
Monday, July 6, 2020

Sometimes I fill the entire day

This morning I went to the drug store to pick up a prescription that is out of stock a couple more days. From the drive through I went and parked in front and got myself to the ice cream case, hoping to locate chocolate peanut butter, to assuage my disappointment. Nothing! I settled for somebody's butter pecan.

Mom first found chocolate peanut butter ice cream in the seventies, on the other side of the state at Sauder Village, the furniture manufacturer that maintains a replica village way west, almost in Indiana. In a few days she loaded me and most of the grands in her car and we were off on a day trip for ice cream.

In the nineties, driving from art show to art show, I discovered Hershey chocolate peanut butter, at the first rest stop east bound on the Pennsylvania turnpike. But don't stop; the area has been totally remodeled to Any Toll Road USA rest area, and Hershey has no store.

Sometimes I find it. Hershey maintained a fountain in a local restaurant and sometimes Laura and I ate supper there, and sometimes just stopped for ice cream. That could have been a relationship made in heaven, until the chef put his hand too far into the till...

Today, after the prescription disappointment, I drove across town to have my glasses adjusted. I came home via Richfield to Peninsula, and on the exit ramp realized I only needed to go toward Richfield to get to Country Maid.

How strange to find them in full Covid mode. The door was now exit only, the entrance the former emergency exit in the small seating area. I happily donned my mask and stood in line for the next  server in the once noisy and bustling shop. I bought a half gallon of the real deal.

I got home from all the adventures around two in the afternoon. I looked over the flowers and decided they could survive until tomorrow. But only until then. We're well into the nineties.

My white mandevilla has bloomed. I'm so pleased. There is another blossom way at the top. Several, in fact.


  1. I don't think I've ever had chocolate peanut butter ice cream. It sounds very rich!

  2. We love country maid! I'm not a great fan of chocolate nor of peanut butter but we love their pistachio and their honey ice cream...You had a rather exciting day and I love your mandavillas!

  3. I like the passion for the ice cream!

  4. You've started me up...i'll have to make ice cream.

  5. Any day that includes ice cream is a good day! In fact I'm in love with your freezer. I don't think I've had Country Maid ice cream, maybe it's not in Missouri. I'm so happy to see that your white mandevilla has bloomed! She's beautiful!

  6. Chocolate and peanut butter is one of my favourite combinations, although I can't eat it anymore (the chocolate part is the problem). I'm so glad you found the good stuff! Now, are you going to mete it out a miserly scoop at a time or eat it with wild abandon? lol

  7. Yum on the ice cream! Its a flavor I haven't tried before but certainly would if given the chance!


  8. I usually buy my ice cream by colour. I mostly buy pale yellow (Lemon), but also occasionally go for red (Raspberry). My wife particularly likes brown, with the crunchy chocolate cocoa beans in it. All good.

  9. Loving the mandevilla. I am not an icecream fan. A scoop of two a year does me.
    Stay cool, stay safe.

  10. Just this morning I bought Hershey Peanut Butter Chocolate. you are invited.

    1. I have been stopped here, reading your sentence and day dreaming for two or three full minutes. What a pleasure to know someone who knows chocolate with slabs of peanut butter.

  11. Chocolate peanut butter ice cream? I've never heard of that and while I like both chocolate and peanut butter, the mix doesn't sound appealing to me. But I'm glad you found some to enjoy. I like plain vanilla. With an occasional scoop of plain chocolate. Ice cream is off limits to me for a while longer anyway, I went way overboard eating the stuff for several years and now I'm paying for it.
    The white mandevilla is so lovely.

  12. Hari OM
    Wow - I Scream hangover, anyone??!!! Last week in our grocery order, the double choc I had order for dad got substituted with choc-salted caramel. Not something I would instinctively have chosen for him, but it was hit! I don't really do ice cream myself, but even I enjoyed that - more because it had giant nuggets of pure chocolate incorporated. Decadence +++. YAM xx

  13. Ice cream - mmmh, lecker! - yummy! Peanutbutter-chocolate I did not see here, though they create trillions of new stuff - but then: I seldom buy ice-cream (I see you have Haegen Dazz in your fridge, that I buy).
    But now you made my mouth water - today I will have a look around, as there are many little ice-shops with hand-crafted (can you say that?!? sounds strange) ice cream.

  14. Yum! Ice cream is my favourite treat. You are having a heat wave and I am still getting a lot of rain. I cleaned up a few of the dead leaves from the garden flowers today. Not sure how long they can last.

  15. Do you eat ice cream in the Winter too?

  16. I like the idea of an ice cream pilgrimage. But mine's butter pecan or run raisin. I haven't had any good ice cream this year yet, since our local handmade has been closed.

  17. I love vanilla ice cream with an orange swirl in it by Turkey Hill for a treat. It is so good. But normally I eat Bryer's Carb Smart "ice cream".

  18. I hit the Publish button too fast. I meant to tell you how pretty your Mandevillas are looking, too. I have a rose bush that is a very sporadic bloomer after its first big bloom in early summer. Next year I am going to set a pot of Mandevilla under that half naked rose bush and let the Mandevilla decorate it with some flowers.

  19. we had a Hershey's chocolate factory near us until a few years ago. It was a fun little trip to take visitors. It is now a marijuana plant.

    1. I doubt I ever would have considered that a good transition.

  20. It has been pretty hot for days here too. Far too hot for my liking. Bring on Fall! So many interesting spots along the highways and byways have been transformed into bland copies of each other.

  21. Most small dairies have a bigger selection of ice cream flavors and it is always a problem making a choice. I have seen peanut butter ribbon and other variations on the menu at a few places. My Retired Man drove to our favorite dairy at a time when it would be less busy and waited in the car till all customers left and then went and got a few half gallons that will last us a month or two. We are very careful about being in public but we have to have our ice cream.

  22. And then there are the chocolate/peanut butter M&M's which would taste divine sprinkled over the top of that ice cream...
    Not that I'd suggest such a thing.

  23. My daughter is crazy about Chocolate Peanut Butter IceCream too. Only one grocery chain seems to sell it around here, and when you see it, grab and go because it's in great demand!

  24. Your flowers are spectacular.

    I’ve never seen Chocolate peanut butter ice cream. It sounds yummy.

  25. looks like you're set for chocolate peanut butter ice cream for a while. not only have I never eaten that flavor, I've never even heard of it!

  26. Our all time favorite ice-cream here is BlueBell’s Happy Tracks (chocolate/peanut butter). It’s hard to find too. There’s another that’s close - chocolate peanut butter cookie dough. And I’m not even that big of a fan of ice cream- but a big fan of chocolate & peanut butter!

  27. You must really like that ice cream to go to such lengths to get it. About the medicine I cannot understand why a pharmacy does not have medicine in stock. Especially medicine for a customer who regularly needs it. It is hard enough when insurance won't pay for it even one day early. They add indignity to having to deal with a medical condition.

  28. I have often thought that it would make a great road trip - trying all of the ice cream in between here and there- I think I have found my traveling companion!
    Your flowers are really gorgeous, your hot weather is not

    1. One year my girls were at a Y camp maybe a hundred miles away. My brother, my mom and I, and the rest of mom's grands piled into my station wagon to bring them home. My brother did just that: he stopped at every Dairy Queen on Route 20 home. When they caught on, the kids were over the moon, and scratching their memories for more DQ's.

  29. Last time I looked, the supermarket seemed to have dozens of varieties of peanut butter, including Banana and Peanut Butter (eeugh!). I'll leave them for everyone else. I'll just carry on eating Double Cream Ice Cream when I can't resist temptation any longer.

  30. Interesting ice cream flavor...never heard of chocolate peanutbutter. Coffee flavored is my favorite. I've been meaning to thank you again for meeting my towel order just in time for Christmas last year! They were well received and my guests enjoyed choosing a color from the assortment. And, of course, I saved 2 for myself. :)

  31. Does it taste as good as Hersey's? We have a cookie shop just down the hill...the Cravory. They have chocolate peanut butter cookies that G just loves. Right now they are a buck each.

    1. Yes, all the hand crafted I've ever tried tasted as good as Hershey.

  32. My spouse was equally addicted to her favorite ice cream flavors. driving fifty mil out of our way was nothing to her to get what she

  33. I have to admit that I have never tried chocolate peanut butter ice cream and I should probably rectify that before too long as I am a big fan of both. Your mandevilla looks great. Take care and I hope the ice cream helped you get over the prescription disappointment.

  34. To tell the truth I'm not a fan of fancy ice cream I like mine plain.

  35. You scored your ice cream so not too bad of a day.

  36. Coffee with Heath bits ice cream! Yummmmm. I only buy it in pints. May the gods help me if I ever find it in gallon containers! Always a good day when you find something you really want!

  37. There was one version in Ontario that I loved - a vanilla bean peanut butter fudge ripple. A President's Choice product. Haven't been able to find it since. Your version sounds like it would satisfy me though. I've got an awful craving now. Thanks!


  38. i just discovered that there were two green towels. George materialized the second one by dinner time. Thank you so very much. It's a little like finding the ice cream.

  39. I love peanut butter. I've never heard of chocolate peanut butter, I shall have to track it down straightaway!

  40. I've got five containers of ice cream in my freezer right now. One of them is a Reese peanut butter cup ice cream.
