
Monday, November 9, 2020

What's going on...

 It's the next to last day of lovely weather. I've just made it back to my desk, after a morning at the loom and peanut butter and crackers for lunch. The cat, left in the living room for his afternoon snooze, always hears the click of the latches and is on the windowsill before the window rises.

Tomorrow he has his buzz haircut for fall, his magnificent tail excluded.

I've changed the header, too. Somewhat more derelict than the last as more and more fall moves in. But still no snow, not that it has not come down.

My morning was fine, when I got to the loom, and I put in my hour, before my back quit. Another hour this afternoon and another day done. I am pleased with this blue.

I was weaving and considering supper. I have a cabbage, and cabbage and noodles sprung at once to mind. Then I thought of roasting the beast, and Mr. Google assured me it's easily done. Then I thought of all the vegetables I have on hand to roast, and realized it's not near enough. So after I post this, off to buy half a dozen more.

Tomorrow I'm going to lunch with Beth and Ruth. It may be the last day of beautiful outdoor dining. Our Covid numbers are rising, and after tomorrow, temperature numbers falling. Clean hands and masks and clean hands. I wish I knew a jingle to sing with it.


  1. I didn't realise that cats had buzz cuts, I bet he won't enjoy that much. :D

    I feel lockdown was much more bearable in the summer when it didn't get dark until 10.00pm. Now it's cold and chilly, it's a lot more depressing.

    1. The owner of the shop stopped me to tell me about his experience with my cat, getting his first buzz cut. "Is that cat sedated?" he asked the operator. "No, he's just a cool and placid dude."

  2. Good luck with facing a reproachful cat tomorrow...

  3. That blue is gorgeous.
    Enjoy your lunch.
    Poor Toby. It is for his own good - but cats and children are rarely convinced by that phrase.

  4. I think that our Second Summer is coming to an end.

  5. We just have to think that we've done really well this year. We've been out in the sun too.

  6. Enjoy your roasted vegetables! I'm sure they'll be delicious!

  7. Snow? In November? We're still in shorts and tee-shirts here!

  8. Hari OM
    I love roast veg - indeed, will be doing some for the evening meal today... potatoes, sweet potatoes, carrots, parsnips, cabbage, vegetarian sausages and gravy........mmmmmmmmmmmm hearty and warming. Comfort food. YAM xx

    1. Tomorrow a loaded baked potato. Loaded with roasted veggies. Double yum.

  9. We are getting o good t going out , prepared and keeping distance, It seems odd not to, and If there is a person unmasked they are not allowed in the shops. i like how people waltz around one another or stand and wait to take their turn at picking up their can of refried beans. it is all so very polite and thoughtful, I am liking the trend, and I am loving the blue thread, - it is like fresh mountain air

  10. Your lunch sounds like many of mine, crackers and peanut butter or crackers and cheese. I love roasted veggies too but I've never roasted cabbage, let us know how it comes out. Your new header is beautiful. I'm sure the heron is there but just hiding from us. Our covid numbers are rising more than ever too and yet there are still people that don't take precautions. Good luck with the haircut tomorrow!

  11. On a cold day I like to cook a pan of cabbage and sausages with onion sliced up in it in the oven until it is all cooked up and the cabbage and sausage are lightly browned. In summer I cook cabbage and sausage in a skillet on top of the stove so it doesn't heat up the house.

  12. It's been a lovely weekend here but also quite cold. Now it's back to rain and gray skies today. Usually that means it warms up a bit. Your new towels look lovely. Enjoy your cabbage dish.

  13. Toby must be a Zen Cat to allow someone to groom him I would like to have my Daisy groomed, but it takes two people to just cut her nails and they charge us twice as much. The word "difficult" appears on her chart in capital letters.

    The weather has been glorious; we have to enjoy these gifts we have been given and squeeze all we can out of them. Enjoy your lunch with your friends.

    I like your new header.

  14. Toby is a good looking all seasons cat. I wonder what the Fall buzz with a fluffy tail looks like? Your blue towels are coming along nicely. Lovely warm days in MA too. Your lunch with friends in the warmth of sunshine sounds great.

  15. ooo, I like that blue. why would you give Toby a shave for winter? seems he would want a nice warm coat. cabbage is something we hardly ever eat. neither of us are big fans and even a small cabbage lasts too long.

    1. Sadly, he grooms incessantly, and barfs corresponding hairballs. Since I hit upon haircuts two years ago, no hairball piles, with accompanying goop. I keep the house at a constant 68 all winter, so he doesn't suffer.

  16. My older daughter's cat needs a buzz cut! I didn't know cats got them. Love the blue, which is my favorite color. I also enjoy roasted veggies and our numbers are rising a lot here too. It's disappointing and scary.

  17. We sued to give our old Persian cat a lion cut. I would show the picture to one of my classes to make a point. It doesn't matter what the point was right now, but they always thought it was pretty funny.

  18. Love the blue towels. I so enjoy seeing your work in progress. Cold here, but the snow is all melted. What temperature do you set your oven to when you roast your veggies? They sound like something I would enjoy. My niece grills large slabs of cabbage and brussels sprouts on the bbq., with drizzles of olive oil and seasonings. Yummy!

  19. Is that the same blue you began with long ago? It looks the same as the two towels I first received.
    I'm sorry to hear the covid numbers are still rising, England and other parts of Europe are in similar straits :(

  20. I love hearing stories of your cat. Also envious thst he can get a haircut without disabling everyone around. We had a Persian, poorly bred rescue, whose fur literally grew in mats, impossible to groom. She had to be anesthetized at the vet to be shaved. No groomer would accept her! It was kind of embarrassing, like having a criminal in the family!

  21. Did you ever explain what cup on the bus means?

    1. There should be a song. So we can sing it to the maskless wonders. Nicely, of course.


  22. I don't ever think I have heard of a cat getting a buzz cut. Enjoy lunch tomorrow :)


  23. That crostata you made looked so good!
    Wonderful weaving and so nice to have a hobby to keep you busy and productive. That how I feel about my hobbies during these strange days. We are only venturing to the grocery store though numbers in our little town are low. Lovely to see the cats.

  24. A tray full of roast vegetables and maybe an apple popped on for a pudding - delicious.

  25. Love the blue, I roasted a cauliflower with today’s supper.

  26. A few restaurants here are getting creative with outdoor dining as cold weather approaches - igloo type structures and heaters. We'll see how that goes.

  27. Oh Joanne. The blue is so pretty. Love it.

    Enjoy lunch with friends. Our weather has stayed nice and we are headed out on bikes and later a picnic.

  28. It's nice to feel like we can just live our lives now, isn't it? We're not rid of Trump yet but there is a sense that the dread we've been living under isn't as strong. I hope you have a perfect lunch with friends.

  29. I am glad I am not the one giving your cat a buzz cut. Mom had a long-haired cat and its fur was always getting tangled and lumpy. Maybe a buzz cut would have prevented some grief.

  30. That blue is a very calming color.

  31. Yes, that blue is a winner. You are too, if no one has told you lately. Why trim the kitty just as the weather is getting colder?

    1. Because he grooms the long hair constantly. Incessantly. Then, of course, he pukes hairballs. Daily. Not hourly, but it seems so. He pukes on the carpet and rugs, not on the linoleum. If he shows the slightest sign of being cold, I'll put him in a child's tee.

  32. Good to have a block of nice weather..we are having nasty and nice every other day...highly confusing!!

  33. Our run of nice weather ended this past weekend. Enjoy yours while you can and hope the cabbage dinner turned out well. Take care, Joanne.

  34. Berlin's Covid numbers rising too, very high.
    So we protect ourselves as good as we can - all cafes and restaurants are locked-down (only take-away allowed), so no way to sit on a terrace, even if the weather permits.
    Well - "One Cappuccino, please!" I order from myself on the balcony, and waitress Britta arrives in time, hahaha. (First signs of "split personality" because of lockdown?!? :-)
