
Monday, November 2, 2020

A change of plans

 Before I went to bed last night, I reviewed my plan for the week. Monday I would shop, which involves a minimum of three stores. Tuesday I would vote, then finish winding the warp onto the loom. And the rest of the week I simply would attend to business.

My first peek from the window this morning changed that plan. Today's high is forecast to be 44, which is a decent amount of heat given sunshine and no snow. Tomorrow's forecast is for 53 and sunshine. Is that an omen, or what?

Tomorrow I will vote and shop. If there is energy left, I will commence tying on the ends I wound today, for I finished the last seven bouts. Two on Saturday, three on Sunday and the balance today.

The project that precipitated the tumble that hurt my back is also close to a wrap. I recorded the ISBN number and the first word of the title of each book I own. I am going to try reselling my books at sell back your

I again own far too many books. My best method of dispensing with them has gone the way of Covid. Our local library is barely open, and their best method of using donations to raise money is gone for now. Friends of the Library have not held a book sale once in 2020. Gone are the days I could empty a shopping bag of books on the library's counter.

Here's a good story from a recent book sale by Friends of the Library. They had a surplus. More books than they could deal with. So the first day of the sale would feature free books. They set up a twenty by twenty foot tent on the lawn, with aisles of tables and boxes of books. Probably a thousand square feet of free books, since there were three rows of boxes on each line of tables.

In the middle of the night the director of the library had a phone call from a Peninsula police officer. The officer was very sorry to wake the director, but...on patrol the officer saw many flashlights illuminating quite a few people inside the tent. On investigation, he found citizens going through boxes and accumulating armloads of books. Some people already left. What did the director advise?

And the director chuckled and said "Well, the books are free."

He did ask the officer to check the tent when he didn't see any more browsers, and be sure the tent was secure. Peninsula being Peninsula, the last one out did secure all the zips. Tidy as expected come morning. Empty boxes stacked under the tables and the remaining books redistributed to restock the display.


  1. Guerrilla librarians. Almost an oxymoron.

  2. I like the story about the free books. When we lived in Western Maryland, we visited the same book sale every year. That's how I ended up with an autographed copy of Robert Frost's Complete Poems from 1936.


  3. Oh my gosh! That's rather hilarious. I'm glad there are so many readers out there.

  4. I miss the idea of books, a book case, a room in which to read. But, I went to the dark side and really like the Kindle. It's not as good as books, it's harder to go back to re-read something that I missed the first time, but it feels good in the hand. There could be no owning of books in the RV. Culling the herd will be good.

  5. free books everywhere! Our streets a lined with free books. I miss reading so much, my eyes have pretty much stopped working for lots of things. At least I know day from night, that has not gone yet, but reading has.

  6. That's so funny. My son Hank's darling girl just posted on FB about how much they miss the library sales with a picture of their last haul. SO MANY BOOKS!
    I will be thinking of you tomorrow, voting in the sunshine. May we all vote and have voted in the light.

  7. Hari OM
    LOL - a scene from Murder She Wrote... all that was missing was the actual body!!! Snow, though... crikey. It's either going to be along one. Or it will be spring in January. YAM xx

  8. I worry about you being in long lines tomorrow, Joanne, but I am not surprised that was what you would chose. You are a lion. I dropped mine in a drop box two weeks ago and got notice that it was accepted. However our millions of mail in votes won’t even be opened till tomorrow and we had double envelopes. I hope things will go right.

    1. There are no more than 300 registered voters in my precinct. Of course, if we're down to one booth from five, they'll hear from me after the election. This year I really need to know my vote was registered.

    2. I read in my newspaper this morning that Trump will be questioning the validity of any ballots received and counted after the election date or something similar. Lawyers were mentioned as well as the fact that people have had plenty of time to get their ballots in.

  9. I love the idea of free books; I think people need the distraction of reading right now. I do at least! I went to the store today (got more TP) and comfort foods like ice cream and bagels and cream cheese. I am trying to stay away from the news; 2016 has taught me that, a hard and depressing lesson.

  10. That is cool with the free books! Its good you can be adaptable with your schedule and change plans if necessary :) Brr with the 44 degrees though!


  11. LOVE the book story, and in particular that the last one leaving secured the tent.
    I suspect that if I lived in the vicinity I would have been there too (despite having FAR too many books).
    I hope tomorrow goes well. For you, for your country, for the world.

  12. It looks like maybe you do get our Missouri weather. One week ago today we had snow. It snowed all day and stuck but melted the next day. We have beautiful weather this week so maybe you will too, next week!

    I love the book sale story. Book lovers are good people and take care of things.

    We will vote tomorrow too. I did not want to vote early. I want to be there tomorrow and put my ballot in the box. At the last minute they changed the location where we vote. I hope that's a good thing.

  13. Too many books would never be a problem if house came with an extra room to be used as a library, as in days of yore, when huge castles had dozens of rooms and one would be lined wall to wall, floor to ceiling, with books on shelves.

  14. River, I am sorry to tell you. I have a library. I also have a bookshelf in the office, full. Two bookshelves in a guest room upstairs, and three more bookshelves in a reading nook on the second floor. There is another book shelf on the third floor. Libraries seem to simply open the portal of bibliohell. My biggest problem is that some of the books are my daughters'...

    1. Debby; lucky you, I would LOVE to have a library, a whole room just for books, but I make do with the built-in bookshelf in the bedroom and four others scattered around my tiny one bedroom flat.

  15. I love your library story. Brilliant. I adore my local library. They email me when my book requests are in.


  16. A book swap would be wonderful this morning. The sun's shining. We could all wander around talking to one another, find some new reads and have a coffee....
    Next year, perhaps.

  17. Great story about the free library. My advice is pace yourself and don't get too tired with your shopping and voting.

  18. I love the story of covert book "thievery!" Oh how I adore libraries of any kind, and make it my business when traveling to check out the library. I had an addiction to "one click" shopping on Amazon, and ended up with a house full of books that I wasn't even reading, so I decided to sell them all on Amazon and forever use the library. Which I have faithfully done. The books all sold well and quickly on Amazon! Good luck!

  19. We all hope that Trump will get his comeuppance today and that will change your plans for the week - celebrate, dance in the street, whoop and holler, drink wine.

  20. Great "stolen book" story. I used to get rid of my books at the church's annual book sale, but we didn't have it this May and we probably won't next May and we may never have it again. The trouble with the book sale was that I worked at it, and---you guessed it--always came home with more books than I donated to the sale.

  21. The book story made me smile. A good thing on this day! Take care, Joanne.

  22. Looks like people had a field day with the free books. And how conscientious of the police officer, checking out all the scavengers!

    Good to know there's an excellent weather forecast for the election. That should mean an even more record-breaking turnout.

  23. Our library stopped accepting book donations a few years ago. I guess it was more trouble than it was worth.

  24. Hope voting goes smoothly for you. I have 2 people in my neighborhood who have one of those small free libraries built in their yard so I like to drop my extra books there.
    Thanks for voting!! Here's hoping for the best!

  25. Great! I
    too have way too many books. I bring them to the flea market, where a special dealer is happy to get so many English books (for free) - I am convinced that in this life I will not read John Bunyan's "The Pilgrim's Progress" a second time.
    Once was enough.

  26. Marvelous idea. Books are for reading not just having. When one is finished reading and perhaps re-reading a book it should be shared.

  27. Nice of the takers to tidy up the rest of the books. I haven't bought a book in so long I can't remember the last one. I just use the library. If they don't have something I want they will try and find it at the other county libraries or borrow it from an out of county library for $1.50. When we moved from the city house we got rid of 75% of our books even though when I visit someone's home for the first time I like to scan the books they have.

    I guess everyone in this town that is going to vote voted early. my sister tells me that the parking lot was mostly empty at the polling place when she drove by mid-morning.

  28. Oh free books!
    Like you I have too many..but although I have half as many as I used to, getting rid is like getting rid of friends and memories!
    A good call to choose warmer weather to vote. Here it is online, by post or on the day whatever the weather!

  29. That was a surprise for him--who breaks in to steal free books?

    I wish we have a slice of your weather.

  30. Books for sale here have been gone in libraries because of Covid as well.

  31. Hope everything went well, Joanne. The libraries just reopened here so we have been stocking up.

  32. That is an awesome story about the night raid on the free books :)

  33. That's a clever bit of psychology!

  34. What a wonderful story. Our library isn't open for browsing the shelves, darn it. My job at the Friends of the Library isn't. Darn that too.
