
Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Today's calendar

Every morning I look at my Google calendar. Once I figured it out, it's been lovely to have. I can pull it out and register appointments, make notes on things to do on the day to do them and so on and on and on.

Today, thanks to everything Google knows, it said Happy Birthday. It's right next to April 1, on which I have written Buy Zinnia seeds.  That could be a problem.

Otherwise it has been the same as any birthday in the last decade. My friends called and said Happy Birthday. We promised to have the celebratory lunch out when restaurants opened again.

My sister called, first thing. One daughter texted, one called. Ann called while I was falling asleep over bouts. I happily set that aside, and we chatted an hour away. Her kennel is a non-essential in this new world. 

When I sat down today to tie the ends together, there were six bouts to go. Now there are three. Hooray and hallelujah, I knew I'd be getting through ya! Another day will do it. I hope it's tomorrow.

I really feel less than cheerful today. I turned on the radio as I began tying on, and tuned in to the governor's daily Covid-19 update.  Ohio has fifty five deaths so far, ages from one to ninety nine. 

The strict regulations taken by Ohio have flattened the curve, but we have not faced the top of our bell yet. Two people have died in my least populated urban county. 

I know what will happen to areas that have not made guide lines, and worst of all, to the people who consider this a joke, and an inconvenience to be circumvented. There are far too many displaced high school and college students still gathering and looking for ways to pass their time socially and together.

Today USPS brought me a present from myself, a wall pocket by Marty Frolick, Old Patagonia Pottery.  I no longer see Marty at shows, but thanks to EBay magic, I see his work from time to time. I carefully selected a hook that would fit the pot, carefully nailed it into the wall and carefully hung the wall pocket, with the flags from my friend Hilary Cooper, Crazy as a Loom.

Pretty, isn't it! Today was not warm enough to sit outside to plant ranuculus, but their day will come, though not before the weekend, or even next week.


  1. That is a beautiful wall pot. Happy Birthday! We sat outside on our neighbor's patio, so they could witness us signing our wills. They're the first people we talked to in awhile. It was kind of nice. I do admire your work ethic with the loom. I'm sort of paralyzed, things that could be done, but keep getting pushed to the right.

  2. Happy Birthday!
    I just sang you happy birthday.

  3. The wall pocket is beautiful. I'm getting restless and tired of (mostly) staying at home.


  4. Happy birthday, Joanne! And you have some great things on that wall.

    I find I'd rather not dwell on our local death toll. We have several cases in our town of 21000. More in neighboring towns. I check because I think I should, then go on to other things!

  5. Happy Birthday Joanne!! I hope when this is all over you have a great birthday celebration!! What a cool looking gift!!


  6. Happy Birthday, dear Joanne, Happy Birthday to you. Yo got yourself a lovely present.

  7. Happy Birthday, Joanne! What beautiful artwork. Anyone who lives alone should always, always get themselves a birthday present. Always! It doesn't need to be large but it should be a treat. Your purchase fills the bill.

  8. Happy Birthday, Joanne! I'm singing you "Happy Birthday" twice so we can multitask and wash our hands at the same time. I washed a load of towels today -- some of yours in the load too -- those towels always make me think of you!

  9. Happy Birthday! Love the pretty wall pocket! Best wishes for a year filled with good health and a return to happier times. Thanks so much for your blog!

  10. Happy Birthday! Just got it in on time......This too shall pass. It will...Meanwhile we just keep on keeping on. Did I ever mention to you the book An Ohio School Mistress about Irene Hardy who was growing up in the 1840s...Kent State University Press published it. I loved it for her description of her grandmother's garden but when I think of people I know who are weavers I remember how she mentioned that her mother always told her stories to pass the time when she was doing various kinds of work but would never tell stories when she was warping her loom (I'm pretty sure that's what she was doing) because she had to concentrate too much.

    1. I cannot listen to the radio when I'm warping, and if I must stop for any reason, I write the number on the masking tape.

  11. Happy Birthday!!! That wall pot is beautiful and it cries for some air fern. A bit of lacy green will just set it off. And I love those flags. I love collage art and these are great examples. I hope your birthday was a happy one, filled with lots of greetings and love.

  12. Happy birthday, Joanne. It was my son Kyle's birthday today as well. We celebrated with an earthquake in Idaho. Good times.

    1. An earthquake! Wow. It was a great day.

    2. Definitely going to have a hard time forgetting it.

  13. Happy birthday Joanne. I like your gift to yourself. Very pretty colours.

  14. Happy Birthday... may you have many more!!!

  15. Happy birthday Joanne. And many more. Take care!

  16. Happy Birthday, Joanne! Very nice gift you gave yourself. :)

    May the curve in your area keep on a-flattening!

  17. A very, very happy birthday - and I love your gift.

  18. Happy birthday Joanne and many more contented weaving. Love the wall art, especially the pocket, will you put something in it?


  19. Happy Birthday!! :)
    Hooray for the tying to be almost done, it's tedious, I can tell.
    I love the wall pocket and wonder what you might put in such a thing, or will it be simply decoration?

  20. Happy Birthday Joanne! I wish you could have a celebraton with friends and family! Maybe when all this is over you can celebrate properly. I love the wall pocket - it is beautiful! It also looks very nice with the artsy wall flags. I hope you had as good of a day as possible. Take care dear friend!

  21. It is lovely to receive a parcel, especially now. I will sing happy birthday twice over for you today as I wash my hands. An edict from above about the length of time to do the job properly. I didn’t hear them say ‘Joanne’ though but I will, always a rebel me! Have a lovely day... alone!

    My ranunculus are growing well, I love those flowers so much. I have never grown them before so I do hope they are happy in a pot... any ideas Joanne?


    1. You certainly can overwinter them in your greenhouse! They are grand little fellows.

  22. Happy birthday Joanne. Love love love your blog

  23. Happy Birthday Joanne. I was thinking about you. Xxx

  24. Hari OM
    Crap. All last week I was reminding myself it is Jo's birthday next week... Yeah. here I am looking like a fool on April 1st... But you know I luvs ya, right???

    And yes, that wall is looking FAB=you-lush!!! YAM xx

  25. I used to keep all my appointments on my iPad calendar, until one day it crashed. I have reverted to an old paper diary, which I print off the internet. Works like a charm! As I look at it right now, almost everything has been crossed off - cancelled courtesy of COVID-19.

  26. Happy birthday Joanne. Google wishing us a happy birthday is like them letting you know that there is nowhere to hide.

  27. I am told that the next few weeks will reveal if we have been successful in flattening the curve.

  28. I was early yesterday! So here is Happy Birthday again to make sure!! We are avoiding so called News as much as possible..the headlines and off. We don't need the gory details.
    That is a beautiful wall pocket certainly a good buy x

  29. Happy Birthday, Joanne:-) It is sad to listen to the updates and to see the curve not curving, just rising. We are also in that phase. Our leaders are trying so hard to stay ahead of it. I give them a lot of credit. I'm sure there are days when they just wish they could take a day off from dealing with it and, unlike me, they can't. I do take a day off from the news sometimes.

  30. Happy Birthday Joanne. I hope you have a pleasant day. Love the wall hanging.

  31. Happy birthday, Joanne! I'm glad you bought yourself a beautiful present. This will be a birthday you will never forget.
    Sending love from Florida where it is cool and as sunny as a day can be.

  32. When I read in your post today that you had six bouts to go, my mind made the connection with boxing. Ridiculous. It's about weaving, not donning boxing gloves and shaping up to the opposition!
    However it maybe that after you have finished the weaving bouts you might feel you have been ten rounds in a world championship bout.
    Enough of all that nonsense.
    I'll go wash my hands AGAIN and this time I'll sing Happy Birthday Joanne


  33. Happy birthday! Mine is the last day of this month. I have sort of picked out a birthday present. well, I picked it out but haven't bought it yet. maybe today if it is still available.

    I'm happy to report that the foliage on the iris did all damp off a few days ago after being there from the moment I received them and now new foliage is sprouting up. can't wait to see them bloom!

  34. Google calendar! I'm still with pen and book.

  35. Happy Birthday
    "...sat down today to tie the ends together" - I wish someone could do that for this insidious virus.

  36. Happy Birthday Joanne, stay home stay healthy!

  37. Happy Birthday, Joanne! So beautiful that you are there, thank you for your friendship and your wisdom and humour! Many happy returns! XXX Britta

  38. Yes! 🎉 Happy Birthday Joanne! 🎉

  39. Happy birthday...and many more of them! I did like that wall pocket...nice to be sure that your birthdsy present will be something you are sure to like!

  40. that is one swell little wall pocket, Perfect for a birthday celebration, alone...a birthday you will certainly remember! In solidarity I am eating a cookie with a candle in it and making a wish, for you.

  41. Happy Birthday. You know how to treat yourself to the best presents for your wall.

  42. Damn I missed your birthday. Glad you got some calls and messages and it wasn't forgotten! When the lockdown is over you'll have to go out and celebrate!

  43. Happy belated! Hope your birthday was nice and you got to have cake and ice cream! I love the wall pocket - very beautiful.
