
Thursday, January 21, 2021

Keeping track

 I live a cheek by jowl existence here, neighbors ten feet away on either side and literally a stone's throw across the street. To boot, I notice things. Once I thought noticing was a natural state, but experience taught me different. My sister, for instance, notices little. She sees a lot, but doesn't notice changes, differences. 

We've had snow this past week, and more than a little. My neighbor across the street has two cars. Generally he's on the spot, clearing his drive and cars and often leaving. But, his cars were covered in snow Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday. This morning I texted him. He's fine.

This map hit my email, compliments of Google. I visited 77 places last year, 36 of them new. My first instinct, why ever did I go to Mentor or Cleveland. Answer, with Ruth to a quilt show in Mentor and to the Natural History Museum in Cleveland. My endocrinologist is the southernmost dot and my dentist the next dot up. I live one dot above Cuyahoga Falls. 

When I look at Google's all time  map of tracking me, I've been all over the eastern half of the country. I doubt I'll put many dots outside Ohio this year. I did make an appointment for service to the car tomorrow. It was last done a year ago December, and in that time I have not driven the 3,000 miles between servicing. 

My age group is authorized for vaccination next week. I'm not holding my breath. Although I "signed up" on the official county vaccination request form, I've not even received an acknowledgement of that.  My governor lost interest in the epidemic when his president did, about last May.

I'm getting a lot of towels made in this stay at home mode. I've posted a new color wheel and put the khaki towels on the towel tab.

I like the color; it's completely unobtrusive. The color I'm weaving now is lime. In surveying the shelves, I find I'm completely out of blue. Fortunately I have three colors of blue on hand to weave.

Something new for supper! I found a pasta recipe whose sauce is bacon, butter, pine nuts, cheese and lemon juice. I'll probably add some onion and garlic. The recipe says it serves four to eight. I love that. Either you like it or not. My taste buds say what's not to like, so I'll make the entire recipe and after tomorrow night I'll freeze the other four servings.

And that's one more day in Maskville. See you down the road, as we used to say in show business.


  1. Google doesn't send me a map. If it did, there would be about six locations, two of them being doctor and dentist. Your dinner sounds delicious, what's not to love about bacon, butter and cheese?

  2. Hari OM
    No going about here. Your vacc may be sooner than you think, now there's someone behind a promise to get things moving again; oh I do hope the 'sun' continues to shine as bright as its rising yesterday. YAM xx

  3. I do hope the recipe is a keeper. And hooray for a dish which makes multiple meals.
    I do hope you can get your vaccine soon.

  4. All day I've been saying to people, "Perhaps with new leadership..."
    So yes, maybe you will get your vaccines soon. I hope so.
    That pasta dish sounds terrific. And I love the "four or eight servings." What?! I've never seen that before. Give us a review.

  5. That sounds totally scrumptious, Joanne. I agree with "what's not to like?"

  6. That recipe sounds like a good one.

    Your neighbour is lucky to have a neighbour who notices changes and will call to check that everything is okay.

  7. I do like the khaki towels. and that does sound like a good recipe. the pine nuts though. too costly for my budget. I can never quite justify buying them.

    1. I gulped and bought them simply because I saw this recipe. It calls for 1/3 cup of them, which I used (more than half the little jar!). Too much. You only need to crunch one or two in every bite or two to love and appreciate them.

    2. And you can use them in so many other recipes. I toss them into salads.

  8. You're a good person to check up on your neighbour!

  9. That pasta sounds excellent. You'll have to give us a critique in a future post. I really like those towels, and to be honest, I didn't expect to.

  10. Two weeks ago some long time friends of ours told us that they had caught a cold. They both tested positive today for Covid. This is a couple who have been housebound since the start of the pandemic. They have everything delivered and have not moved their car out of the garage. We think one of the delivery guys was infected and they got it off what ever was delivered.

  11. Interesting that you're getting a covid shot. I haven't heard anything about it here.

  12. You are a great neighbor to watch out for others, especially important in these times. Google is keeping track of you... with a map no less. Your towels always look lovely. The soup sounds delicious. Great on a cold snowy day.

  13. Sounds delicious. I haven't been out of the house this week and am sorely missing it. I'm not driving great distances for a shot but will feel better knowing I have some immunity from covid.

  14. Recipe sounds right up my alley. I substitute pumpkin seeds for pine nuts in pesto. Pine nuts were around $40 pound last time I looked

  15. I think onion and garlic would be great additions to the recipe.
    Google tracking me would be ten steps to the mail box, ten steps back inside, that's it for the day. I'm not a traveller.

  16. It's good of you to be aware of your neighbor's regular activities and check up on him when you are concerned. I recently received my Google Maps Timeline and I am always surprised at first when I see it since we rarely leave the house any more. But I forget things like last June going to my grandson's graduation in a town south of us. For the most part though mine shows me going back and forth to the grocery store and that's about it!

    I signed us up for the vaccine with the health dept. and this week they are supposed to start giving them to people our age. Except for the fact that they don't have hardly any doses available and even when they get the next shipment they say there will only be a fraction of what is needed. We are not holding our breath. It could be this summer for all we know.

  17. Noticing is innate or not. I once did hall patrol with a fellow teacher. He said that he sees everyhting going on the is wrong. I told him that I see nothing [wrong].

  18. I think that it is true that we see much and notice less, and I suspect that what we do notice is selective. As for the vaccine, get tour sleeve rolled up. I hope that the needle with your name on it makes its way to your arm soon.

  19. I get my first vaccine shot on Monday. The recipe sounds great, by the way. What kind of pasta will you use?

  20. Sounds like a yummy recipe. I've gone off bacon for some reason. And sausage.I might try and meatless version.

    How kind you are. I'd like you as a neighbour. I could knit while you wove.


  21. Your dinner must be good. It has bacon!

  22. Those are lovely towels - great color! I watch what my neighbors are up to sometimes also. Good to check on each other from time to time.
    Hope you get your vaccine soon - I am waiting too...
    Stay safe!

  23. I now have in my freezer two kinds of chili, several fried chicken breasts, spaghetti, taco meat, and Manwich meat. All are individual servings for when I don't feel like cooking. During the winter I go into hibernate mode so they are all handy.

  24. Break a leg as we used to say in show biz.

  25. The new color for the towels does look nice. I also think I need to see that recipe as it sounds delicious. I got the update from Google as well about my whereabouts and we definitely stick to an area and that is the Northwest. The furthest east we have been in the past 10 years is Wyoming. Take care.

  26. You are a good neighbour. Move down here, we could do with you!

  27. Bacon, butter, and cheese? Yum! I'd love to have you as a neighbor.


  28. It is a time for all of us to be aware of each other. Early on in this pandemic, a chance 'meeting' (she was on her porch, we in her yard) with a 90+ year woman, we discovered that she was deathly afraid of catching the virus. She didn't have a mask, and at the time were very hard to come by so she had become a virtual shut in. We were able to drop two masks off to her made by a friend. Such a small thing, but she had no one to call.

  29. Something funny is going on with Blogger. I'm now getting blogs written days ago, and catching up as I can. I don't understand the random nature of this stuff. Oh well.
    I too am on the official vaccine lists. To find out where I am with all this, in the oldest age group, you'll need to see me in Field and Fen. Sorry about the plug, but it's better than batting on all over again here, for people who already know this!!
