
Wednesday, November 4, 2020

I stayed up too late last night

 I suppose many of us stayed up too late, and then got up too early this morning. Election day wore me out, and today kept on wearing. I'm simply bone weary today, from good hard work. 

The election must take care of itself now; we all have done our part. I see the shenanigans have commenced, and until I must rise up and find a part to play, it's time for an election to unfold gracefully, as it did four years ago.

I postponed my shopping until yesterday, to coincide with better weather. I thought I'd found someone willing to bring my groceries up the stairs, but that someone backed out the day before.

In the meantime, I worked nonstop at getting on the new warp, and my back was past tired. I considered giving it another day off, when Laura texted. She had Tuesday off, and could come help me with anything.

I was back from voting by ten, Laura came in a few minutes later, and we set out to go shopping. We shopped first for the cat, who doesn't have the option of going out for a meal or to toilet, when his supplies run low. He doesn't even know they run low. 

He did get a treat, on sale at the register for three dollars, not ten.

He's very happy with these silly corrugated cardboard toys, and will spend the next month shredding it. And Laura and I went shopping.

She even put them away, while I went looking for two Advil. Laura is still moving into a one room apartment in the next several days, and went home with a box of useful items.

And in a lovely twenty year old problem solving manner, she chided me for attempting to find help with shopping. She would always be available, she told me. While it's on offer, I'll certainly take her up.

So today I did look at the count from time to time, and spent an hour listening to Ann tell me about the biggest turn out she has ever seen working the polls. I went to the post office, and then I began tying on bouts. Oh, yes, I made a crostata. For lunch tomorrow.


  1. We too stayed up late (our time) - not much difference when we got up this morning. What will be I suppose is all we can say
    Will/Can that demand a recount in every electorate....and what happens if there is no clear result by January....and what about all those voting envelopes we saw on tv still in mail centres? How soon must they be delivered to be counted?

    1. In most states, if they are postmarked up to voting day, they MUST be counted. The trays of votes are still being turned in.

  2. Hari OM
    Glad the help is on tap... and the ROTW is on tenterhooks too... YAM xx

    1. It will be a peaceful transition. Possibly loud and blustery, but definitely peaceful.

  3. It is great to see Laura and the help she offers and provides. Good for her and great for you!

    Your crostatas always look so good, Joanne.

  4. Blogger went mad again and unable to comment via Safari or Chrome. Now using Opera Touch .....!!!!
    I wanted to talk about downsizing via book disposal. I can’t find a site that does this in Australia (ie by inputting an ISBN number and getting a price). Blog friends in the Uk use Ziffit. If any of you readers can help, please let me know.

  5. That crostata looks incredible! I'm happy that you have help with the shopping; my parents refuse my offers, but it may be getting to that time. I didn't stay up too late because I couldn't bear to watch; however, I then couldn't sleep much at all.

  6. I lay in bed with earphones here, listening to the whole thing live, all night. I was not refreshed this morning.

    1. I can't imagine. Your own thoughts would have been preferable.

  7. Great helper Laura is and will be!


  8. Your crostata looks scrumptious. Glad that you have Laura to help with the shopping. Have a wonderfkul week.

  9. I'm glad Laura helped you with the shopping, and I hope that continues! I've never heard of crostata but it looks good!

  10. Looks like a tasty pastry. Did Laura vote?

  11. I'm glad Laura is willing and able to help. This is good. Anything to save your back is good.

    I didn't stay up late, but I woke very early, worried about what I"d find out. But, better than feared, not as good as hoped. Had an early breakfast then slept again.

  12. Good for Laura for helping you and for offering to when you need her! I stayed up too late too and woke up early. I didn't want to get up because I was afraid of what I might learn on the vote results. I finally was brave enough to get up and felt a little better when I saw the counts. Still I am not allowing myself to get excited about anything yet because things can still change.

    My two cats love those cardboard things too. I would love some of that crostata. Take care Joanne!

  13. We did what has usually worked at election time, we is out of our hands. Glad you got groceries, that makes every one feel secure.

  14. Hooray for Laura.
    And your pragmatism. From this side of the world I have been worrying. Fruitlessly. Pointlessly.

  15. Yes, I too stayed up far too late watching your elections. I was surprised to see the counts looking so close. It will be awhile yet before we know the outcome and as you say, the shenanigans have already begun. I just pray for peace and safety. I'm so glad Laura was able to help you and that you will take her up on the offer.

  16. Laura is such a treasure and I'm very glad to see you using the reusable shopping bags. I hope you take a day off soon to rest your back, I know you like to keep busy, but there are limits for everyone. Mmm, crostata.

    1. The cashiers will no longer pack reusable bags, and I cannot pack fast enough to keep up, so when I shop alone I must come away with plastic. I hate it. Laura can pack those reusable bags like a pro.

    2. Does your store have a place where you can return those plastic bags for recycling? Most of our supermarkets do.

  17. Let us hope the balance of the scale swings to the right party, and don't work too hard at that loom, there is always tomorrow.

  18. I'm glad that Laura has pledged to help you when needed. And I hope she'll enjoy her first foray living on her own.

    1. She will. Being alone is an important step to learn.

  19. Mmmmh, yummy! And it is so good you have the offer of help, Joanne, so reassuring. Your cat is great - shredding paper figures seems an interesting occupation to me :-)

  20. so glad to read about Laura's help.

  21. Yay for Laura! Today I will follow your advice and will resume my normal life. I'm not sure I can be graceful, but I have no other choice at this point than to let the election and related hijinks unfold.

  22. Good for Laura!
    Pirate keeps on wanting to check the election results..and getting annoyed when they show Trump and family talking..I just say wait until Friday..and then some.
    Interesting that your cat will use the scratch box flat on the floor...mine wouldn't touch it unless it was on a slope!

    1. The first one he had was a flat one, so that's all he knows.

  23. You did a great job on raising Laura to become the lovely woman she is. She will be there for you whenever she can. Enjoy your crostata. We might have something to celebrate today.

  24. Bless Laura. Let her help you! And don't forget to rest some. All of us are probably wearing out our adrenals with all of this being on high alert.

  25. Even though the figures haven't budged for hours, I'm still mesmerized by the TV.

  26. We didn't watch TV news or follow the election yesterday (too nerve wracking)... but checked in at various times to see how things were going. Watched the 10 o'clock report last night and then went to bed. Could be another long day (or 2).
    Glad Laura was available to help. And I agree your crostata looks delicious!
    And I love to see pictures of Toby!

  27. I am feeling hopeful (almost afraid to feel hopeful tho). I am glad Laura has offered to help you. That would certainly be nice for you!
    Hang in there...

  28. By the end of this you'll probably all need a scratch pad.
    That crostata looks delicious and a lovely distraction from election news broadcasts.
    Good luck!

  29. I am amazed at the threads on your loom. Eleven sets of how many wraps?? No wonder your back is screaming at you! But I have to think it's also a very mind calming task--something you can do by rote without really thinking. Do you have separate spools of the threads to be used for each section or do you start at one end and work towards the other? I can't begin to think about our country if Biden loses. Do not want to go there...Hugs and love to you. Rest up and be at peace. p.s. I bought some crescent dough. Would this work for a crostata??

    1. One hundred wraps eleven times. I must be careful to keep the threads level. There are forty threads in each section and the threads are on tubes on a spool rack. Thread is heavy, and the more bouts are filled, the heavier the beam becomes. In my youth I probably put two hundred turns on the beam, but no more.

  30. Now that the voting part of the election is finished I am at peace. I believe my candidate will win so I check in from time to time but I will not make myself sick. I did that last election. This one I will celebrate when it's all over.

    1. Getting through the day in peace, with people behaving decently was so important. I wonder if that registered with the president.

  31. It was nice of Laura to offer. I suspect if your request had been more in the form on a demand you wold have gotten a different answer.

  32. You have a great looking cat there. Cats are my favorite animal. The crostata looks really good. I want this to be over, to be settled, to not think about it anymore. His press conference a little while ago suggests he plans to unleash a torrent of law suits. I wish he would just concede and go with some dignity.

  33. I too find the shopping a chore and I get beat out from it. Long halls and a wheelie. Curbside pickup. Daughter does most of the fetching from my car of the dry goods when she's in town.

    Every bit of help I get, like your good self, I appreciate.


  34. so happy that Laura has gotten over her snit. she does know how much you did for her. now if my grandson would get to the same place. I refused to watch the returns on election night preferring to get the good/bad news in the morning but I've been MIA since totally absorbed in twitter and the blow by blow vote count.

  35. Your crostata looks wonderful. I am glad Laura is around and able to help out. Hope your back is feeling better.

  36. Laura always sounds like a great girl. That crostata looks great! I'm commenting after the result is known. Thank goodness.
