
Sunday, July 12, 2020


Sometimes I feel like my cat should feel. He doesn't follow me from room to room, but he makes sure he arrives shortly after I do. Every night I tell him "Time to leave," and sometimes he does and sometimes there is an argument. Every morning he's outside the bedroom door. I wonder if that's where he spends his night.

I'm sulky of late. For the next four weeks I have nothing to do and nowhere to go. There is one family birthday in there, but after I send wishes, nothing more will occur.  This state of affairs predates Covid-19 by four or five years. It is what it is.

Occasionally Amazon comes through. It's Sunday, and a package just arrived. The elastic stockings with toes. I just opened a new tab to answer the delivery question. It is great.

These are not my first elastic stockings. The first set were toeless. I thought they were a good idea, but I did not know enough. They made my toes pudgy. I am no expert on shipments from China (I did get that watch refund!), but there was a fun experience with that long ago shipment of zippered elastic stockings. The company sent a chipper little email asking, How did I Like, and would I Send a Picture?

And I responded, send me another pair, and on receipt, I will send the picture. That effectively ended our correspondence.

I am back reeling from the damn Lasix. It renders me loopy or comatose. I did not take any the week leading up to the vascular scan, because I did not dare drive under the influence. Today I got up at ten. I did outdoor chores before heat. Eighty-one degrees, and I'm complaining.

My zinnia, holding down the entire pot of salpiglosis, long for painted tongue.

The "real" pot of zinnias needed direct attention. In my haste the other day, I put the seeds in a clay pot with no drainage hole! After yesterday's big rain, the seedlings were floating! I wedged the pot on its side, poorly, and attacked the bottom with a hammer and a phillips. It worked.

And finally, I began my morning weaving. I am past the end of the last run of towels, nice orange towels. But they are still on the beam, because I also within striking distance of the end of the warp. I had a partial spool of lavender, which wound onto eight bobbins, or four towels. If there is warp left, I'll weave it off in cream.

I was down to the last four bobbins when I nodded off. I moved to my desk chair, where I can restrict nodding off to half an hour or so. Then I wrote a post. Back to finishing the warp, because all those towels to finish and a warp to wind on is something to do.


  1. Hari OM
    You are using every minute to the best it can be used, Joanne - nothing more could be asked! YAM xx

  2. You make good use of your time Joann and probably get more accomplished than I do these days. I hope you like the new elastic stockings. Toby is very well behaved if he does not scratch at the bedroom door at night. Our cats would drive us crazy if we closed the door, but then they are used to sleeping with us.

  3. Walter my big barn cat would throw himself at the door of my bedroom and finally I let him sleep with the dogs and crouched in a corner of the bed myself.

    Let me know about the elastic stockings, maybe I need them? Not sure.

    Your flowers are lovely.


    1. Toby will only sleep across my legs or on my feet. I wake up in pain, kicking a screaming. He waits until I'm asleep, and he's back on my feet. I've told him a hundred times he's not the boss, and guess what. He's not the boss.

  4. Yam is right. You are filling every moment.
    Sigh on the drug stupour. I know it.
    And let us know about the stockings. Please.
    We have given up. Jazz sleeps where ever he likes. Which is often across my ankles.

  5. I find it quite amazing they would ask for a picture!

    1. Me too. Young or old, go hire a model! But for a free pair, I would have asked Laura to pose.

  6. I hope those compression stockings do the trick for you. It was a funny story about your first pair and your response to the request for a photo, lol. Toby is probably at your door when you awake to remind you to feed him. Cats always have food on the brain.

  7. that zinnia is a pretty color. mine are all different shades of pink and white and one orange. today I decided I was going to clean both bathrooms and vacuum the upper house (did the lower house two days ago). I got the bathrooms done. vacuuming will have to wait til tomorrow.

    1. I like the color, too. I remember Alberta's being brighter colored. I hope the new pot is subdued, too. I'll see.

  8. The cat must like your company if it follows you.. I’ve never seen a cat do That.

    1. Nor I. I think his ultimate concern is the food bowl.

  9. I miss cats, they're such wonderful companions. Lasix does not sound like a happy experience. We're bored, we need a hobby. Maybe we'll take up some form of martial arts. Nah, probably not.

  10. Thankfully, our cat is an indoor / outdoor cat, mostly outdoor. He uses me to top up his bowl and open and shut doors. -Jenn

    1. That was my experience with cats, too, until my sister insisted the new kitten be indoor, and then delegated him to me.

  11. Zinnias germinate fast. I hope they flower as quickly.

  12. I hope the new stockings work out. My dad had to wear them the last few years of his life, and I always felt sorry for him in the summer heat. But he didn't seem to mind, as he (like many elderly) didn't mind the heat by then. They certainly kept his lower legs and ankles from swelling up, so they did their job.

    How is Toby's diet going? Our cats follow me into whatever room I go. As they need to be kept separated, that means one cat is always, always, ALWAYS unhappy.

  13. The cat is checking to make sure you're okay. He deserves an extra treat.

    1. He eats nothing but his bowl of food. He doesn't trust treats. Once he was given a pill in the treat.

  14. In all my years of typing medical reports, I never heard of Lasix making one loopy. Sorry you got that side effect! I love Amazon. Its amazing how fast after you order something that it gets delivered.


  15. A zinnia at last! and such a pretty colour.
    Toby lets you sleep alone in the bed? Lucky you. Lola sleeps on the bed and sometimes even under the covers with me.

  16. Love the zinnia which seems to match the lovely color of your towels.

  17. Joanne, I've just put a link on Weave's blog for you to try. You-tube, so hopefully it should work. The BBC programme was an hour long, filmed on a day in lock-down, featuring each child as well as a group performance, but this should show you how brilliant they are.

  18. For someone who has nothing to do you certainly seem to do a lot. Are you still able/willing to drive somewhere to meet up with people?

    1. If I go out in public in Ohio, I must wear a mask. This takes me back to the days when the Supreme Court ruled it was legal to burn flags and curse police, so more than a few did. So yes, I can drive about. Sadly, no invites, locally.

  19. We also had an Amazon delivery yesterday. There's been quite a lot of that going on here. :)

  20. I am sure Toby is sleeping outside your door. You are his person.

    Amazon delivers every day and I have to admit that getting a package on Sunday is a little special.

  21. Hope the zippered elastic stockings help. Toby just wants to be near you. Ghost used to sleep with us all the time when we had Tux and Julie. Now that they're gone, she sleeps by herself on Tux's old blanket...? (BTW, I like your pic with the mask)

  22. Who are you tellingthat he is not the boss! I try that on the dogs and they just look at me...

  23. Where would we be without Amazon?

  24. Visions of you sitting on your deck, determinedly bashing the bottom out of a flower pot! The Lady Gardener.

  25. That's a wonderful clear color. Yes, I don't dare too wear my socks toeless. You do make me laaugh.

  26. ....and, what ever happened to the "Ragged Society of Antiquarian Ramblers." They stopped writing three years ago, and since then not a sign of them.

  27. Taking a hammer and screwdriver to a pot? I have done that myself. Just have to be careful that the hole doesn't wind up being 4" across!!! (I've done that too!)
