
Monday, April 6, 2020

Reality is trumping out

Every day is more difficult, knowing how many more are sick and dying. Really going nowhere, knowing the the wave is rolling relentlessly toward us. Knowing the people serving us in "necessary" jobs probably would prefer to be home, feeling safer. Certainly not handing change and receipts to us past plastic shields.

At the post office Friday. The shield just went up. It wasn't up earlier in the week. I didn't have the heart to tell him his sign had an error.

Our governor stepped up early in March, closing schools, business, large gatherings. Ohio's deaths are 142 this morning, but will surge from here on out. 

I cannot shake this overwhelming sadness today. Cathy and I set out on a walk at lunchtime, up to the mailboxes.

On the way home. The mailboxes are across the road, hidden by the building behind me.  I am so pleased with the walking sticks. I've shortened them again, to put my arms at right angles. I need to shorten the wrist straps, too, but my fingers and thumbs aren't strong enough to release the catch.

I'm standing on my street, and when I got to my house, half way down, I took a picture back up the hill.

That is my driveway in the foreground. I actually walked farther today. Cathy lives behind me, on the next street to the left. I strolled (haha) over the turf behind our houses to her house and waited on her porch. Then we walked up her street (my old street), over to the mail boxes, back to my street and down to my house.

Thunderstorms are due overnight and all day tomorow. Rain on and off for the rest of the week. We'll see.


  1. By winter you will be cross-country skiing down that street :)

    I agree, this is no time to be pedantic, unless the error changes the meaning of the sign completely.

  2. Everyday is a improvement in your getting around and the virus spread it is slowing in some countries.

  3. Admiration for your determination. I was up and down our stairs several times today, and weeded on the railroad for the better part of an hour -- or until my feet went numb from the cold. :)

  4. Re your walking poles: do watch on YouTube a video on their correct usage. I saw a man this am just swinging them randomly and I thought of you. You kind of pole requires that you exert some of your weight on the wrist strap, (if you can!). Here speaks the Camino-obsessed person, not a medical practitioner.

  5. I think you are getting the rain we had last week. We are supposed to get a few days of sunshine in a row and it will definitely help with the sadness. We found out that school is done for the year for the kiddos. We are also getting closer to peak date and that is going to be awful.

  6. It is a sad time....But also a time to notice the positive things so we can keep on keeping on...Well done with your sticks!

  7. It's a sad time alright. Lots of families having tough times right now.

  8. It is a horrendous sad time for so many. And will be for more.
    Love that you are mastering the sticks. That is one STEEP street you live in.

  9. So you've walked "around the block", just as I am doing in my efforts to lose weight. I took a couple of days off and when I started again it was just like day one, with the limping and gasping. Sheesh!
    It is a sad time, but it can't last forever and we just have to sit tight and be careful.

  10. There are some days that we don’t turn radio or television on, just more bad news. Depressing.

  11. Do take care, I see you have an eye for a dashing pair of shoes as well.

  12. I have just stopped listening to the news.

  13. Well done with the sticks Joanne.

  14. I thought you were Cross Country Skiing there for a minute! *Winks* The News is dreadful and an overwhelming Sadness grips us all... so many have been Lost... so much has been Lost... Life as we knew it is gone and unlikely to return to how it was. Be Well and Stay Safe and Home as much as you're able.

  15. I like the sticks Joanne - have not seen the like here but I make do with my Rollator.

  16. The sadness hit me, too, yesterday. Someone that I knew of in intensive care for a week, his wife and young children at home, surely scared witless. Terrifying times.

  17. It's good to see you outdoors, happy and stylish with the walking sticks.

  18. If it was the South it could have been yo' safety. I glad the sticks are working well for you.

  19. I am sure that the missing 'R' on the sign was the last thing on that guy's mind!

  20. Getting out for a walk will do you good in every way Joanne. Take care.

  21. sadness comes in waves, like grief, I find. but for the most part I am settled in. I like your sticks! They do look substantial and life saving., could double as a fine weapon, just in case.Walking is so good. Glad you are doing that and have a pal with which to do it. Sunny skies!

  22. You've even got go-faster stripes on the sticks.

  23. Stylish sticks if I may say! You look one hellish cool dude. Stay safe.


  24. Good for you to feel the sadness and go walking anyway.

    I've been wondering and forgetting to ask: what does Cup on the Bus mean? I've been puzzling at it and now I give in!

    1. I took down the tab. I'll take a look at putting it back up.

  25. I had a moment of deja vous! Jean used walking sticks those last few years and you look so much like her in that photo! Be well my friend.

    1. Yes, I thought of her as I put them together and set out.

  26. You are looking good with those walking sticks. We have many more cases in PA than our neighbors in Ohio even though our Governor was quick to enact a stay at home order but he did it by county depending, I think, on cases and population.

    1. This state's number has remained suspiciously at 148 for two days. Either we are fortunate beyond belief or too overwhelmed to report. But DeWine was out there the first week in March telling us to stay home, and ordering it the next week.

  27. I think it's tremendous that you're out walking. Absolutely tremendous.

  28. we're more and more reluctant to go out even to the grocery store. I put off having Rocky tile the step since one of us has to go to a big store to get the thinset and I don't want him exposed unnecessarily. 16 confirmed in my county now, the count doubled in a few days.

    you're looking snazzy though with your walking sticks. and the iris foliage has just jumped up!

  29. Most stores here, such as they are anymore, just accept plastic these days. No dirty money. For the few transactions that I've had, I have just waved my card at the machine.

  30. Walking is such good exercise and having someone to walk with makes it better. You look great! Readying yourself for ski season??

  31. I feel sad, too, sometimes. Also, guilty sometimes about being able to stay in while others are at risk. And relief for the same reason. So many emotions right now. I'm glad the poles are working out for you. You look very sporty. Hope the exercise helps with the sadness.

  32. Hari OM
    Joanne, you look fab! I can picture that walk, too, having had the privilege of visiting. Quite the step out. Having been out for a walk down to the local pharmacy for dad's presecription and back up the big hill, finding it took me the best part of an hour for little more than a kilometre, I was rather shocked at the loss of fitness on my part. If our weather keeps shining, will try to get out every day now. YAM xx

  33. I dig the color of your walking shoes. It looked like a very nice day for a walk as well. The shield does seem to be a good safety measure to keep both workers and customers safe.

    May you continue to be well!

  34. Good that you are getting out and doing some walking. I hope you are feeling a bit better today and have shaken that sadness. I hope the weather continues to be pleasant and you can spend more time outside. That helps me when it is sunny outside.


  35. How wonderful to get out and get fresh air and exercise. I'm so glad the sticks are working out well for you!

  36. Glad to see you out and about in looking 'spiffy' in your walking outfit.

  37. Like you, I seem to be overwhelmed with melancholy of late. The verb "trump" now has a negative meaning when I use it! This death toll could have been so much less ….
