
Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Been a whirlwind

 Each time I've planned a blog post for "today" or "tomorrow", life has jumped in. Now that I'm explaining the lack, I'm wondering what happened.

Some excellent news! I finished the socks. Yesterday I was down to closing the toe,

and I did that today, in my weekly phone call with Ann. Finished before the inauguration. I saw the yarn as far more blue, but knit up, it's fairly evenly distributed in blue, gold and cream. In any event, they are a new pair of wool socks and tomorrow they will be on my feet.

I took the skeins to my yarn drawer, to put them away. I opened the bag of partial skeins to deposit the one on the right, and was stunned to find my darning egg. I have not been in that bag for two years or more. The last time I needed the egg I used a ping pong ball, a poor substitute. Does the yarn appear predominately blue to you?

I also found my POW bracelet, a baby bracelet with my name and a baby bracelet my husband's grandmother gave to my oldest daughter. Years ago I found a web site that gave the current status of names on POW bracelets. My name had returned safely from the war in Vietnam.

The length of khaki towels is off and fulled. I'll get to cutting them tomorrow. A very neutral and soothing color.

I'm watching a series titled Atypical on Netflix, about a high functioning young man on the autism spectrum. I think it extremely well done. You may remember the two or three years I car pooled an Asperger's band member with my grandchildren. That experience helped me settle into the program quickly.

There is little else to pump up my post; just pottering in seven hundred odd feet and telling the cat I will not share my chair when I am knitting. Now that I'm back on that again, he could become a permanent fixture on the arm of my chair.


  1. The inauguration socks are just lovely. You do nice work.

  2. I remember having a POW bracelet too but I don't know what I did with it. I hope my soldier made it home safely too. Such a memory!
    Your socks look very well made and yes the ball of yarn looks more blue than the sock do. Bet they will be cozy, though! Hurray for tomorrow - I can retire my pink hat!

  3. yes it does appear predominantly blue but not when it is knitted up. I love them.

  4. I also agree that the yarn looks more blue than the socks. Glad you got them finished in time for tomorrow. I watched ATypical also a while back and thought it was very well done. We have a highly functional Asperger's syndrome young man in our family... and could relate.

  5. You've been busy! The new socks look good. And yes, that yarn looks predominantly blue.

  6. Hari OM
    Variegated yarn, I have often found, rarely works up the way you think it looks on the ball!!! That said, the results are generally very pleasing and I think your socks are fab! Hope tomorrow runs smoothly over your way... YAM xx

  7. Mari is always on the arm of my chair. (if she can't get into my lap) That program sounds intriguing. I've read several books with autistic main characters who are written with love and understanding. That yarn looks mostly blue! How weird that blue is such a small part of the finished product.

  8. I jreceived my order of towels a few days ago and I love them!

  9. The Bidens and the Harrises wish they could have inauguration socks as lovely as yours. I see the yarn as predominantly blue.


  10. The cat just wants the yarn. Laps are secondary.

  11. Great job on the socks. The yarn did knit up different from the predominant blue in the skein.

  12. I love the socks and the even distribution of colours, although, as you said, the yarn does look predominately blue. I like the darning egg, I think it would be much more comfortable to use than my mushroom which is quite wide.

  13. So happy to see you have finished your socks!! I've been silently rooting for you Joanne. Yes, the yarn does look more blue on the skein.

  14. I like your new socks and I'm sure they will keep your feet toasty.

  15. Love the socks - and yes, that yarn does look predominantly blue.
    Jazz leaps into my chair as soon as I vacate it at the moment. He does not share well and we have intense discussions when I return.

  16. People actually still darn socks?? LOL Thought they just threw them away!! Your new ones look really neat... nice and long!

  17. I love your inauguration socks! I will be thinking of you wearing them tomorrow when I am watching our new President take the oath. I am so excited about tomorrow and just pray all goes well.

  18. I was really worried when you had not written here for some time. The socks are very beautiful.

  19. Lovely socks..knitting socks takes concentration! It is satisfying when you close the toe. I found the history of that a week or so ago and it is called Kitchener stitch. Apparently army socks used to chafe before that was devised!

    The darning egg is interesting..I have a darning mushroom, but an egg would be handier in some corners that need darning

  20. The socks look wonderful. I hope your toes welcomed them with appreciation.

  21. I just told another blogger with a friendly cat that ours, Lacey, is not amused.

  22. Glad you got your socks done.I hope the inauguration will go as planned.

  23. I am thinking of you wearing your socks, watching the events of this day unfold.

  24. I love the sox Joanne. Well done you.


  25. yes, the yarn looks blue to me. I would never have thought it to come out in stripes like that. that khaki wove up really nice.

    I spent over an hour this morning on twitter reading the news and people's relief that Trump is gone with his tail between his legs like a whipped dog. couldn't happen to a more deserving guy.

  26. That darning tool looks like a small mallet.

  27. The yarn definitely looks blue to me. Blue is actually my favourite colour, so I would have chosen this and been slightly miffed at the cheek of the other colours for appearing.

  28. Nice socks - beautiful color. I have a POW bracelet too - he also came home.

  29. One of the skills I learned in school was darning socks. Other skills that I also don't use are making my own clothes, drying and arranging flowers, and the correct way to serve a table.

  30. Yes, I actually have one of those too.
    Yes, three, your feet are going to cheer as a sane president is inaugurated. One hopes.

  31. When I lived in Illinois, I so wished I had the patience to learn how to knit. Now I'm in Hawaii and there aren't many people wanting knitted things anyway. Sigh... You are so very talented.

  32. I should learn to knit since I seem to be spending more time sitting than up and about. I am longing to reorganize my sewing room, knowing I will discover forgotten treasures, but now that my foot is better, my back is down. Crap! Just crap!
