
Monday, June 1, 2020


The title is a double entendre tonight. First, New Blogger. When I select the title of a blog to read, I land first on a "redirect notice" page, with a link to to the page selected. I'm also given the option of returning from whence I came, but that option actually does not work.

So, the question is, why is a redirect needed? It adds to to getting around to all "my" blogs. Perhaps someone knows the technical answer.

And to the redirect we all are dealing with. What we are doing with all the emotion surrounding police brutality and black death by law enforcement, or white women invoking death by law enforcement.

The country mobilized to demonstrate like this last back in the sixties, over an illegal war in Vietnam. Young men were again being drafted, and where they were being sent and why was known to every one of us. The protests went violent in 1967, against Dow Chemical (Napalm) recruiting on the U of Wisconsin campus.

I was young then, young enough to add my body and voice to the fray. For the first time in fifty years, I think, tear gas was fired in my home town, twelve miles away, to turn back protesters from doing damage to the downtown. And now we even have a president inciting violence at home.

I am so unable to deal with the need for protest, I find myself redirecting in the wrong way and place. It's not funny. Covid-19 took another fifty Ohio lives today. I've spent too much of my time in isolation cooking and reading. But today...

Today I went grocery shopping, the first of generally two trips a month. My monthly grocery budget is around a hundred dollars. Today, June 1, 2020, I spent ninety six dollars. I bought a pint of raspberries. I made a crosatta. And ate a slice.

I bought enough peaches to make an entire peach praline pie. Which I will do.

Speaking of redirecting, how do I enlarge a picture? I truly am at a loss right now. I truly wish I knew what to do, outside my usual keep calm and carry on. Even making a phone call to my governor seems useless, at this point.

How useless, you ask. We are overrun by Covid, by brutality, and by lies. The headline news that the white house is overrun was illustrated by pictures of the Ohio Statehouse.


  1. I feel your frustration and anger. I am sick of the racism and hate that has gone on way too long in this country. I want us to do better and hope we can make the changes that are needed. Peace, Joanne! and Stay safe!

  2. I am sick at heart over the lack of progress we've made, both with the virus and with equality for all. Our so-called leader has no human decency, compassion or judgement. :( It's hard to believe that anyone still supports him. That peach praline pie sounds delicious.

  3. Hari OM
    My heart breaks for what is happening over your way. All we can do from the sidelines is offer up our thoughts and hearts filled with peace and reconciliation and hope that it gets through...

    Joanne; re the updated Blogger... I have scheduled a post for this coming Thursday covering a few points - including the images edit! For immediate purpose though, once you've inserted the image, click on it and it will 'phase blue' and offer a little block of icons. These were for L/R/C alignment, the 'pen' icon is for the resizing, and the last little one is for adding a caption. With respect to the reader - the redirect has been happening in 'legacy' format also. For a long time now I have opted to 'right click' and open in new tab, as I tend to open four or five at a time and that just lines them up nicely for me. This circumvents the redirect. YAM xx

  4. Not sure about the redirect feature on blogger. I haven't ran into it yet. Those peaches look delicious!


  5. I have such admiration for the officers and other officials who not only speak with those demonstrating but also joining them in peaceful protest. I have known people of all shades of skin color who have been brutalized by police. I do not think all police are bad but there are enough to make me distrustful. And force and violence against peaceful protesters will only escalate the tension. We know that from the sixties.Remember to vote everybody!

  6. I can't deal with the protests and other things right now either. My thoughts and prayers will have to be enough though there are protests organized in my city as well. I saw the brother of the deceased today calling for people not to protest. I share his thoughts. As for the new blogger, I guess I missed that it was happening. I finally noticed the notice and switched to the new format. I don't like it because it is harder to deal with photos as you've noticed. I switched back to the old blogger until I'm forced to do otherwise so I'm afraid I'm not much help to you. I have no idea about the redirect notice as it hasn't happened to me yet. Your crostata looks very delicious. I feel like I should make a pie now.

  7. It's such a bad time to be going out en masse for protests to begin with, and the violence that is happening right next to the peaceful protests is alarming. We older folks have to let that baton pass to younger ones, I think. But it's frustrating and infuriating to just sit home. Making good things to eat - and eating them - helps a little. And you continue to have a voice here, Joanne. You may have readers who do not comment but are on the fence about who to vote for. You never know when your informative and logical approach may convince someone else of the importance of removing Trump.

    I'm really not looking forward to trying the new Blogger but putting it off isn't going to help. I have to get busy on that.

  8. I wonder whether the redirect is part of new blogger. I suspect it is.
    The enlarging photos is part of the reason I dipped my toes in the water and rushed back to legacy blogger.
    On the important issues? My heart breaks. When I can bring myself to watch the news I weep. And suspect I will continue to do so.

  9. Well I had go and gave up .
    You only spend $100 a month thats pretty good.

  10. Your country is going through a terrible time. An issue which will never be truly addressed has brought violence on the streets. It will change actions and thoughts elsewhere, and I am sure Trump will disappear one day and lessons learnt. Stay safe.

  11. We're (or at least some of us) are going to have a problem over at Wordpress soon. They also have been introducing a new editor which is a real pain in you know where! Support for the 'old' system is supposedly finishing maybe early next year, until then I'm carrying on as usual. I did think I'd return to my old blogspot blog but listening to all these moans and groans maybe I'll not!

  12. I see the rioting and looting, the violence, on my TV every night and every night I hope that all my blogger friends are safe. I'm not looking forward to the new blogger. Maybe by the time I have to, enough people will have mastered it well enough to help out with any problems.

  13. I think that when you are told you are being redirected it usually means that the front door to your blog has been changed or you tried to get in the through the back door... I'm sure that's not help whatsoever. Trump holds up a bible having got the troops to forcibly clear the area around the church. I think I get the message.

  14. Hope those raspberries tasted of raspberry - some you buy in supermarkets now are enormous and juicy but taste almost of nothing. Our own will soon be ready in the garden. They are so strong they're almost painful.
    I've used the option bottom left on the menu page to revert to classic blogger.

  15. Tough times. I have lost the capacity to say anything about events.

  16. The news we hear about the USA are quite dreadful. Joanne, I think it a very good move to go and bake such a lovely cake, and to enjoy what there is to enjoy. xxx

  17. Democracy is truly a fragile thing isn't it? It would be perfectly understandable for you to conclude that Washington has become Ankara or Manilla. And your president (substitute goon) is inciting violence by protecting the second amendment while simultaneously trampling on the first amendment. If I hear that phrase about America leading the free world again, I will vomit.

  18. And did you see Trump holding a Bible in front of a church?
    He's the lowest of the low, lower than the lowest. I abhor him.

  19. This is why I am detached from it all at the moment. It's the decline of the American Empire long foretold. Civil war foretold to with the massive inequality and of course the gun happy yahoos. I feel so terrible for my USian friends, it is abhorrent and appalling to hear about destruction and terror and then Covid added to the mix and a completely narcissistic psycho in charge.

    I can't even.


  20. Riot? March? Phooey. They have the arms and the techniques to withstand that.
    You want change?
    Then you go to the houses of those responsible - really responsible, not the little guys - pull out the inmates and set the fires there. You take out the buildings of the firms who benefit from your misery, not public libraries which could benefit your own kids.

  21. Everyday I think it can’t get worse, but then it does. My country is unrecognizable and even if we have an election and the dictator loses, he and his gang of cohorts and enablers will still be here and they are armed. I have never felt more afraid for the future, especially after last night.

  22. In your conclusion you have three things we are overrun by. They are all terrible.

  23. the peaceful protest in front of the White House yesterday was cleared with gas and rubber bullets so Trump could walk to a boarded up church and hold a bible upside down with that ridiculous look on his face while he threatened to deploy the American military against Americans. and the Republicans are silent. we may not make it to November.

  24. to enlarge pictures in the new blogger, upload the image (must use the add image icon since apparently you can no longer drag and drop an image into the body of the post), click on it and a little window appears with left, center, right alignment and under that is a pencil icon on the left, click on that and another window opens that lets you choose the size of your image.

  25. I too find it hard to recognize my country anymore... and hard to believe that it has come to this. But I feel that someone(s) is pulling strings, causing all this chaos. No one wants this - not any race, creed, or color. Most people want equality, freedom, and peace. I'm not sure what Trump wants. What he says and does is so confusing.
    As for the new blogger, I have not be brave enough to venture there yet.

  26. Eek, where have I been? I had no idea there were any changes coming to Blogger. Ho hum, just what I don't need right now.

  27. Hi hun, Please can you post some recipes for the raspberry crossatta and peach praline pie?. I have never heard of this before (I am from the UK). My grandma was married to an American and lived in Mansfield Ohio - not sure why I am telling you this as it's probably miles and miles from where you are *Lol*!! As to the death of Floyd it made me so very sad, especially when I saw the amount of Police Officers kneeling on him and one spare officer who could have helped in relieving the pressure on his neck.Racism is endemic, unfortunately, not just in the USA and it makes me so very upset.We are all part of the human race that makes us all equal, brothers/sisters and the same if you turned us inside out.I am so very upset at the world my grandbabies are growing up into but am proud that my girlies make sure their is no racism or any kind of *ism* in their family unit.This world needs an injection of LOVE and PEACE.*hugs* Goldensunflowerx

    1. Hello, Goldensunflower. Mansfield is about an hour south of me, right down a major highway that is around the corner from me. When we traveled, it always was around Mansfield we'd call home and say "I'll be there in an hour."
      If you go almost to the top of the column on the right, above the picture of the dragonfly, there is a small line that says "Search this blog." Type in raspberry and hit search. I found the crosotta as the second entry.

  28. It is hard to watch the news but I feel I must not look away. It’s made me look to see what I can do.

  29. I'm sorry, I'm quite late getting to your blog. These times are catching up with me and not in a good way. I tried the new blogger and also got the "Redirect". It makes no sense to me. I went back to the old blogger.

    I love that you are baking. I guess I need to do that. I made the mistake of addressing the state of our country in my blog because I feel like I have to do or say something. But it is useless, all it does is stir things up more. We are watching our country fall apart and I feel so hopeless.

  30. I'm not sure about the redirect thing. So far I've not run into that problem (knock on wood). As to our country, I've never been so afraid for the future as I am right now.

    Your peaches and the raspberry dessert look wonderful!

  31. My feeling is - people that "update" computer programs, NEVER USE THEM. I find the current state of the US so beyond my comprehension right now, I am overwhelmed.
