
Friday, May 29, 2020

Like a dog with a bone

I still have no idea what I'm doing with Blogger! 

What the heck; I have no idea what I'm doing on my own computer. So glad I didn't pay a penny to that H-P technician; I still can't print a line, let alone a page. In a snit, I stormed off to Staples and bought "the least expensive printer you have for a Dell computer." It was $68.00. 

Oh, but an extra cartridge because the factory installed...

The printer is hard wired. I bought the cable.

At the counter, for $20, I bought the four year warranty. Someone is going to walk me through setting up this printer and uninstalling the H-P, which will go to the curb. 

The seventy dollar printer cost me one hundred and eighty one dollars.

One day this week I had an unexpected call from Beth, squealing  in excitement over an unexpected bird in her yard. I helped her narrow it down to a Baltimore Oriole. Here's a picture she sent me (through two windows):

Staples is in the same strip mall as Wild Birds Unlimited, where I used to drop the above mentioned sum with no qualm. It announced closed, except for curbside. On a whim, I called, and Bonnie answered. Long story short, they carried a nicely packed spike Oriole feeder to my car, and I will ship it to Beth's back yard tomorrow.

It has quit raining and I'm over my printer snit, so I will go carry my Staples purchases into the house and probably exercise my "Protection and Tech Help Package" setting up the printer.


  1. Good luck with the printer. There are always technological challenges to deal with. You win. I'm sure.

  2. One of the bloggers I follow recently posted a "self-help, how-to" guide to using some of the new blogger features. Maybe it will be of some use to you? Here's the link:

  3. Oh, how well I understand your printer snit! I went through one of those a week ago. The printer we had for only two years broke down. I threw a fit and told my husband I only wanted a cheap one because none of them are any good! I have had a "hate affair" with printers since the beginning of computers and printers. Printers both on the job and at home. I truly believe they are all evil! This time we got an inexpensive one through Amazon and paid extra for a four year warranty. It made me sick to see the trashmen carry off our old one which was not cheap but still did not last. Sorry, I'll stop complaining. Printers set me off! (don't get me started on the cost of ink!) I hope this one works well, long and hard for you!

  4. You are braver than I am. I could never set up a printer though I might give it a shot in the right circumstances, i.e. desperate.

  5. To top off my complete irritation today, I took note that Blogger is changing the format. I am old and I do not like changes. I hit the "try the new blogger" button and now I am thoroughly confused. Come June I will have no choice. My poor sweet son will be hearing from me!

  6. Manufacturers figured out that the printers' only purpose is to cause us to buy ink - that's where the real money goes.

  7. I have an oriole and it is so very exciting to me to see it! I think it is waiting for the apple blossoms. Printers - yes, it's all about paying for the $60 ink cartridges for the $39 printer. -Jenn

  8. Oh dear! I can barely function in old blogger. I hope the changes include Blogger for Dummies.

  9. Hope all is well with the new printer. I also transitioned over to the new blogger. It hasn't been too bad... yet. Take care.

  10. Printer craze always bring us down and this problem is at start but later just annoyed. Anyways having the one at home is good.

  11. Hari OM
    Hope that printer does all you want of it, Joanne. I can't help but think that uninstalling then reinstalling the HP might resolve the issue... but then again, these things are worth updating from time to time! YAM xx

    1. Actually, the HP was out of warranty. The tech finally put in a "guaranteed" work around that worked until the next day, when I bought a new printer.

  12. Setting up a printer is a real pain. There should be punishment to those who devise such a printer.

  13. Good luck with the printer. I have done it. But it is never fun.
    And oooooh on the oriole front. Beautiful things - I hope they visit Beth regularly.
    New blogger seems to be particularly difficult for photos. And comments.

  14. Hope the printer does what it is supposed to do with the printing!


  15. Had a friend in Indiana used to get in an incredible number of orioles filling the orange halves they'd emptied with grape jelly. such lovely birds... Despise anything to do with printers. They're expensive, just looking for that moment to have their terminal breakdown, and the blasted ink lasts about an hour and a half. But you're expected to print stuff out now, so you're kind of stuck, no matter how much of a luddite you would like to be.

  16. I don't need any fancy bells and whistles for business purposes, so I've always bought Canon printers. Cheap and they work for years. Plug in the power cord, plug the usb cord into the laptop and it's good to go. I hope you have better luck with your new printer than with the HP.

  17. In this country I have a rule never to buy warranty on anything. The shop which sells you the thing has a duty to repair it or replace it if it goes wrong in a year. They come with a warranty.

  18. My printer is getting a little temperamental, but still responds to being shut off and restarted, so maybe it will hang in for a while yet, at least until I use up the printer cartridges I have. I have transitioned to the new blogger and now fine it okay, but I must say I approached it with trepidation. The older I get the more change seems a little threatening, and I suspect that is true for most of us.

  19. Printers! Don't get me started! I hope you succeed in the installation. I've always been my own tech and eventually figure stuff out.

    New blogger is not too bad, though cumbersome. I can't get it to attach labels to my posts. But I've found out how to find and moderate comments,and insert and enlarge pictures. There's one actual advantage: the layout is much better to open blogs than the old one which was way too small and cramped for a phone, which is where I do almost all my blogging from. So there's that. It no longer takes multiple efforts to get the right blog open, and viewed.

  20. When all else fails, my SiL is a techie if I can get his attention. I hope I don't need him during this time of isolation.

  21. Good luck with the printer..I have got as far as being able to email something I want printed to it!! My tech Wizard is my brother, a full day's drive away....
    I like that feeder..and the handsome bird on it.

  22. I have always thought of Baltimore Orioles being native to Ohio and wondered why they were not called Ohio Orioles. I saw one in the basin next to my yard once and it was after a fierce storm. I remember saying, “Look what the wind blew in.” He was a beauty.

    1. They go somewhere for the winter. They were among mom's favorite harbingers of spring. She heard them before she saw them. She said they sounded like a rusty gate.

  23. Last time I had to get a new printer, I bought the least expensive one I could find. Works fine but - the ink cartridges are so expensive!

  24. I have recurrent printer trouble...and have found it cheaper to buy a new one than to have it repaired.

  25. I've had one of those huge strokes of luck and I'm hoping I'm not jinxing it but I've had the same printer for over 20 years now. And HP laser. At the time it cost me a fortune. But it's as good as the day it was born. Totally sympathize with you.

    I never buy those warranties, waste of money, I think you have to pay for the shipping of the product back to the manufacturer and live without the equipment for a couple of months. But there is a huge commission to the sales person who sucks you into buying the warranty.

    Cynical me.


  26. There are times when having one's own tech person is helpful...but there are other times when it is such a pain...good luck with setting up your printer

  27. I wouldn't have the first idea of how to hook up everything. That is why I had a son.

  28. I feel your pain about printers. We had a really good Canon, but there was nowhere to put it in the RV, too big. So we bought an HP that would fit on a shelf, hard wired. It used to be color, but that cartridge leaked and ruined the contacts, so now it's black and white only. Fortunately, we don't print much anymore.

  29. You seem to have had very bad luck with your printer. We also have an HP printer which has worked splendidly for many years, and printed over 1800 sheets on the last toner!

    I hasten to add that other appliances have not been so impressive....

  30. my HP printer decided it wouldn't print off the internet and doesn't much like making copies so we bought an Epson which does both happily except it won't scan, or rather I can't get it to scan. back to the HP since scan is the only thing it reliably does.

  31. I am just now printing the first blog entry from my new computer.

  32. Good luck … nothing makes me feel older than a new gadget!

  33. Oh Joanne - when I read about your experience with the new printer, I doubt that my plan (to buy a new one which can also print photos) is really a good one... They always tell you how easy it is to install them - but son warned me that it seldom is... My old (paper) printer still works - maybe I should wait...
