
Friday, November 6, 2020

It all straightens out

 I went out first thing this morning for blood work, got home before noon, and checked results again, before lunch. Still counting. That is so impressive. What a massive turnout. We should be proud that so many voters are registered and voted. And since there is no winner yet to be declared, I ate lunch and went to tying on more ends.

I kept at it yesterday until six bouts were tied, leaving only five to tie today. I started at one, and was done at three. Why all the moaning?  I need to find a slightly taller chair, to keep from leaning on my bad shoulder. But, I haven't, and to tie five bouts was a Herculean task for me.

Look at that wonderful tangle back there. Not to worry, it all straightens out.


It's not magic, unfortunately. I go to the front, wrap six bouts around one hand and five around the other, and with the brake off, pull hard. Damn hard. Every knot must come through a heddle and then through the reed. I tied it to the apron, and left it to rest overnight. A lovely new warp, ready to weave.

I cannot believe it's Friday. So many days have passed since Tuesday, and no days at all. Ann called me Wednesday morning. She needed to talk, go through her day at a Wisconsin polling station. Listening to her was wonderful; such an experience, even for an experienced poll worker.

I need to call my friend Cathy, but not before the weekend. She's an overthinker, and right now no amount of thinking will change the votes on the uncounted ballots. I'll give the election another day to straighten out.

As for the bad attitude of the president, please. The world is watching.

I believe we did a magnificent job at voting. Now, we must roll up our sleeves, wash our hands and defeat Covid.


  1. Your calm practicality is a balm. Thank you.

  2. still worried about what will happen next... with either winner. I am delighted with the number of people voting this time and fingers crossed, the numbers will stay high next election!!

  3. How I love your pragmatism.
    And how I admire your work. I hope you can find a taller chair. What colour is the next weave to be? And my apologies if you have told us.

    1. No, I haven't mentioned it. It's a fairly dark blue, called dusty blue.

    2. Thank you. I look forward to seeing it in the fullness of time.

  4. Where does the colored thread come in from?? Thanks so very much for sharing photos of your loom. Love it.

    1. All my threat comes from Maurice Brassard et Fils, the Canadian manufacturer of my loom, a LeClerc. They spin and dye cotton thread, too, and it is perfect for towels. All the natural on the loom now is from LeClerc, and the shelf of dyed thread is from LeClerc. As I say on my label, All American Work.

  5. Hari OM
    your stamina puts many of us to shame, my dear friend... and the ROTW wasn't really all that suprised at the 'dummy spit' of the orange one. More's the pity. YAM xx

  6. That sounds like physically hard work but also soothing. Producing beautiful products must give a sense of accomplishment that many of us are sadly lacking these days. I need to back away from election results because my worrying won't change the outcome. Hard to do though. If our current president had been one of my toddlers(he acts like one), I would have put him in a LONG time out.

  7. I KNOW it's not magic but to's magic. Which means you are magic.
    Is Biden really going to be president? Could it be true? I'm afraid, still, to declare it so. As non-religious as I am, I am afraid to jinx anything.
    Could you put a pillow or pad on your chair to make you higher up?

    1. Yes I could, and I have the perfect pillow for it. Thank you. You're magic.

  8. Sometimes I think that I missed out on something that will be a very important part of history by not working the polls this year. Then in my sane moments, I am so glad that I am not there. Theses people doing it this year are warriors.

    That is a lovely new warp.

  9. I just hope people continue to get out and vote every election.


  10. There are two run offs in Georgia in January. They could shift the balance of the senate to the blue. That would be good.

  11. You did a fantastic job voting, Joanne. Covid next.

  12. That feeling of good job done on the election, now for covid, is exactly what I thought earlier today. Then realized what stress we have been living under with this regime that tackling covid doesn't seem overwhelming, just the next thing to take care of. That man has a lot to answer for.

  13. That first photo makes it look like a nightmare, don't how you do it. It's just amazing that you turn that mess into such beauty.

  14. Can't tell me that weaving is not magic. It totally is!
    You are correct, as always, just everyone calm down, by Monday we may know for sure, or the next day , or the next month.

  15. Yes, I like your last sentence. Everybody has to work at stopping covid. We can't just wait for a vaccine. That's a long way down the road. I won't be taking the first vaccine that comes along.

  16. I agree you did a magnificent job showing up to the polls. Now you just need to kick that Covid to the curb. We all need to do our part.

  17. Every time you load up a new warp it just blows my mind! It looks so confusing and so difficult. You do have magic skills.

    I am proud of our country for so many getting out to vote. I understand why we have to wait so long but still, the waiting is hard. We sure do need to get to work now. We need to get to work together and heal our country in addition to getting rid of covid. A calm and understanding voice leading us will sure be nice.

  18. The world around here is watching, I hear loud volumes on two neighbours televisions late into the night, after midnight even as they watch the results. I'm in no-mans land here, not wanting to watch more than is shown on the evening news, but several neighbours actually like trump, one saying "he's entertaining to watch".

    1. Remind them there are children separated from their parents. 600, snatched from their mothers, and now all identification is lost. Not entertaining.

  19. Yes, Joanne: the world is watching, you can be sure of that!
    You're weaving is so impressive - and it seems to me like a symbol when you write: "Not to worry, it all straightens out." So it will.

  20. Everytime I see your loom and weaving I'm amazed - it looks so complicated and you have so much patience to get it ready to work. I know I would be chucking it out of the window after 5 minutes!
    I've done poll clerk in this country - but it's always been very quiet - bet your friend was busier.

  21. It must be very satisfying to restore order to your loom. And maddening to see how long it's taking to do the same with the votes.
    But as we were always told "if it's worth doing, it's worth doing well".
    Good luck!

  22. God it was so close. It still is. They may have to escort him to the door of the White House.

    1. Probably. He won't be the first former president who couldn't bring himself to attend his successor's inaguration.

  23. Neither Trump nor his followers are going to accept the decision and mayhem will follow. And there are people out in the streets with automatic weapons. And with the Senate controlled by the Republicans it is going to be nigh on impossible for Biden to do anything. Mitch McConnell is not going to suddenly become a benign cooperator doing the right thing.

    1. I do not accept the mayhem so many are touting. It's not like there will be a giant, organized attack on the pentagon or another fertilizer bomb on a federal building. Some militia may have planned and stocked up and intends to direct its anger on something federal, and federal authorities will respond. But our system divides this country into thousands and thousands of voting precincts. The precincts will not close until their votes are counted and recorded. What are the militias to attack? How can they divert the tide of votes.
      Four years ago this country did not erupt into violence at the loss by a candidate. Oh, the shame of not responding equally. We are up to another million person march, and if it turns violent, they will have only each other to shoot. How sad that would be, but we would get past it.
      And yes, it well could be another presidency by executive order. Also sad. We'll see.

  24. "Not to worry, it all straightens out." I believe you.

  25. To me it still seems like magic. The weaving. Good luck with the president. The whole world is in tension.

  26. it is a lovely thing, the loom loaded and ready to go. now Saturday morning, Biden by a landslide with 97% or more of the votes already counted. we take Pennsylvania, Georgis, Arizona, and Nevada. Now if they would just go ahead and declare it I'll put my flag out. and yes, tons of work to do. hopefully Trump is so demoralized he doesn't have it in him to retaliate but I expect he'll do as much damage as he can before inauguration.

    1. That will be so sad. Such a shameful legacy as it is.

  27. Your loom is such a perfect metaphor for our election..."it all straightens out". Hoping to celebrate for Biden today! Thanks for your calm, honest posts!

  28. You are a tenacious weaver for sure. It is incredible, really.
    Now for COVID. I can see it getting worse and worse (which it is doing) and then Biden getting ripped for trying to do something about it.

    1. No, it's not good on the Covid front. And, it's up to us to be the line of defense. Masks and hand washing.

  29. It all straightens out. Yes, it does. I'm glad you reminded me.

  30. You are bloody amazing Joanne and I can hardly wait to get my new towels, all gifts.

    And what thrilled me most about your election was the youth, never had a country had so many young people voting. they are the future.


    1. As I realized where the wave of votes was coming from, from young people who can't be bothered with anything but instantaneous, taking the obvious route, securing a ballot and voting at their leisure. Millions of them. And so many registering. That was the boggling part of this election.

  31. Oh Happy Day! They have announced that Biden has won! I've put out my flag to celebrate the news!

  32. Everyone lift your glass. Here's to a calm and productive four years.

  33. Yes, defeating Covid is the next thing. That's a wonderful loom and warp. Glad the tangles are done with and you can move on.

  34. Uniting our country and defeating Covid - that's a big job. But hopefully Biden can do it. We know Trump couldn't (or even cared to). I still can't believe it's over. We can all breathe again.
    As for your weaving, that all looks extremely difficult and complicated. But I do love the results!

  35. I feel as if I have taken my first free breath in 4 years. Unbelievably happy.

  36. Wow! I couldn't imagine how you managed to untangle those threads. That's impressive. I hope the transition can go smoothly. I'm hearing of ballot counters being threatened and harrassed. This is what has happened to our country with Trump's poison.

  37. I didn't look for a few days. I couldn't believe it was still going on. I feel great relief now. I am however wondering what Trump will do before he leaves.
