
Saturday, April 4, 2020

Beautiful, beautiful day

I got up determined to do something on such a beautiful day! I had ranuculus bulbs to plant and zinnia seeds to plant. I had a snow shovel to put in the shed and potting soil and a trowel to get out. And most of all a trip to the mail box with my new ready tripper.

I moved pots, planted seeds and bulbs and took a fifteen minute power nap before Cathy came up the street to walk with me to the mail box.

I ordered hiking poles to try walking with. I hiked with them from one end of the trailer to the other and back again with no mishaps. But I wanted company on my first trip solo, and Cathy was happy to go. She walks every day that she can, and was happy for a new walking companion. I told her we'd see.

So off we went at noon, to the mail boxes, Cathy aghast at all the ceramic pots and bags of dirt I'd shoved around all morning. Me, too, but I slung the New Yorker bag over my shoulder. grasped my poles and off we went.

The trip up was totally uneventful, and Cathy was impressed. We've walked places together, like into the movie lobby or down to the seats, and she's been concerned. This time it was "Damn, girl, look at you!" 

There was one trick spot on the way home. Beginning at the house before mine, the road drops pretty fast. I lost my pole gait, and merely shuffled and hung on. That will take some practice. But I made it. I figured it was 570 feet to the mail boxes, so that was two tenths of a mile round trip. 

Not bad for the first really sustained effort since I broke my leg, almost two years ago.  We agreed to go again tomorrow.

When I came in, there was a surprise box in my mail bag. A box of marzipan and a birthday card from Ann. The card is too clever, and the marzipan too good. I texted her a thank you and she responded it came back with her from England, especially for the marzipan addict, and would have been closer to my birthday but for the damn two week quarantine.

I made waffles for supper, and had the pretty red strawberry in the corner for dessert. I restrained myself. I had only three marzipan's today. Maybe I can make them last three more days.


  1. Marzipan! My favorite, what a great gift. Good for you on the walking achievement, too. I'm glad you have a walking companion.

  2. I think I could have marzipan for dinner and ask for seconds!

  3. Always nice to get a surprise in the mail -- especially a delicious surprise!

  4. Wonderful news. You rock. I have been considering those trekking poles to keep me (more) stable and I must get off my spreading fundament and investigate further.
    Mmmmm marzipan. I am the only one in the house who likes it, but I like it enough to more than make up for that.

  5. I don't think those are good for you, please send them to me for further testing. This is important. Address to follow.

  6. Congrats on the marzipan and the hiking sticks working out. Good news all the way around.

  7. Congrats on the walk, the poles are a good idea. Me not so good today, I fell and landed on my left hip. No damage except pride.

  8. Most of the people we saw walking today were using the walking poles.

  9. Marzipans from England! Wow, that does look good. A perfect birthday gift for a Marzipan lover. What a brilliant thought for you to use the hiking poles. It sounds like it worked well. I hope it was a little easier for you with the poles. This could be the start of something good. Congratulations on getting the seeds and bulbs planted. I am having the hardest time getting anything done these days.

    Take care Joanne, it's always good to hear from you.

  10. Good that you were able to get out and do some walking! continue your efforts!


  11. It was a beautiful day, indeed! I am so impressed with all you accomplished, Joanne! Well done!

  12. Beautiful days make us happy, walking gives us freedom

  13. Lovely day here too the weather is so mild here just before the winter sets in.

  14. It's good to read about you gardening.

  15. Well done on the walking, you'll get the hang of going down-slope in no time if I know you. I've never known anyone so determined as you.
    Those marzipans would last forever at my house. I really dislike them. My mother loved them and always offered me one, but after the very first try, never again did I take one.

  16. Hari OM
    My word Joanne - next thing you'll be telling us took up jogging! Crikey ol' gal, if I had but a fraction of your spunk...

    And I drooled at the mention of marzipan. I think I have some in my baking cupboard...hmmmm.... YAM xx

    1. Once my sister had a tube for some baking project. She forgot all about it. Months or more later I came upon it. And snitched a small spoon full, until, of course, it was gone. She mentioned it, but never replaced it, worse luck.

  17. Marzipan is one of the best things in the world.

  18. I used to have those marzipan eggs at Easter when I was a kid. Good thinking re the walking poles. At last someone puts them to serious use.

  19. Great to hear of the walking progress.
    A laugh...the automatic speller suggested waulking instead of walking! How apt for a weaver!!

  20. You seem to be doing well with the hiking poles. I've never actually tried them but when I go hill-walking I see quite a lot of oldies with poles.

  21. That's a good thing. I am getting adjusted to my cane. :(

  22. Don't you just love those poles. I found some for use about 8 or 9 years ago when I discovered that a cane and I did not agree. After using one my whole body would be in pain for days. With the walking poles there are no side effects and they really take pressure off the knees. I don't need them every day now but it is sure nice to have them for when I do need them. I think you will enjoy using them.

  23. That was certainly a wonderful day for you and you accomplished so much.

  24. That was great progress, Joanne. Well done. Enjoy the rest of that treat!

  25. Congrats on your new skill! And happy belated birthday.

  26. Isn't it funny that we're all trying and doing different things? I am so happy to hear that you've bought those hiking sticks and are walking out a bit. That will make a big difference in your mood, I think.
    I have the same NY'er bag as you. And several more. They are good bags.

  27. It's always nice to get a wonderful surprise in the mail. Good walking! Before you know it, you'll be counting miles.

  28. That walk was quite an'll sort out the slope in time.

  29. A nice treat after all your exertions today.

  30. I know people who swear by the walking poles. here's to a small new freedom! waffles for supper. sounds like you've got it going. I worked on the fence more today.

  31. I love marzipan especially when covered with dark chocolate.

    good for you on the poles, cheering you here!


  32. Hope the weather holds up and you can continue with your planting and building up your walks. Hope your marzipan holds up, also. I'm not really sure what that is. I've heard of it but I thought of it as a cake decoration more than something one would make to eat. Is it like a jelly candy? I'll check it out.

  33. I've wondered about those poles, how easy they are to use.

  34. I am glad you had a reward for your little trek to the mailbox. Keeping as fit as you can is a good thing to do.
