
Tuesday, June 2, 2020


I am so pretentious. Three pots and I'm a gardener. Three pots and three hanging baskets.

This is the white mandevilla, the one that suffered most cruelly from the three night freeze at the beginning of May. Just a month ago. I added the red and white daisies to distract from the damage I did to this poor plant. It lost all its branches save one.There are two tiny new limbs started, one at six o'clock and one where the clock hands would be fastened.

The red mandevilla came through just fine and so did the pink. The pink is about to unfurl a new set of blossoms.

Two of my pots around the steps are doing well. The last merely needs more flowers, when a nursery is not too busy. The blue pot has the blossoms of three allium. I like the shape of them from start to finish, and will leave then a while longer. Then, some snapdragons, favorites of Laura, and a nice succulent Jan picked up.

I do not know the name of any plant in the tan pot, but that's OK. Between all of you, they will be enumerated and listed in the comments.  I do like the looks of this pot.

The green pot has only this purple plant. It needs some more, and when I see a nursery with a reasonably empty parking lot, I'll look for a gerbera daisy, or two.

I also have two small pots, definitely worth a mention. The one on the top deck was planted with zinnia seeds from my friend Deb.  They were seeds she collected, or was gifted, and the outside of the pack was written: Zinnia ? So, we'll see. That skinny fellow in the back may be a weed, but I'll give it a fair chance. My eye is on it.

And finally I have a pot of dahlia bulbs. I think dahlia; they look like zinnia, but are bulbs. There was a weed in this pot, but I pulled it!

And finally, time to be back to weaving. I'm working on aqua green, and have it around the beam. The first row of bobbins has become aqua green towel.


  1. those are not zinnias. they look like lettuce to me. and I think the pinka nd white 'daisies' are cosmos. and the grayisn green training plant looks like silver ponyfoot. but yeah, definitely a gardner.

  2. Hey, you are an accomplished gardener in MY eyes. Remember, all my balcony plants and greenery are fake.

  3. Hari OM
    No, the daisies are not Cosmos (a much more delicate flower); those are a member of the Osteospermum family. And I too thought 'lettuce' before I saw what you thought you had there... We await with interest! YAM xx

  4. We are all gardeners at heart some have more success, i often forget plants they seam to do better that way .

  5. I, too, think your zinnias may be lettuce. Definitely NOT zinnias. I am so sorry. Zinnias are some of my favorites. But lettuce is nice! Especially on a plate with a little oil and vinegar.

    1. I vote for not lettuce only because the seeds were big, flat and hairy. Lettuce seeds are dark and tiny. So, we'll see. It's only June and I think Zinnias are a late summer flower.

  6. The orange flowers in the tan pot are calendula. It's a beneficial herb. I use the petals in my soaps. Good for your skin! Dry the petals, grind then to a powder and mix with some coconut oil to make a soothing ointment for chapped skin.

  7. Gardening is not about size or quantity. So yes, by my standards you are definitely a gardener.
    Love the new towel colour too.

  8. Looking good, Joanne. You are doing a pretty excellent job of gardening in my opinion.

  9. You may think they are only pots but I see little gardens.

  10. Three pots and three hanging pots equal six pots. You are a gardener! I love them all. I guess the white mandevilla is just a delicate little thing and might come around later. The daisies are beautiful. That aqua green is great. You make the best color choices!

  11. Not good with plant or flower names, but I think you are a gardener!


  12. You are a gardener in my books, and your garden looks lovely.

  13. I love mandevilla! And yes, I think you are the proud owner of some lettuce, too. I ended up with allium in my flower bed and I didn't even plant it. -Jenn

    1. You can thank the squirrels or chipmunks for that.

  14. Yes you are a gardener. If you want to call cosmos, daisies then so will I. We cant get anything but red mandevillas here, I was able to winter last years in the greenhouse and it is just about ready to bloom.

  15. I love the red and white cosmos in the first photo, I see plenty of them in a neighbour's garden here in summer, but mostly pink ones. The aqua green thread looks lovely, it's an ocean colour. To me anyway.

  16. You are definitely a gardener, in spirit and in fact. And you do it for love and not for pretense.

  17. That is a gorgeous aqua colour! I love all shades of blue and blue-green. And gardening is gardening, whether the dirt is in a pot or not. We have to garden in all kinds of containers on our deck because otherwise we are just doing it for snacks for the deer. I like the deer but they're supposed to be eating twigs and leaves, not our vegetables and flowers :)

  18. Your six containers show you are a better gardener than my whole garden.

  19. I just love the colour of those bobbins, I see them as turquoise on my computers. You are a gardener of course, the very act of putting plant to pot makes you a gardener ;)

  20. Take the credit where you can get it! I hereby certify you as a gardener!

  21. You're a gardener if you grow and tend plants. So you are.

  22. Of course you're a gardener, every year I look forward to your foliage and flowers. A friend of mine in Toronto was a gardener/farmer and grew wheat and corn on her balcony along with a lovely meadow of flowers. Small but important and beautiful.


  23. I am like you - I sometimes do not know the names of plants that grow in my garden. Quite often plants will appear and I never know if I should pull them (weeds?) or if it is a plant I want. I sometimes let them grow a bit to see what they might turn into. I like your pots and I like the color for your next set of towels. Thanks!

  24. You definitely are a gardener!
    As a student I only had pots of herbs on the kitchen windowsill..but it was still growing stuff, still gardening

  25. That was fun. I'm happy about the mandevilla and I'm looking forward to seeing them in bloom later in the season.

  26. look at you with your green thumb! That new turquoise string is so refreshing, like a dive in the deep end on a hot summer's day. The towels will be amazing.

  27. Lovely to have flowers in pots near the house so cheerful when you go out. And that's a beautiful colour cotton.

  28. Keep those flowers going and you'll have extras for your hair

  29. Gardening is on the agenda here for the last few days. A bit every day prevents total incapacity.

  30. Pots full of flowers and plants soften the landscape and bring a lot of joy.

  31. Plenty of thriving plants there. Some of our bushes are dying off for no obvious reason. Perhaps they just felt neglected!

  32. Lovely plants, Joanne - and good that the Mandevilla recovered! (Mine - a pink and a red one - for the first time in my long life managed to come through the very mild winter in Berlin (hope they manage to survive the few days I am away now).

  33. Pretentious is among many negative names I would not use for you. Everything looks good.


  34. You are definitely a gardener. Now be careful not to get a gardener's wart, aka a "planter's wart." I learned this from a 5-year-old.

  35. Teal....LOL You are definitely a gardener.

  36. Pull it. You have to watch out for those guys.

    So beautiful. Your flowers are so lovely.

  37. Ooh, I think I sewed some zinnia seeds recently. I ordered them from someone who sent them to me in an unmarked packet. They could be anything. Let's just hope they are legal.

  38. You are a gardener - it's quality not quantity!

  39. You're far more skilled with plants than I am.

  40. It's so great that you're keeping busy and cheerful. Your flowers are beautiful. It's fabulous that you have your weaving to keep you productive.
