
Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Alert today

No pills this morning; things to do! First I watered the plants:

You remember this fellow; the one I almost froze to death because I didn't think fast enough. It will never catch up, but it sure does try.

And the pink and the red. Look at all the blossoms those two are setting!

And the glass lady. She makes me happy, quietly anchoring the corner.

The salpigolis. I ordered 100 seeds for next year, plus a bag of butterfly garden seeds. I know where to buy zinnia seeds, so I'm all set!

Pig has his usual pot of Gerbera daisy on the bottom step and look at those zinnia go, now I've pounded the hole in the bottom of the pot!

I spent the morning on the phone and straightened around all the tangled incidentals. So tell me, if 25 mg losartan is on factory backorder for quality problems, why is 50 mg available now, and would I just be able to cut it in half? Of course I can, especially since it's eight dollars less expensive than 25 mg.

But wait, why are you telling me about 50mg and 25 mg in the same breath, when the 25's are on backorder for quality problems. And why aren't the 50's having the same problems? Oh, the 25's came in this morning's shipment and you could fill that order if I'd rather.

The whole fucking world has gone mad. Speaking in tongues.

After lunch I put on my mask, fired up the car, and went to pick up scripts and cat litter and laundry soap and dishwasher soap.

On the way home I saw what my porch says to everyone when my car isn't there:

It's kind of nice. I need to move a big pot of flowers under the water lily. I must think about what it will be.


  1. It's great to wake up and know you're going to have a lot of energy that day.

  2. Very beautiful. I love the glass tool.

  3. Beautiful variety of flowers and colors. I miss my flowers since I am away from home at the moment.

  4. You have a lovely and colourful container garden! Flowers are such a source of joy, aren't they!

  5. Your deck is beautiful and welcoming.

    Hope the meds help Joanne.

  6. Oh Joanne, you make me laugh! I hope you don't mind! Yes, it's a mad mad mad world. BTW, that's a hilarious old movie! I could do with another laugh, perhaps I'll search good old Netflix for it! LOVE your flowers!

  7. It's nice to think ahead about what you want to plant next year and to beautify the porch not only for yourself but for those that visit or pass by.

  8. flowers make everything better, momentarily, we'll take it! Yours are cute.

  9. Hari OM
    Your entrance ways WELCOME, Love Resides Here!!! You know how to care. On all levels. It shows in the response of those pots. As for the world. yeah... YAM xx

  10. Your flowers look beautiful and just look at all those new buds coming out! The porch does look lovely and tells everyone that a discerning, flower loving lady lives there.

    Oh yes, a large part of the world has gone mad!

    Take care friend!

  11. Your garden is beautiful! You have a real green thumb and everything is blooming for you! Well done! Sorry about the craziness of the world. But you have beautiful things to distract yourself.

  12. You keep very active and don't let those pharmacies mess around with your medication.

  13. Lovely porch and flowers you have Joanne. I agree with your comment about the world; yest it has gone mad!


  14. I really like how you've transformed your front entrance into a garden. It's lovely.

  15. Your porch looks friendly and welcoming, anyone passing by is sure to get a smile from seeing it.
    I've neglected my porch and garden lately. Things need moving and changing and I just can't work out what to do with it all.

  16. I like those hanging black iron pots with the mossy (?) kind of liner. I think they look quite nice. There are so many things back ordered. Husband had to completely change to a different prescription because of unavailability of certain things. Here's a new one - there is apparently now a aluminum shortage so soft drink companies are putting out limited lines of product. I found this out when I was looking for cans of diet root beer. Not to be had in the brand I wanted. I like pig. How long have you had him? -Jenn

    1. Lambie is the oldest, 88 or 89 or 90. So if he's 30, Pig is late twenties and Toad is mid twenties. They all are loosing their extremities to weather.

  17. LOVING your porch. All of it - and looking forward to learning about your next planting.
    Less than no energy today (and a migraine). Which was truly inconvient because I had appointments in town. Home again I feel like chewed string.

  18. I like your porch and that your home is 3 feet higher than the ground outside.

    1. I'm on a hill. Actually five feet higher. My drive slopes down. The first time I stood on it, vertigo.

  19. Lovely porch flowers, I do envy you.

  20. Your porch is quite wonderful. And yes, in some parts of this dear world, it must seem as though it has gone fucking mad! Speaking in tongues.

  21. Your deck is very lovely and welcoming. Having that color to see as you drive up is a definite upper. Don’t you love Zinnias. Put some seeds in dirt and within a month, you have tall, colorful flowers that you can enjoy outside and inside.

    My husband splits his pills because it saves money and also so we don’t have to reorder them as often. That is odd that the lower strength had problems. It probably had to do with the batch.

  22. I hear you on the script problem. I've been fighting with pharmacy on their lack of providing me with 20 g of one of my pills and they keep delivering 40 g. So there I am with the pill cutter too. Call into doc for today.

    Those flowers are lovely. Cheer me up just looking at them.


  23. So pretty! I was just thinking that I’d love to see a picture of the whole effect. So thank you!

  24. your porch is looking good. and that's what I've been doing every morning, watering some part of the yard by hand, setting up the sprinkler in others. taking up my yoga time.

    1. Because if we don't they will perish. Who's the more fool. me or they?

  25. Your porch and deck say Welcome!

  26. You were instrumental in motivating me to add more flowers to my garden. All I grew was vege and what a difference all the colors make, when I look out the window. I've given up trying to make sense of anything told to me by any corporation, company, politician, physician, or lawyer. Everyone has an agenda and they twist information like a corkscrew to fit their needs. Geez, I sound curmudgeonly, don't I?

    1. It may work for the best if we all go a little curmudgeonly for a time.
      I hope you plant lots and lots of colors!

  27. Your entrance looks very nice, good colors. Drug pricing is mysterious to me, 90 days worth costs less than 3 30 day's worth. Now all we have to do is train our doctors to write for 90.

  28. Lovely deck. Have you thought about a homeade sunshade, poles, screw eyes and clips to put up a piece of fabric when you sit outdoors?

    1. I did that to my very first deck at my very first house. I used metal pipes screwed together, and screwed to the deck with those round feet. I made two uprights and a cross bar, then hung a bamboo screen, on the west end of the deck. It must have been 1975. Ace Hardware was very helpful!

  29. You never know what is going to be scarce. These days, locally, one of the items has been caffeine free diet coke. I tend to open one in the evening, but I am managing without. I know there's a bit of a shortage of aluminum, but it is not available in any form.

  30. When the world goes mad, take comfort in flowers.

  31. As gz said, there's something very welcoming about all those plants by your front door.

  32. I think everyone should have a pig guarding their house.

  33. You always take flowers wherever you move. I love that.

  34. I have decided that many times, no matter what I'm saying, it's not in English or any recognizable language because the responses tend to make NO SENSE! Pretty porch.
