
Thursday, April 2, 2020

Throw it against the wall, see if it sticks

I went out today, to the post office and the drug store drive through, to pick up a prescription. I could have gone to the grocery store for more greens and to the gas station to fill up. But some friends are using all frozen veggies and the gas tank just went below a half. 

Things change every day, for better or worse. I have plenty of frozen vegetables on hand, so the gas tank can just wait.

It was so good to go outdoors and do more than stand on the porch, breathing in and out and listening to the deafening silence. I could use the post office in the Falls; it's much closer. But I always go to the one in Peninsula. It's the one I used for years, for the township, and it feels right.

The heron was at the pond on Truxel. It was between the pond and the road.  Or, me and the pond, from its point of view. I drove to the end, turned around and slowly approached, pulling off the road. And it lifted its great wings and flew down toward the river. I pulled into the Boy Scout camp to turn around, and started slowly for the post office, scanning, scanning the pond.

And there it was, at the end of the pond. Another U-turn at the end of the road and the slow approach to the heron. As my tires sounded on gravel, up went the wings. I swear, they take off on that first graceful flap. It sailed to the head of the pond. I slowly approached. Whoooosh, it was gone. The last U-turn and off to the post office.

I chose Quick Road to drive up from the valley, and stopped at the cross country trail head to take a look. 

Away in the distance, two tiny walkers. I turned to take a picture

and when I looked back, maybe the same couple coming back. Nah.

I stopped for the mail, and had a letter from my youngest daughter. 

She sent me two masks she made. I am so pleased to have them. My sister made the yellow mask, on top, and I haven't had opportunity to wash it between wearings. So, I washed all three, because Shelly's were impregnated with her perfume, and it gave me a headache on testing it.

Then some weaving, and now it's time for supper. Another day in the books. Booooring.


  1. Snazzy masks! And I bet that heron is muttering 'I'm self isolating...go away!

  2. Such a thoughtful gift from your daughter!

  3. We left the building today for the first time all week and walked around the sidewalks and parking lot surrounding the complex. Saw two people from a distance and shared a friendly wave. I had to get out..I was getting the tight feeling in my chest that signals panic. Thw walk cured me. I didn't get to see a heron though. Lucky you.

  4. Yet another style of handmade mask! I'm persevering on the ones I'm making. The yellow towels are beautiful!! One of these days I shall learn to weave!! Blessings to you... how are your bulbs doing??

  5. Seeing the heron would be an incredible boon.

  6. I keep hearing they are considering advising people to wear basic (not medical grade)masks or scarves all the time when we go out now. I think I will start making some. We have not worn any out yet but have to go to the store tomorrow and will wear them. I love your masks! That's the neat thing about making them - they don't have to be boring!

    I loved hearing about your encounter with the heron. It felt good just reading about it. I'll reread it a few times I imagine. Nature is so special.

  7. Thank you all for liking my heron. You know how fond I am of him, and hope he has a wife down at the nesting area. Or vice versa. I so wanted to get a new picture of him. But, he'll be here again.

  8. I need to get out the sewing machine and make myself a couple of masks, my suburb is right next to a "hotspot" suburb, with the most cases of covid-19 in Adelaide. Or I could just stay home and sit on my front porch in the sun for a few minutes a couple of times a day to get fresh air.

  9. I like those masks!hubby made one out of a bandanna that he plans to use when he goes out to shop. Glad you saw your heron!


  10. My husband has worn a mask the last two times he has gone out (to the grocery store this week, and to pick up a prescription two weeks ago) and he was the only one wearing a mask. People looked at him like he was nuts. It's interesting how the opinion of masks is starting to turn around now. -Jenn

  11. Love the gift from your daughter. I am starting to wonder if the rest of us need them. But I think the medical professionals need them more than me. Love the photos. Hoping we get some of those blue skies soon.

  12. Great photos. I like reading about the Heron.

  13. Hari OM
    So glad the heron remains as a stable part of your area... and your own good self, of course! Lovely masks. YAM xx

  14. There is a lot of people running around here too. I am strolling more.

  15. It looks like a good day to me. You saw some nice countryside.

  16. Plenty of frozen vegetables in our local supermarkets, but rice and pasta are still rare as gold dust. Luckily we have plenty of both in the house already.

  17. So far we have been able to get out and walk at will. Often we are in areas where there are no other people so social distancing is not even an issue, but when we walked the local trail yesterday people seemed pretty mindful of the need to keep an appropriate distance. The biggest issue I have seen is with dog walkers. The dogs tend to lunge at each other and then their owners are almost on top of each other trying to keep them apart. And some of the dogs are stronger than the people trying to control them.

    1. Which brings us to the ever present problem of untrained dogs. And I'll stop there because a rant is of no use.

  18. Trying to keep busy is getting old but it is what it is. I am grateful for the mild spring and all the trees coming to life. I will be making some masks today, but we really don’t go anywhere except our yard.

  19. Ai! What nice masks!
    Who thought we'd be admiring face masks meant to protect us from a virus? Well.
    Here we are.
    Stay safe, dearheart.

  20. Two masks from Shelly! some sort of peace offering? life is sama sama here. not seeing many neighbors though on my dog walks. they are mostly staying in. may go get some periwinkles from the feed store to take the place of the spent pansies today but still have plenty of fence to clear.

  21. Beautiful masks to cheer up the day. The photo of the couple in the field is beautiful as well. Then I think...hey they aren't far enough apart. Life's little newnesses

  22. Life is boring these days. Not that we are social butterflies or anything but having to stay in gets monotonous!

    Take care!

  23. Though they're supposed to be very good for you, frozen peas taste of the early'70s, somehow, and are rather depressing. I would kill now for an enormous bowl of salad and some roast potatoes but know that at the moment, I should just be grateful for whatever's on my plate.

  24. Lovely to see a heron.
    Thanks for the card order..they are on their incentive to carry on... thankyou again x

  25. Where my son and my DiL and the little triplets live there comes a heron flying by each day - such a beautiful sight, Joanne. I wish I could be there! At the moment, though they really need me, I am "protected" - Bavaria is very strict, and I can see their point, and of course obey - but sometimes you might hear some sighs behind my masks. (And my Dutchman is also sitting at home alone, I had to cancel my flight, as I told.) I wish you good health!
