on a news diet of sorts. It is too sad otherwise.

  9. I've tried to stay away from the news because it ratchets up my anxiety. You know what I think after reading my last blog posts. I need to keep watching escapist TV and reading absorbing books. Live my life, in other words. I have no control over the craziness. :( LOVE that flower!

  10. There's one word in your post that says it all. It's a very challenging situation your country finds itself in.

  11. The amaryllis is doing very well, you'll have to find a pretty pot to move it into when the time is right. I skimmed right past all the news from USA in my paper today, I woke up late with a headache from the hot north winds and didn't want to bother with stories about Trump.

  12. Love the amaryllis. Carol and I are trying to make arrangements for her vaccine. At 81, she's definitely a senior citizen. First, it was call a phone number. Impossible to get through to anyone, so they got rid of the phone number. Second, it's make an appointment online through a link that changes every week. When I can find the link to take a look, all the appointments are taken. Third, it's fill out a form that must be printed out and taken to a vaccination site. My printer makes grinding noises and refuses to print. We're a bit frustrated, but we will get the form printed some place.


  13. Well it certainly has been quite a week for those of us not used to such goings on
    And there early on (say a couple of years ago) I was sure......somebody would take a pot shot at ‘that man’
    Like a cat taken home from a rescue centre your amaryllis is repaying you oodles of times over for removing it then befriending and feeding it.
    Take care

  14. Cats are quite good at laying across doorways. I'm glad he survived the amaryllis consumption. A lot of plants can be dangerous to cats unfortunately. Your amaryllis is looking more beautiful every day. It is thanking you for rescuing it! We got on a vaccination list through the Health Dept. Of course it could still be months but it's all we could do.

    There is no decent news. The more I hear the more upset I get. Those thugs had planned on taking hostages. Many of them carried zip ties to use on the Senators and Representatives. It is fortunate they got them all out of there when they did or it would have been so much worse. I just want to see a whole lot of people prosecuted and in jail. The president and a few senators should be the first, but fat chance, right?

  15. To make a resumee of what one has read I do too - also from a good article in a newspaper (sometimes even only a quote). I write almost every day in my diary, and - much more pleasing to read later - I write into my gratitude diary (that I do over the last five years) - they make my heart content and are so joyful (often on very tiny things).

  16. Cats will be cats.

    I do hope for the safety of Biden and Harris. It is a critical moment.

  17. The amaryllis is going great guns! Glad Mr Cat was put off by the unpleasant taste.

    The UK news is pretty grim too. Rocketing virus infection rates, hospitals overwhelmed, freight lorries heading for Northern Ireland mired in post-EU paperwork and red tape. At least we're heading for spring and some warmer weather and pretty flowers.

  18. What a beautiful flower, and tg that the cat learns well.

  19. It will be bringing all its amaryllis friends along for your love and attention.

  20. AZ is implementing (slowly) mass testing sites. However, they will be first come/first served. I really hate that. Out only hope is that the doctor's office will get doses. We're both in phase 1C so it will be awhile.

  21. Why is it that cats need to walk in a zigzag pattern, right in front of you? I don't know how many close calls I've had with Slimmie. That amaryllis is spectacular! I've never seen one with so many flowers. I made the mistake of watching the news last Wednesday night and have had trouble sleeping since then. I am not exhaling until 1/21.

  22. I have high hopes for this year but we are off to a bad start. 9 more days...........

  23. Cats are attention seeking!!
    That Amaryllis is surpassing itself.
    I wish Pirate wasn't addicted to news programmes....

  24. I think that you are right - no good news until after inauguration - after the Orange Slime Mould has left the White House - hopefully with a second impeachment under his belt, and a ban on ever running for public office again.

  25. Ireland has the worst case scenario in Europe at the moment and members of my family have it. Utter incompetence there. Secret nightclubs and pubs.

    Your amaryllis is gorgeous, like my crocus. Makes my heart sing.

    And I'm only "doing" about 1n hour of news a day, recovering news junkie.


  26. -huge fan of cornbread. Yum.

    The news is still making me angry. I take it in only in small doses.

  27. This afternoon I put some smooth jazz on, with TV off, and got that damned last sock finished.

  28. Your amaryllis is very pretty. Mine has just begun to put up its first bloom stalk. I fear there is no decent news.
