
Thursday, May 28, 2020

I need to write a post

Well, I rolled over for New Blogger. I succumb to imminent threats. Come June they will turn it on as a trial and come July, it's New Blogger or nothing. So, that's that. I hope the type on the page is a decent size. I'm so skeptical! Let me know

I finally stopped kicking a problem down the road. My PC quit a year or so ago and passed us on to a new practitioner. The new doc was a DO and I thought I'd give it a try. She also was majorly homeopathic, and that was OK, too. I'll swallow saffron and stuff for awhile and see. Then, she was gone. Left the practice. Hmmmm.... I scheduled with the next name on the list.

The first visit this new doc handed me off to a PA. OK, I know this drill. Except when the doc stepped in, had she listened to the PA? I close to quit her on the spot, but held off. Next visit (we're still talking way last year here), she handed me off to a "monitoring student". At this point, I have a problem to discuss, and did. 

And when the doc stepped in had she listened to the student? So I took up her valuable time and started back at square one. It involves my formerly broken leg, which remains enlarged. This is an old, old problem, called Peripheral Vascular Disease. Exacerbated by smoking and driving eight hours to and from shows and related stupidity of invincibility. We agreed on a compression stocking.

Our next appointment was ten days ago, and when her scheduler called me, I refused a telephone appointment. I'd ditched the compression stocking; it made my toes look even more like fat piggies. She prescribed a diuretic and an ultrasound. There was no clot found. I took the diuretic for two days. But, the second day I peed twice. My kidneys are Stage III, and that diuretic and I parted company.

I sent her an email. She told me to halve the dose and she would find a vein clinic. I ditched the diuretic (and told her) and waited further instruction. Two weeks, nada. 

Tuesday I called up the list of docs at Akron General. There are 928. I sorted "vascular". There are 39. I spent Tuesday and Wednesday reading the curricula vitae, eliminating the cerebral and the neuros and the cardios, watching the embedded videos, making a list, checking it twice. Today I made a choice and called to make an appointment. "I'm so sorry, she is out of the office until the end of July." We all know she has a new baby. Good for her.

So, I went to number two, and made an appointment. June 23rd. I emailed my PC. And, she does apologize, but they could not get me into the vascular clinic. WTH? End of rant. I am incredibly fortunate to live in the heart of a medical center.

So what else in my spare time? Weaving, with, unfortunately, extra napping. I hope it's just the spring weather and pollen. Lord knows, my ears and sinus are b.l.o.c.k.e.d.

I finished the purple, and they are being hemmed as I type (if you believe that, I have a bridge of Lego blocks...).

And in the "of Blogger interest", two, maybe three, more items hopefully slipping down the pipe. Grandchildren are involved. You know how that can be.

OK, posting now, and going to have a look...



  1. I too have PVD a fierce unrepentant smoker in my time. Lucky in that my MD is young and on top of things and fights for the newest meds for me which are usually off limits to us free drug seniors.

    I'm so sorry you are suffering. I too tried compression stockings but no, I was worried about the odd swellings in the uncovered portions of the leg.

    I seem to tolerate diuretics better than you, I am at about 60% kidney function.

    Gawd,, we are 2 old crocks staggering along in spite of ourselves.


  2. Haven't tried the new Blogger yet. Your type looked good size. Nightmare with trying to get in to see the doctor and get some answers. For most things I don't mind seeing a PA but I don't have the extensive history like you do. They tend not to rush like the MD does


    1. Yeah, but then they have to tell the doctor what they learned about you. This doc hadn't a clue of my history. She told me to take NSAIDS. A stroke, a TBI and NSAIDS. Where did she get her MD?

  3. Prayers all goes well.

    As for the new Blogger...yesterday I like it. Today, not even worth swearing at, descriptions of the new do not included. I return the old version because in the new, I didn't find the Compose button.

    1. It will be fine. How I hate doing other folks jobs for them.

  4. I"m not liking the new Blogger one bit. But I don't like change...

  5. My allergies were awful today, too. At least when I see the cottonwood flying through the sky I know the spring season is almost over.

  6. Comoare that with the publuc health service in Costa Rica. Leo has breathign problems not down just to lung factors but to a nose broken in childhood. Had his TAC on a saturday morning when the hospital was open only to vulnerable patients, was phoned on the outcome, provided with meds via a motorcycle courrier and given a new Saturday appointment to discuss his chances of surviving surgery.

  7. I have yet to try the new blogger. Soon. Ish.
    My general practioner doesn't listen well, and I swear he often doesn't read the results of the tests he orders. If we had another level between him and me I would despair. And yes, I know another doctor is in order, but it isn't easy.

  8. I gave a 2 day try, and hated every keystroke.
    The PA s I have seen are either reasonably good, or darn awful.

    Hearing of your struggles makes me sad. Keep us informed.

  9. Hari OM
    I actually switched to the new Blogger at start of year... but just a couple of weeks back, returned to the 'legacy' version; main reason for that is that in the new, it is quite laborious to mark spam items when they come in more than ones or twos. But overall it is fine; just a bit anodyne in the way that most sites are now in order to look good on everything down to a wrist watch screen.

    And the legacy version WILL be available as an option; it is just that the new will be the default. So anyone who wishes to can select to retain the current version.

    I dread the day that I may, eventually, have to engage so deeply with the medical systems. Thus far in life, that contact has been absolutely minimal. I am working on keeping it that way... YAM xx

    1. We can choose to retain the current version? That's the best news I've heard all day.

    2. Alas, the legacy version is available only until the end of July. Per the notice:
      "We’ll be moving everyone to the new interface over the coming months. Starting in late June, many Blogger creators will see the new interface become their default, though they can revert to the old interface by clicking “Revert to legacy Blogger” in the left-hand navigation. By late July, creators will no longer be able to revert to the legacy Blogger interface."

    3. Hari OM
      That is a different message to the one I have then... however clicking the 'read more' and going through to the Blogger Blog, in the very last para it does say as you have noted. The new version is fine - except for the not being able to select multiples to take action... Yxx

  10. Our PC is 83/years old and I have been with him for 35 years. When I saw him last year, he was sharp as a tack, but we all know, that can change quickly. My yearly was supposed to be in late March which has been put off till September. I hope we both make it.

  11. Your blog looks fine to me. I suppose I need to explore this new territory.
    Doctors. Don't get me started. I do love mine to pieces even though I hate going to him because of my neurosis. I hope he sticks around. He has a lot of family here and he's young so...maybe.

  12. It ain't easy being sick these days. It's difficult to see specialists. One has to be patient and persistent to get an appointment.

  13. It is a hassle having to navigate the medical system these days and finding a doctor one can work with. One has to be tenacious and I know that is something you are so it helps. As for the new blogger. I have heard nothing about it. I may wake up one day and everything will be different on my blog.

  14. It is so hard to find the right doctor. I wish you luck with who you do see. I hate it when they keep passing you off to someone else and they all do that now. Our doctor is about our age and will be retiring anytime. I dread when we have to find a new one. We've seen this one for over forty years.

    I have not been brave enough to try the new blogger yet. I feel like I'm still getting used to this one since I've only been blogging since January. This post looks great so you did good!

    1. I had my previous doctor for twenty or more years. And then she just quit.

  15. I am sorry about your doctor problems, but it looks like you are managing it yourself...Beautiful towels!

  16. new blogger seems to work for you, look s great. Going to the physician is waste of my time and money. They seem to be in such a hurry and "here's a pill or a test or a specialist to go to" , no thank you, so, unless something is an emergency, like a broken neck, i just don't. Carry on, weave more towels , they are magnificent, bought for gifts but can not bear to part with them...

  17. The font size is perfect for me. I'm not going to trail the new blogger, I'll wait until it's the only thing available and then rant and tear my hair until I'm used to it I suppose.
    I hope you find a solution for the swollen leg. I don't understand the stage three kidneys, are they failing?

    1. Yes they are, but they will last me the rest of my life.

  18. Sounds like a frustrating time. I am not using the new Blogger until they force the change upon me at the end of June.

  19. Our towels are still in constant daily use, and have shown no sign of wear. Thank you again.

    1. Mine too and when this pandemic is over I will replace all of my old ones with yours Joanne. Why I’ve said that I have no idea, best get cracking and get them ordered NOW! They are amazing and to think when they first arrived they were so lovely I didn’t want to use them?

      The new blogger, err... the very idea gives me the creeps! Good for you to get ahead of the game.

      Your health issues sound horrible, you can’t keep a good’un down though... Respect!


  20. I've just started using the New Blogger and I have to say I like some elements of it. It seems cleaner but I think it will take a while to navigate.

  21. You look like you're taking control but ti isn't easy to swim upstream.

  22. My head is reeling...... you went from a PC to a DO, which was OK, and then on to a PA - which was OK. I have no idea what you are talking about!

  23. I hope my doctor doesn't retire. She's excellent, actually listens, and I don't feel rushed. But I fired a few doctors before finding her!

    I'm in good health, so my goal is to stay that way. It seems like a chance to weather the current situation, political as well as health related.

    I'm using, with sone frustration, the new blogger. Since the old one will be retired permanently in July, I think it's a good idea to learn my way around. I did fire off a few questions to blogger, but ended up discovering the answers myself anyway!

  24. I don't see a difference between the new and old version here, your blog is wonderful as usual.

  25. my current PC doc is a DO but so far she hasn't been very 'O'. not offered or suggested any alternative therapies but then I haven't had any ailments.

    and that purple is lucious but then I say that about all your colors.

    I tried the new blogger yesterday for my newest post. wouldn't let me drag and drop images and the add image icon didn't work either and the formatting was weird so I went back to the old version. I don't see how this new version is an improvement.

    1. Definitely not an improvement. I do not see what the new generation likes about working with sliding fingers.

  26. Your font is a great size, so far so good for your new blogger.
    It is hard to find a doctor you connect with. My primary care is nice enough and I have gotten used to her. I always wonder, tho, why I explain the reason I am there to the nurse that sees me first and then when the doctor comes in, I have to explain it all again. I wonder why they don't read what was entered into the computer or why the doctor doesn't look at the nurse's notes. Happens with every doctor I see now, tho. Also, once I had to see the physician's assistant and he was awful... said "how spry I was" when I sat on the exam table and said "oh, you don't take many meds for your age". Geez, I never agreed to see him again. Quit talking about my age for crying out loud!
    Hope you get some relief for your leg. Thanks for posting!

    1. I believe I might have begun addressing him as Son or Jr. Well, Son, when I was your age...

  27. I'd really like to see you hem your towels and type at the same time, Joanne. (I know... I win the bridge of lego blocks!)

  28. Good for you for trying the new blogger..I haven't posted in it yet, but the other pages..well we will get used to it, and they are easy enough to navigate.
    Stand up for yourself with the medical system...they should listen to us's our bodies!!

  29. I have a rule about doctors - the doctor has to spend time talking with me not just sending in an assistant or nurse then making a short appearance.

  30. We don't have a choice here about what doctor to see - we are lucky to have one at all. A few years back we went without one for two years and, like others without a family doctor, had to use a clinic instead, where you get a different doctor every visit. The excellent doctor before our current one moved to another province due to our provincial government and union restrictions in many areas of his business, such as office hours he was permitted to be open. (Health care is a provincial responsibility here, so rules vary by province.) It is horrible to have to rely on a doctor one does not feel comfortable with. Fortunately our current doctor is also good, but we had one awhile back who I refused to go to because he was more concerned with his image than my input. I wish doctors had to pass an empathy test before they got their MD. Gah.

    As for Blogger, I was highly displeased to see the note saying we're all going to be on it by end of July - no reversions possible after that! (See the excerpt in my reply to Yamini above.) I don't do well with change, and plan to copy all my posts to my hard drive before I start monkeying around in New Blogger. That should burn up some free time :D

  31. Doctors! If we rely on doctors to issue prescriptions for medicine we need to stay alive we are more or less at their mercy. As Dear Abby used to say, "Remember that half of all the doctors graduated in the bottom of their classes."

  32. I have yet to try this new blogger.

  33. I tried the new blogger for about 10 minutes and then switched back. I'll wait until I'm forced to use it. I have not had a steady Doctor in six years. They all quit and move on. I don't get it? Assembly line medicine doesn't seem all that effective.
