
Friday, July 10, 2020

Thunderstorms moved two hours down the line

Yesterday morning I was in a quandary. It already was hot at eight a.m. I had that vein ultrasound at one thirty. I had a porch of plants about twelve hours overdue for watering. I had trash to move out to the trash cans. On top of that my foot still hurt, literally like blazes.

For me, that is an entire, slow motion morning. So, I took a shower, just so I could sweat, watering plants.

I stopped at the drug store for the back ordered losartan. I was told it is on backorder per the factory. I made a mental note to kick this one back to the cardiologist, and went on my way to the vein ultrasound.

I did say I would take pictures of the colorful new downtown, but that was easy to promise on an uneventful Sunday afternoon dry run to the hospital and enroute to the event on Thursday, post lunch hour.

As for the ultrasound, what I saw was very interesting. I stood for the second half, and watched the screen as the technician followed the course of some vein, stopping to mark both sides of each valve. Eventually she said "Your veins cooperated admirably," and departed with my parking deck ticket. She came back with it and said I'd been there way less than an hour, so would escape the deck for free.

I just checked the internet for the losartan backorder, and see it is about contaminated ingredients in India. I knew about that, but in tracking the recall numbers these last several years, my factory in India never was involved. Now it is. It's still in the doctor's hands.

Since spring my sinuses have been in revolt; overloaded. An annual problem, and worse this year. Something happened a couple of days ago, at lunch, at my kitchen table. The table is against a window that has fake pane dividers. I was looking down at my book, looked up and heard a click in my ears that sounded like a door latching.

Suddenly the window panes began flipping, like an old time movie reel. I could not look left or right without adding dizziness to the scene of flipping window panes. So, window panes it was, until the episode ended.

The thunderstorms are now pushed back another forty five minutes. I have accumulated ingredients for cottage cheese and noodles for supper. Off to put it in the oven.  


  1. Glad to know your veins "cooperated admirably". But the flipping window panes episode is pretty weird.

    There's an ongoing row in the UK about parking fees at hospitals - even for those working at the hospitals. Many demands for all hospital parking to be free.

  2. I hope your sinuses settle down soon so you can enjoy the summer properly.

  3. Well that was a creepy scene with the window. But think of the money you're saving on LSD.

  4. Hari OM
    Yikes. My vertigo episodes cause that kinda thing... you don't need that on top of everything else. Hope it was just a one off. Health. Darned nuisance when it plays up. YAM xx

  5. I am sorry to read that your sinuses are giving your grief. Very sorry. I get toothache from mine quite often but have never had the flipping (and an f word is entirely appropriate) window pane thing.
    I do hope it was an abberation and am glad to hear that you have co-operative veins.
    Fingers crossed that a clean version of the drug on back order comes through.

  6. HA -what Marty said! I had to look up your med, I had not idea what it is, I am confused about it now, because the internet does that!

  7. My husband's sinuses have been doing the same thing. He is finally going to get an appointment with an ENT guy. Many decades ago he had to have surgery on his nose and sinuses because of injury from basketball and they told him then that he was going to have to have more at some point. Hopefully by now they have figured out other techniques. He's tried antibiotics, the Neti pot, etc., and nothing so far has helped. I hope you get some relief! Anything that happens in the head is impossible to ignore.
    As far as I know, though, he hasn't seen any flipping window panes. Damn, I just hate it when things go weird. And sometimes they do. I tend to think of it as just being like an old computer that every now and then goes through a little blip of strangeness and then rights itself. I did like what Marty said about saving on LSD.
    Your town is looking fine.

    1. Ah, yes, the nose surgery years ago! Supposed to straighten up my broken nose.

  8. I hate the whole issue of things in the head. My last sinus infection cost me an eardrum. Now I get ear infections. Yay for germs in the head. The flipping window panes sounds extremely disconcerting. It tried to rain here last night, but all we had was virga. We could smell the rain, but it stayed on high.

  9. Storms would be welcome out here, without lightening. Too easy to start a fire.

    Any good news from a doctor is great news.

  10. I'm glad you have the ultrasound done and behind you now. Will you see your doctor to go over the results? That was a scary episode with the window panes! Sinus trouble can sure do a lot of crazy things to a person. I've always had sinus trouble and hate it.

    You've got me thinking about the losartan I take now. I knew about the recall but I was told it did not include the one I take. Now I wonder. I swear they will find a way to kill us one way or another!

  11. My sinuses are tetchy and sometimes I can hear drip drip drip in one ear or the other. I call it "realigning the fluid". It makes me feel better to dismiss it as an occasional R & M job. hah

    Glad your veins cooperated and I hope the results help to get you some relief.

    Nearly a year ago my stomach med (Ranitidine) was pulled from the market because of impurities also. I've had to go on a med with many more possible side-effects and I don't like the thought of it but I can't go without it. I was hoping by now Ranitidine would be back in production but COVID probably put the kibosh on that. I hope your Losartan becomes available real soon.

    1. I can't hear the drip-drip, but I can feel the fluid shifting sometimes. Mostly when I roll over in bed.

  12. My sinuses look like an off-ramp for LAX as I have a deviated septum that needs to be surgically repaired. I hope the cooperation of the veins gives you some relief. And good luck again with the meds. What a pain.

  13. We put on the air conditioner today and I had a huge allergy attack. I hope your sinuses settle down soon.

  14. I have not had flipping window panes but have had similar odd instances. Between my sinuses and migraines I get auras that take me into other worlds. Check with your doctor, but it probably isn’t anything to worry about.

  15. wait, what?! your vision went wacky? has this happened before? don't you think you should mention this to whatever doctor is pertinent? girl. I have pondered fixing my nose broken when I was three. now I'm 70. I have no idea what it is like to breathe without a constricted airway. sometimes it seems worth the risk.

    1. Dr. Google says this kind of "vertigo" is fairly common. I do like Dr. G.

  16. I occasionally get this thing where things go TILT. They tell me it's a form of migraine. Who knew??

  17. Good boys those veins. And that was truly weird window panes. I am having whiteouts in the afternoons if the sun is too bright. Doc says it's an ophthalmologist problem. So always nervous of this stuff for fear they'll yank the driver's licence. So I'm keeping it to myself for now.


  18. Hee they cut down medication to 30 days so you end up continually having to get prescriptions filled.

  19. Strange incident with the window panes and I hope your medical concerns resolve the way you want them to.

  20. I wonder why our country can't back pharmaceuticals and they have to be made in other countries. I loathe India but that is only because my former company was bought by them and afterwards it was a terrible place to work for with stress and the like; you know that story. Hope you get some uncontaminated losartan soon. That would freak me out a bit with the window panes; keep an eye on that!


  21. Wow, that was a heavy day, Joanne!
    As to the "flipping window panes": I went to an ophthalmologist two weeks ago (after 18 years of never visiting one) because for 10 minutes I saw in front of each eye a sort of "Art Deco" - pattern - with yellow and black spikes and as looking through a crystal - Well: everything was fine, and the neurologist confirmed it (I was afraid of heart attack or thrombose) - no, it was "just" the aura of an "eye-migraine" (without a headache - I'm thankful for the little godsends..)
    Maybe you should mention it to your doctor - I happily paid a lot of money (though in Germany we get it back from the health insurance) to learn that there was nothing to be afraid of.
    Now I try to reduce my (utterly self-made) stress.

  22. The flipping window panes sounds terrible! I would have had to close my eyes as the flipping would have brought on a migraine. Please get that checked if it happens again. Good to know your veins are behaving themselves.

  23. This season has been horrid with tree pollen, green dust over everythings for weeks. I don't recall it being that bad in one season. Maybe the drought is at work no wiping the pollen out of the air.

    Prayers all is well

  24. That window pane business sounds disturbing. I suppose it was your ears?

  25. The day seems like an ongoing trial. I hope today goes better.

  26. There's an awful lot of dust drifting about this year which seems unfair, since it's raining a lot this month.
    2020 should have come with a warning!

  27. You sound to have had a disturbing day Joann.

  28. I'm not surprised that your veins cooperated admirably. You're that kind of person. As for the flipping, that sounds a little worrisome. Sometimes I move my head and things turn in circles. In my case, I think it's my ears. Maybe your ears should be checked?


  29. I have to try that. Here we do cream cheese and noodles with a cube of butter mixed in too. Glad your veins cooperated. :) Dust here too but not flipping fake window parts.

  30. Flipping window panes must have been horrifying at the tine but they are an amusing story. You had another morning filled with all those things to do. I don't know how you keep up.

  31. Joanne, I get migraines (mostly ocular these days) and the aura is a bright light with zig zag lines that affect my vision, but I've never heard of flipping window panes. That is weird. Glad it went away. I always feel that if it goes away, I'm OK. If it doesn't go away, we're in trouble.

  32. Good to see you are still blogging. I have been in such a rut but I am going to try to catch up with everyone and see what's up

  33. Much sympathy over sinus problems - awful here also. You mean - showering then going out briefly and getting hot and sweaty - isn't the way of the world?? It happens to me all the time!
