
Friday, January 15, 2021

It's just a sad situation we're in right now

 All the packages of towels I've ever mailed have been delivered, except one. I shipped to Australia at the beginning of Covid fears, in the days of wiping down everything that touched our hands. It did not arrive after six weeks, though a package to New Zealand did. I think New Zealand is further than Australia. At any rate, I could duplicate and reship the order, and I did. It arrived in the usual month or so, and six weeks later, so did the first.

And at the height of the Christmas season, I shipped a package to Maryland. I've shipped to this person before; we've even joked it's only a six hour drive between our homes. This package was scheduled for delivery December 14th. It's not there yet. I call the post office it left from, and they tell me it's still moving. The container it's in was last scanned...! The container it's in! They say it should be delivered next week.

I wonder why I typed those paragraphs. Like my socks. I want it done by inauguration. And they will be. I turned the heel and knit off the gusset, bringing the sock back to the 68 stitches I began with. Now it's just the push to the toe. That's what I can do. I can't get those towels on the move myself, though. As the man at the post office told me, "It's a sad situation we're in right now".

My shoulders sag under the weight of troubles for the next administration. The count of the people who must be tried for high crimes! The count of the people who need to relearn, learn, "one nation, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all". The national mall closed, national guard shoulder to shoulder around its perimiter.

And I potter about in 859 square feet. What am I doing to advance the cause? Well, I'm staying indoors. I sold some towels last year, so I'll be paying taxes. That's a good thing.

I have a problem with the blog. At least two readers report their Norton virus package won't let them on here. "Warning. Dangerous site. Do not open." In reading through the solutions, there is something I can do, but not today. It's too late in the day to do it right, insert a meta tag, or something. I'll try tomorrow.

This picture was yesterday. The new blossom stalks are even higher today. I cut off the last two blossoms today; too raggedy to keep looking at.

The blossom pods have the flowers bulging. That makes me smile.

I wonder if those are actual amaryllis leaves there in the center, that I first thought was a fourth blossom. I hope so. It will signify a return to normalcy. When the leaves grow tall and fall over, I read, I should cease watering, cut them off and let the plant enter a well earned dormancy. And I will.

January 20 is the middle of next week. We can make it, and restart from there.


  1. Everyone should scrap Norton Anti-Virus. It is obsolete and a pain in the arse.

  2. Hi Joanne, I’ve never seen an amaryllis have so many blooms, fantastic!
    The mail situation in the U.S. IS sad. I live in Canada but order from the States periodically. An order from Tennessee took 36 days to get to me.
    January 20 will be an interesting, frightening day.

    1. I also am in Canada - Winnipeg. My daughter is waiting a long time for a purchase to come. The post mistress told her there is a huge warehouse in Mississauga that is full to the brim. Trucks moving the parcels are lined up in long lines everyday loading up then being replaced by another truck right away. She says they think it will take months to get it all sorted out.

    2. That's the scenario here in Akron. Trucks lined up down all four streets at the intersection.

  3. My wife has an ETSY shop and has been having huge issues with the mail. Most people are understanding, but a few get really irate - as though she has control over the postal service. Hell, they seem not to have control themselves.

  4. Five days from now Joe will be president and Lord, I would not want his job but thank goodness he seems to.
    May he and Kamala and their families be safe.
    May we stop having these hard times.
    Your amaryllis is bring joy to many. Thank you.

  5. I cannot physically ship anything externally at the moment...and it looks like there will be a mountain of forms plus stating the source of were they at the moment I can only get things to Scotland Wales and England.
    It is all one unholy mess, everywhere

  6. President Trump really messed up our Postal system. Those sorting machines that Trump's appointee had removed and in some cases destroyed, were really, really important to the timely functioning of the Post Office. Expect delays. The work done by the sorting machines is still having to be done by fewer sorting machines or hand sorted, and there's a lot of mail coming and going. I worry how long it will take to recover from President Trump and his minions.

  7. I have a lock in front of my blog address, indicating that it is secure. You don't. Norton is being overly snooty about it. There will be something or other in your blog settings I assume.

    1. I have a lock in front of the URL for this page -- I use 360 Total Security (Free version), and have had for years. No viruses for years...

  8. Your beautiful amaryllis seems to have grown into a very healthy expectant mother with your excellent care! I am counting down the days to the 20th but at the same time I am very nervous about what could happen then. I keep hearing about all the "chatter" the authorities are getting about an attack on the capitol. I'm definitely keeping this new administration in my prayers.

  9. yes, those are the leaves. I ordered a clear tea cup with clear infuser to go with the flower tea balls I got my sister for her holiday gift. granted I didn't order it til the 29th as it was an afterthought. was supposed to be delivered between the 7th and 9th. tracking says it departed the shipping partner on the 4th and USPS is waiting to receive it. it still says that today. it's in whatever limbo the tea balls were in for several weeks. I did eventually receive those.

    I've always known the civil war never ended but at least the confederates were content to change things through the ballot box. never did I think I would see them try another insurrection. dumbasses playing right into Russia's hands, doing their work for them.

    1. I watched an interview with a woman who was radicalized by QAnon, but broke free eventually. She blames much on Covid, being at home, clicking, clicking, clicking on post after post. It's all brainwashing, and it seems to be succeeding, for now.

  10. Over here next week we will all be thinking of you.

  11. More leaves. My house was too cold to grow my Amaryllis so I gave to a friend and it is a beauty.

    Like you I am doing what I can by hunkering down and staying in as much as possible. It annoys me reading other blogs and people are going out every other day to do shopping, buy gas for the car or buy a newspaper. Instructions on this side of the pond are stay at home...not stay at home unless you fancy popping out for a newspaper.

  12. I've only ever mailed something to Australia once, but it did take FOREVER to get there.

  13. Like you, staying home, trying to do my bit. Cheering people with my blogposts where I can. It's small, but it's what I can do. Supporting discouraged friends. If I ever get the second stimulus check, it will be divided among people who are desperate. I have a low income, don't need to file taxes most years, but I'm not desperate. So that's where it is. I used the last stimulus money to keep paying my housecleaners in the months they couldn't come, so as to keep them in business. They're still in business and now coming again. So I guess other clients did likewise.
    The amaryllis was a very bright spot. And now new leaves. That will be good to see as they develop.

  14. The noon CNN news showed all sorts of vehicles being loaded with Trump things. I didn't think they had to move themselves, but at least they will be out on time. Yes, I read we will get another $1400.00. from the Biden administration. I'm putting mine in savings. Anyone whose truck is 24 years old needs savings.

  15. Since COVID began, post into Australia has been terrible because so few flights have come through and there has been no cargo space. The only reliable way in has been via DHL with their own planes - but expensive. If I were you, I would not attempt to post things here. I had a lot of trouble getting knitting wool from my chosen supplier in the UK. One lot arrived after 3 months and one never arrived. However, Mastercard gave me a refund for both.

  16. You've something to which to look forward. That's something.

  17. I keep wanting to ask our mail delivery person just how bad things are at the post office, but don't know how to phrase it without sounding like a jerk. Chances are good I'm going to give up on drugs by mail for the time being. It costs more to pick them up at retail, but at least I'll have them. A shipment went missing a few years ago, and it took forever to get replacements. That amaryllis is the gift that keeps on giving.

  18. So many things are in a deplorable state. Biden entering the WH will bring change for the better. I continue to be amazed how Amazon continues to make deliveries on time with no problems.

  19. I am sad for the USPS which I've always depended on; it's been a bright spot on many days versus the source of frustration that it is now. I don't know why Biden would want this job and feel the weight of all the burdens and stresses on his behalf. The Trump administration has certainly left him (and Kamala) with a HUGE mess in so many ways. :( It does say "not secure" in front of your site, but my anti-virus lets me visit. I've had Norton and hated it. Never again.

  20. Hari Om
    Tom is right about Norton - I gave up on them years back. But if folk are still using it that's up to them. That said, since Blogger encouraged use of https settings for blogs there can be problems with mixed content (I wrote about this. Sometimes you just can't tell if there is a link you have enetered from in insecure site or anything like that. That all said, I have occasionally been prevented from entering a site and that has to do with settings in my search engine... Pain about the postal service. Ours has its problems, but on the whole is pretty good. YAM xx

  21. Those do look like new leaves. I'm looking forward to seeing this plant survive and thrive again next season.
    I uninstalled my Norton antivirus years ago and use a different program now. I have no trouble opening or reading any blogs, but most of the overseas ones have "not secure" in the title bar next to the blog name. It's a fairly recent thing, but I don't think I have anything to worry about.

  22. Oh wow... You make me want to go out and buy an Amaryllis. Just gorgeous and such fun watching it bloom. Just fantastic... huge hugs...

  23. Trump's boy Louis DeJoy did his best to destroy USPS. I daresay he won't be chosen to stay on for THE BIDEN ADMINISTRATION. My caps are a shout of joy. Joe and Kamala have a huge job ahead of them, but Joe probably has more experience in government than any other president. Lyndon Johnson is close, but didn't really get to do anything when he was vice president. Joe had an unusually important vice presidency, thanks to the wisdom of Barack Obama.


  24. Apparently it is a simple fix to go from http to https. My brother did it for my blog and website I think...I hope!!

  25. My doctor mentioned to me that a lot of our local post offices (Maryland) are struggling because so many staff have come down with Covid or have had to be quarantined. Along with the attempted destruction of USPS by the worst administration in history, mail is taking ages to get to destinations. People are complaining about their bill payments not getting places on time even when mailed promptly and then getting charged huge fees for late payments. Not everyone can pay bills online.

  26. Yesterday my husband's brand-new Mac laptop began taking unauthorized naps. With a sigh, I began looking for the box it came in, wondering how we could possibly handle the task of mailing the thing back. I suggested he google the problem. He did, and the unauthorized napping is apparently not a problem. I am happy to take their word for it.

  27. We had amaryllis bulbs we kept for years. The leaves eventually died, then we stopped watering it and kept it out of the light. When it began to sprout, we watered and put it in light again. A bulb could produce for years.

  28. The mail can be unpredictable in these times depending on protocols and services in countries.

    I love your amaryllis and its progress.


  29. There were never any problems with the mail in the old days. It was 100% reliable. Well, almost. Sometimes very slow letters or parcels made the national news.

  30. I ordered an advent calendar on Nov 8, 2020. It still hasn't arrived. I check the USPS tracking info periodically and it moves around from time to time, from place to place. Hopefully it will arrive before Dec 1, 2021 so it can be used.

  31. I'm finding myself holding my breath waiting for Wednesday. I hope I don't pass out and miss it.

  32. "one nation, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all" I agree that some/many have forgotten this...

  33. I'm with you on the news business. It is time for the GOP to slink to their graves. They have destroyed their party. Your towels are all lovely. I love my blue ones.

  34. The ways of delivery by post office are a real mystery (maybe one could start a TV-show about it :-)

    As to managing IT-problems: do you know how to add new "blogs I follow" as yours at the left ("Currently reading" -- though I am not there :-( .... how to do that in the new formate? I have two new followers and cannot add them. I would appreciate your advice!

    1. First, go to the blog you want to follow. Click on its title, to get the stripped down url. Copy it. Go to "Reading List". At the top click on the pencil. On the next page click on "Add". Paste the blog's url into the box. Click on next and answer the question. Done.

    2. Thank you, Joanne - I will try in the afternoon - and then be happy if it works out.

  35. I wonder if that's why I was having issues accessing your blog from the library computers.

  36. In general we don't have any problem with mail deliveries, though letters are sometimes misdelivered to our house even though the correct address is as plain as day.

    I hope the 20th will be a brand new start after the Trump nightmare. I hope it isn't sabotaged by right-wing fanatics.

  37. Yes I too observed this"Warning. Dangerous site. Do not open."
    Of late Blogger is acting strange. Some have said that they commented but it does not appear in the comment list.

    1. I understand you can "click on through" and eventually land.

  38. No problem with access tonight. I think the problem could also be the visitor's browser. I'm typing this with Firefox. I use both that and Safari and have noticed a difference once in awhile.
    I had a delivery problem with frozen food this Christmas. It was shipped via UPS but finally showed up days late and warm from the back of a pickup truck. Weird I didn't know UPS had to resort to using private pickup trucks.

  39. The Trolls and Bots are running rampant and likely why people are getting Warnings, I've been seeing them too. If one gets thru the back door onto my Blog I mark it as Spam and delete it, seems to make them go away, the little devils. It is such a sad situation we're in right now. I find it interesting that so many of the Insurrectionists enjoy all of the privilege of being Americans yet want to destroy the very Country that they've prospered in and want to make it like a Banana Republic where we can clearly see how badly that plays out for Citizens of those unfortunate Countries with Dictatorships and Authoritarian Rule. People can be so foolish and believe such outrageous things if they have low-information. In order to Learn tho' they have to not be so arrogant they can't be Taught. I do so Hope things will improve under Adult and Sane Leadership again. Never been Political before this vile Administration, it has been exhausting and so alarming, I want a Peaceful Life again not having to even think about our Elected Officials just doing their Job responsibly and with the Country and ALL it's People at Heart.

  40. They can add you to their exclusion list on Windows. It's the browser being cranky with blogger.

  41. I cannot help but think that this clamping down on social media is going to help. QANON is such a load of bullpucky. There is no reason for misinformation to be flooding the internet. All the people who scream about Fake News in one breath and then promote QANON in the next drive me crazy. They will be the death of this country. My childrens' uncle has worked for homeland security for years and has been called into the investigation of this riot. He doesn't speak of it with any specifics, but he did tell my daughter that all of America will be stunned when the investigation is made public. Quote: 'It goes deep.'

  42. Dear Joanne, the inauguration is tomorrow and I learned from the news last night that white nationalists, etc. may have infiltrated the national guard members that are in Washington to make the ceremony safe. Like you, I'm not sure of what I can do to, as moms say, "make it better." For myself, the reading of history helps me to view things with a little more perspective, but the change in the Republican party since Nixon stepped down has been alarming. I read the book "It Was All a Lie" by a Republican consultant for forty years and the man beyond the Lincoln ads on television and it surely opened my blind eyes. A life-long Democrat, I need a good course in the two parties and their histories. Peace.

  43. This reminds me of when you sent me three parcels. They arrived on three different days. Mind-boggling. I have a different antivirus programme and don't have any problems accessing your blog.

  44. The mail is really weird these days. I once sent a package to my son in Maryland and I swear that package went to Micronesia before going to Maryland a month later. The flat rate box was pretty beat up. Your amaryllis is so fabulous! The plant must love you.
