
Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Just waiting

Waiting for school to start.
Waiting for school to end.
Waiting for spring.
Waiting for Christmas.
Wait until your father gets home.
Wait until you're sixteen.
Wait until pigs fly.

How are we going to get out of this?
I don't know.
Keep shouting into the wind.
Like the governors of Florida and Texas
Like the president of the United States.

Ohio was keeping the corks under water.
Now Covid19 is on the rebound here, over 3,000 deaths.
We also are way behind in testing. 
I don't understand those implications.

It's just a cluster you know what. 
Cluster bomb is the best descriptor. 
We don't know what will happen.
We sure can guess the worst.

Back at home, I emptied the loom.

Haha. That's sort of a joke. The loom is empty of weaving material.

I was out of mental energy, and left the fabric laying.

I never thought I would do this. We need a laugh.

One leg is glamorous. One is not. I wish I'd pulled up both jeans. 

The stockings are decent. The pills are better. 

I'm not taking the pill unless I want to devote two hours to a nap.

I'm waiting to hear back from doctors. I guess I'll call tomorrow.


  1. I am very despondent about the whole thing. It doesn't seem like it can get better under the current administration, and by the time Biden is sworn in, it will be too late. Feh.

  2. We just keep rolling, until we don[t. No sense can be made because, well you know the "because" and Allison could be right.
    A two hour nap sounds just right to me. And then a four hour nap and then time for bed.

  3. I hear how weary you are. Living with fear and uncertainty is exhausting.

  4. Breathe! Be well....We just have to hang in for the long haul...Today I had that kind of ultra sound checking on my arterial blood. Blood pressure cuff on both ankles and one on my left arm. I am not going to complain about health issues since I feel so lucky to have good insurance and things taken care of.

  5. Waiting is tiring. Very tiring. Waiting to see what normal looks like and whether I can manage it...
    Waiting for November.
    And yes, two hours nap sounds good to me too. My eyes rolled back before three this morning and I am very tired but not sleepy. And well aware that I am one of the lucky ones (which fills me with guilt some days).

  6. Oh dear it is the same everywhere my family are all far away and I'm lonely and what will happen no one knows...........

  7. You cover a lot of territory here and I like the way you express things.

  8. I think our best bet right now is a vaccine, which could be here in who knows when. No one can form a consensus on what to do as every state is doing their own thing. Mask up for 6 weeks and see if that works. We have done everything else. Hope you get good news from the doctor.

  9. The compression socks look good. The rising number of those with CV 19 are worrisome. The vaccine is likely the best answer. Let's hope they can develop one in good time.

  10. It will go away eventually, even the yellow peril will finally roll up at the cliff's edge.

  11. That's a good way to put it - waiting. We're going to be doing a lot of waiting I think but maybe that's better than the alternative. It bothers me that we are going back to and beyond the start of this with all the new numbers. Yet so many people still think it's a hoax which is insane. Tom and I are trying to stay in as much as possible because the numbers where I live are worse than ever before.

    The stockings look good. I hope they help you. Can you take the pills at bedtime and then get a good night's sleep? I love that quilt! Did your sister make it? I love the pattern and the quilting is gorgeous.

    I hope you hear from the doctor soon. If you call him I hope you get through to him because I know how that can go. Take care Joanne.

  12. Hari OM
    Ugh - yup, you nailed the point... we are barely any better here, as you likely know. Sigh... at least 'oor wee Nicola' is keeping the Big White Chief 'doon Sooth' answerable.

    LOL - well done on the leg selfie - hope they appreciate it - we did! YAM xx (Who would give organs for some proper kip; things in the microcosm of Macworld a bit haywire...)

  13. These sort of feelings come in waves with me. Sometimes are worse than others, but I get tired with being angry. I mean literally tired.

  14. I'm sorry you are having more cases in your area. I remember when I first heard about corona, I joked with my kids that I'll be hunkered down at home until Christmas. Now it looks like that's exactly what might happen.

  15. This is wearing us all out.
    I'm lucky in that I sleep like a log for hours every night... but then I wake up and the next day promises to be just the same as the day before.........

  16. I don't worry as much about my husband and myself, as we are very careful, and almost the only place my husband goes to is grocery store. I had a doctor appointment that I needed to go to, and I found even that worrisome.

    My worries are about our children, our son is in the Air Force in Florida right now, and our daughter is an RN and is expecting, so I worry for two with her. They are in their 30's and I know they are reasonably careful, but I also know that they go out and about much more than my husband and I do. Sometimes I get those 3 am worrying thoughts that are stressful.

  17. I wish everything gets better, Joanne!

  18. Waiting, waiting, waiting. I guess Godot has nothing on us!

  19. We have had another outbreak of Covid here after more than two months Covid free. We are waiting to see how much it spread in the community from a doctor who was infected and working at a hospital emergency for a week. Waiting...

  20. When I overheard myself muttering....I wish this was all over....I heard my mother telling me to stop wishing my life away. But oh dear I really do wish this over!
    I can do wishin and hopin and thinkin and's the waiting that's doing me in!

  21. I wish the truth would come out about it all, no matter how ugly it is. I don't get the need for people to be tested if they don't have symptoms and they are practicing social distancing and wearing a mask, yet its being pushed here. No way am I being tested unless absolutely necessary. I guess we just have to be patient and wait and not wish away things.


  22. I have a feeling that it is one of those bugs which is going to do the rounds like the common cold...looking at the figures here very few are hospitalised of those testing positive and all but one of the deaths here - currently 39 - had other complications.
    I have a particular worry with Leo as any 'flu type bug can set off his illness - needs to be treated rapidly before paralysis spreads to his heart or lungs - and if he does have an attack I have to get through to the doctors that he needs treatment for his illness, not for the bug.
    No faith in a vaccine whatsoever...saw enough failed 'flu vaccines among mother's friends.

    1. I think of you and Leo, at the end of the road, I don't remember what. Give him my best.

  23. waiting til November and then waiting til January. those of us that survive anyway. all covid data to go directly to HHS. do not pass CDC, do not collect accurate data. he's going to cook the books to make himself look good. meanwhile he gives delirious rants from the Rose Garden. Biden will take away your windows and no AC or heat either!

    nice stockings. the first job I had that I had to stand all day made my legs ache so bad I had to wear support hose.

    1. That switcheroo made me snort coffee. The man is a horse's ass.

  24. It is hard to wait. I keep trying to decide when I can see my grandchildren again. Can we visit safely or will I take the risk anyway because I miss them so? I so want a change in November but am almost afraid to hope. We cannot have more years of Trump, we just can't.
    Hope you get relief for your legs. And yes, that is a lovely quilt!

  25. I am sick of waiting. But what else can we do?

    1. Remember when we marched on Washington. Most of us and some of us. I wonder what would happen if we all turned our hand held devices toward DC and tuned into Skype!

  26. Waiting isn't all that bad now that I have G again.
    What about tuning into ZOOM instead of Skype. lol

  27. Worrisome world we live in these days. Eventually things will change though. Hopefully for the good.
