
Wednesday, October 28, 2020

A little pondering

 Thank you for the program suggestions. I've already seen some, and tried others. I've dipped into The Queen's Gambit several times, but have seen less than an hour. There's been enough to realize the title is from that opening move in chess and so the plot probably is about the actions of characters who might be considered like those pieces.

I'm sure I'll get back to it, but not while it can engage me too emotionally. Right now I'm not up to orphans, and dark dealings. It also seems the young girl was intended to be a victim too, and survived unscathed, by the standards of the day. Broadchurch was far easier for me.

The Repair Shop got me with the first episode, and is such easy watching that I'll go on awhile. I engaged in a stern lecture from and to myself to turn off the television and get back to work! And, all the suggestions are on a slip of paper tucked in by the cushion.

Watching the repair and restoration of the items brought into the shop, I wondered how significant the work would be to the generation these objects were destined for. How I can still remember my own pleasure at having, using, restoring items I considered valuable and heirlooms, and having them rejected by the next generation. Not only my own children, but nieces and nephews rejecting their father's and mother's treasures.

Those experiences devolved to sending the pieces to people who wanted and appreciated them. Turn them down once and gone. So much was auctioned. My daughter eventually made a family joke of "selling our inheritance" that they did not want.

Anyway, the warping tree is loaded, and the twenty tubes I will empty are on the floor in front of it.

And, the forty threads are distributed in the tension box, the knot is tied and put in the bout cord. The whole set up is pretty insulated from potential disaster. Oh, and the thread guides are set on the bout pins. And the crank is on whatever the crank inserts to.

Another good night's sleep and I probably can wind. I didn't mention that I gave my ribs a good thump yesterday, and they remain damn painful today. Another day should do it.

Speaking of, that Gerbera daisy will not recognize the changing of the season. Will Not! Another bud is poking out from under the leaves. Here are the two buds in blossom, holding up rain drops.


  1. stubborn daisies - hope your ribs are ok. Yes I've heard/read that many heirlooms are not wanted. Yet I see the show "Antiques Roadshow" plays well on PBS.

  2. Loading the warping tree looks like quite a project. We have a lot of family treasures, but I wonder what will happen to them when we are gone.

  3. Loving your rain bejeweled Gerbera.
    And I am so glad that you enjoy the Repair Shop. I wondered too for how many generations the restored items will continue to be treasured, but am still very glad to see the effort and the skill at play.
    Bumped your ribs? I hope the pain is easing - and am as always awed at just how much you get done.

  4. Hari OM
    Darling Gerbera - a light in the dark. Ribs now? Golly, ol' gal, you be careful, y'hear??!! YAM xx

  5. Gerbera daisies are my husband's favorite flower, I think. He loves the cheerful colors! I wanted to tell you that I treasure my towels that you sent. They're wonderfully long wearing and beautiful!

  6. A defiant gerbera, just the flower for your front steps.

  7. I dearly love The Repair Shop! They make it seem as though there's little to no work involved in restoring things to better than new condition, but I have to tell you that I'd be willing to bet that HOURS and DAYS went into some of those projects!!! Utterly amazing. I have also wondered if people pay to have their heirlooms restored for the show. I'd bet it'd be a pretty penny! Will (the young woodworking guy) is sooo good with wood. He's utterly amazing at how he matches the grains/stains of things. Hugs...

  8. OH NO, so sorry to know that you injured your ribs! Makes it difficult to breathe deeply and to blow away the gathering gloom! Be better soon! Your loom makes me think that you might have been a spider once upon a time. Stay well, carry on.XO

  9. We all need to be just as defiant as your brave gerbera. Good grief more thumping ANYTHING. Seems like a lot of bloggers have been dealing with health issues.

  10. My kids don’t want any of my stuff either; they would rather have cheaply made things from Wayfair. However, I once packed up my wedding dishes and brought them to Goodwill. They had a fit about that because of the good memories it brought to them. I felt a little guilty but knew that ipeven if I had offered them, they would never get used.

    I recently saw The Giant Mechanical Man with Jenna Fisher on either Netflix or Prime. My sister recommended it and given its title, it was nothing I would ever think of watching. It was sweet and lovely and made me feel good after watching it. I also watched The Trial of The Chicago Seven. It was by Sorkin and was very interesting.

    Hurricane heading our way which means more Netflix.

  11. That was a project with the warp! Don't know of too many kids who want their parents' things unless of course its money.


  12. Love the color of the daisy! I very much enjoyed Broadchurch. Have you watched all three seasons of it?

    1. I think so. In the beginning I didn't understand to format that well, and just kept clicking Next Episode.

  13. That a hardy gerbera plant. Hope your ribs do heal quickly, Joanne. Take care.

  14. I hope those ribs heal and pronto!


  15. You are so right about needing to be in the right timing to watch certain shows. I started to watch The Queen Gambit but aborted a few minutes into it as it was already very late and way past sleep time. I haven't heard of the Repair Shop. I will have to look for it. Is it on regular television or on line somewhere? I am also saddened by the fact that many do not want family treasures. I never had that many to begin with but will now try to offload a few items, hopefully to someone who wants them.

  16. Is that the UK 'Repair Shop', or do you have your own version in the US? I too find the programme fascinating.

  17. I have not seen The Repair Shop but it sounds like something I would love. I will have to check it out. I know just what you mean about adult children not being interested in family heirlooms. My family has always passed things down that I have treasured and always planned to pass to my children. I have two sons that are not really interested and so far my grandchildren are not interested either. It is heart breaking, isn't it?

    The whole warping process is totally confusing to me and looks very difficult! If you already have sore ribs then please be careful!

  18. My children aren’t in to ‘stuff’ or so they say.....unless it has an expensive name attached and then if it meets the wife’s approval. I’ve given up asking if there’s anything they’d like. Let them fight over it when both of us are gone!
    Distance made it difficult for me to receive anything of my parents - there are loads of photos I’d love but the sister who ‘claimed’ all the albums is still being precious over them claiming she’s too tech ignorant to copy them. ‘Just take a photo and email them’ didn’t get a good reception!
    Hope your body heals soon

  19. The gerberas are tough, lasting this long. I hope your ribs feel better quickly. I have to give myself a stern talking to as well, or I would never get into the kitchen and cook dinner. The Repair Shop sounds good, I like watching things get restored.

  20. Hang on to those gerbera daisies for as long as you can!

  21. Yes, too many people still think it's pointless to repair anything, you should just go out and buy a replacement. Then again, it can be hard to find tradespeople willing to repair things. So often they'll tell you it's "not worth my while".

  22. Glad you are enjoying The Repair Shop. It often brought a tear to my eye but I think it is a terrific show. Hope your ribs heal up quickly!

  23. How did you hurt your ribs?
    What a brave Gerbera daisy!

    1. I took a spill from a chair that went out from under me, but landed under me. I just watched Netflix today. Tomorrow is another day.

  24. We have begun watching QC -- two episodes -- and I found the 2nd quite absorbing. Maybe it is because I used to play and 'coach' chess at high school. Having said that, it's more about the girl than about the chess although chess is the vehicle that moves the story.

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. I hope you didn't break a rib. The daisies are glorious. I'm glad you liked Broadchurch. The investigations are interesting, and I love the relationship that develops between the two main characters. He's always going to be a grouchy fart, and she's always going to be concerned about people's feelings.


  27. Some years ago I watched a show called "The Ambassador" about a British ambassador to Ireland, the role of which was played by Pauline Collins, a fabulous English actress. She is a strong smart woman...right up your alley. I think you can watch it on Amazon Prime, if you have it. Is Laura enjoying her new apartment? Kind Regards, A.K.

  28. Oh my! I love Gerber daisies. They're so pretty. I've been watching Call the Midwife every so often.

  29. Oh, and Enola Holmes was really fun also. I would highly recommend that one.

  30. Yes, Enola Holmes and Queen's Gambit are both good as is Repair Shop.
    Lovely to have the odd programme that isn't about whales or chocolate cake.

  31. I have no offers for shows. we did watch the first season of Bob Hearts Abishola but it took me several episodes to tune my ears to the Nigerian accent. it has been renewed for another season. and sorry to hear about the bruised ribs. how the hell does one fall off a chair. gerberas are hearty. I have a red one that quit blooming and then basically disappeared when the tree grew so bit it didn't get any sun. my neighbor cut off a lot of it and the damn thing reappeared and bloomed.

    1. Four legged wheeled chairs are bad for stupid people.

  32. Ouch I hope you recover quickly from your fall, sounds painful.

    Very beautiful flowers.

  33. Hope the ribs feel better and glad to hear you found a show to watch.

  34. I also feel sad at lost family treasures - things that were my grandmothers, even great-grandmothers, seem to mean little to my children and grandchildren. Pretty, pretty daisy, holding off winter. Hope your ribs are better now.
