
Thursday, April 9, 2020

Ohio probably will stay closed through April, says the governor

No comedian, I, but I have a wonderful rejoinder I've tried on several. People end their cheery texts asking "Do you need anything?", and now I answer "A haircut!" My daughter did respond, "You and the rest of Ohio!".

It led me to think of satisfying things.

Back in 88, when we moved into the big house, a phone call came with the offer of a credit card. I didn't want it, but the fellow was persistent, and I finally caved at "and the interest rate is 9.99% for life."

Eventually I fell into the habit of using it for our business, to reserve motel rooms. The card had a fabulous number. I would begin reading 4444 and pause. Then read 0000 and pause. Often I was asked if the next numbers were seven, or more zeroes, or some numbers particular to them. But the rest were ordinary. It was a New York bank, Chase.

Credit was so easy back then, and Chase kept raising the limit on the card, still at 9.99% for life. In the early 2000'nds, I bought a car with that card. A Chrysler Town and Country. Then money got tighter and Chase raised my rate. I complained a long way up the line about my 9.99% for life being taken (not without due warning), and got a reprieve for about a year. 

When the 9.99% for life eventually was rescinded, I destroyed the card. I took all my business from Chase to a local bank, my IRA's included. I remember the branch manager stopping me in the lobby, to change my mind, and telling her and everyone listening, I would never again deal with a New York bank. And I haven't.

Weather was so nice, earlier in the week, but today, it snowed. And rained, and snowed. Some thunder and lightening, too.

I finally made a trip to the drug store, to keep my heart doctor happy. No more strokes! That certainly looks like a fat tulip bud in there.

And waiting in line at the drug store, another sure, sure sign:

 More stories tomorrow. One includes mandevillas.


  1. Sounds like you're getting ALL the weather.
    You're as tough a customer as my husband. I'm such a wimp. I would be living in a van down by the river if it wasn't for him. And I'm not kidding. Can't wait to see that tulip.

    1. So would I, with a decent bathroom, nice kitchenette, good bed, a loom and lots of books. I thought about a travel van.

  2. One of the big problems in the world these days seems to be the haircut.Also here.

  3. When someone or someplace wrongs you... I can see how you would never do business with them again... the trust is gone. As for waiting in line at drugstore, will they not deliver, Joanne?

  4. Love your feisty determination.
    And yes, I could do with a haircut too. For some reason hairdressers are classified as essential services here but I am wary and will wait (growing shaggier by the day).

  5. Missouri's governor Parson just closed schools for the rest of the year though online learning will continue.... and I need a haircut too. Hate having hair in my eyes!!

  6. You and my sister are two of a kind.

  7. Yesterday I cut my own hair, getting so desperate. And, by golly, it doesn't look half bad, not bad at all. But it had to be done.

  8. Hari OM
    Ah well, there is the benefit of maintaining tresses...

    Here, we just have to deal with 'high street banks' which are all either Edinburgh or London based. Nothing else to do. Local credit unions and building societies used to be our alternatives - but most are owned by one or other of the large banks now so square one! YAM xx

  9. I'm going to see what my hair does as it gets longer and longer! We had hail this morning. Ohio weather is certainly interesting.

  10. We’re having a pile of snow tonight! Disgusting! Like isolation wasn’t enough.

  11. I think hair cutters are going to be worth their weight in gold when this ends. They will be in constant demand. Someone in our local government was encouraging people to move their money to local banks these days. While i support local businesses as much as I can and try to help local restaurants during this time I just couldn't fathom moving what little we have to something locally though I know it would be backed up by the government, etc.

    Not sure how long Arizona will be closed. Probably to at least the end of April. That's the last I heard. Schools though are done physically for the year.


  12. Hi Joanne. Banks. Ugh. There have been a few times when husband and I have thought about taking everything out of our bank, but then realized they're all the same. They all mess up and make mistakes that the customer has to spend time fixing.

    My hair can just keep growing, but I do have a box of hair dye in the bathroom cupboard for when I can't stand looking at myself anymore! -Jenn

  13. I need a haircut too. And a manicure.

  14. I usually get my hair cut every 2 weeks and I am now on week 4. We are in this together, right? I am worried that once things get back to normal it will take another 2 weeks to get in to see the barber because everyone is going to want a haircut. Take care.

  15. Rain and snow - yuck! Actually here in Missouri we are due a freeze over the next several days and we had just finally gotten some nicer weather too. Don't you know the interest rate on that card was for life - the life of the card! I've gotten to where I don't believe what any kind of salespeople say any more and I hate being that way but I can't afford to not be that way.

    You know how after many days of rain and bad weather when the sun comes out all the cars are lined up at the car wash? Well, when this is over all the people will be lined up at the hair salons and barbers! At least I got my husband's hair cut.

    I love the bird's nest in the pharmacy sign. We get one in our grocery store sign each year. Yes, it is a sign of Spring.

  16. We just shed ourselves of our Chase accounts. I refi'd our mortgage and the bank SOLD our loan to (Ugh here) Wells Fargo! I was not pleased. Do not care for WF, and haven't dealt with them for years. We've had rain and snow for close to 3 days now -- only a slight bit of snow fell down here but across the way it's solid white!

  17. I think the "tulip" could be an allium. Time will tell. 😀

  18. It looks awfully cold outside your window.
    Stay in - stay safe - stay warm!

  19. It snowed? In spring time? I'm glad you have tulips coming up, they're so elegant.

  20. Mrs G took her scissors to my unruly thatch only yesterday. She said my ears are too big when she nipped one. Small price to pay for a free haircut.

  21. Yes it looks more like a Tulip every day,

  22. And speaking of haircuts, I am starting to wonder who this long-haired beauty I am sleeping with is.

  23. I will cut the front of my hair, but the back is a different story. The mullet might have a comeback.

    I can’t see the country (or the world) opening until we have a vaccine and that is at least a year away.

  24. none of the comments I made on my phone last night have shown up!

    back when I was in the hospital for the ablation, I had a joke I would try on everyone who came in. I finally got a laugh on the last day. I don't even remember what it was now.

    I remember when it was nearly impossible to get a credit card, certainly for an unmarried self-employed woman and even after I married. now they basically just give them away.

  25. Banks, you can't trust them as far as you can throw them.

  26. Letting my hair grow. Not my choice and things will get ugly. BTW, your lovely tea towels are here and brightening up the kitchen.

  27. Daughter was telling me about all the women out in her rural area wearing hats for the first time ever to hide their roots.

    Interesting credit card story and how they broke their oath to you. Banks. Ha.


  28. Apparently, they were only projecting short lives.

  29. I could do with a haircut myself. I wouldn't dare to cut my own hair as I would surely make a total mess of it, and Jenny refuses to have a go for the same reason. Perhaps we should have had hair-cutting lessons at school?

  30. I wish I could magic up short hair for you.

  31. Treat yourself to some of those hair clippers. The husband has and what an easy job that was to do his hair. He sat in the garden, I ran them through his scruffy hair what a good job they did too. He sat as pleased as punch saying in two haircuts they will have paid for themselves. Looks like I may have a new career?

    Happy Easter Joanne.


  32. Is it even legal promising something for life and then rescinding? Mind you I would expect that kind of thing with banks! Hope you are okay and look forward to hearing about mandevillas.

  33. In the 1990s I opened a savings account with the Newcastle Building Society receiving interest at 6% for life. As soon as interest rates started to fall they stopped it, trying to placate us with an offer of 1% higher than average for one year after which the account was closed. I knew it was a stupid offer when I took it out, but that's what they offered and that's what it should still be. Basically it illustrates how all financial institutions are bastards.

  34. You have to be firm with credit card companies other wise they take total advantage. TX is also closed for April and maybe May. Sigh.

  35. I feel the same way about T-Mobile. They had a buy one get one special going when I stopped in to add a line for my youngest. I asked if we qualified and two people told me we did. So I bought the phone (expensive) for him and upgraded my daughters for the free one. I checked back on the next months bill and everything was correct. A month or so later, my bill went up. When I called about it they told me because I had such a great plan (i.e. I had been a customer for a long time), I didn't qualify for that particular promotion. Long story short, I got nowhere with them and as soon as the phones are paid off (in June), I'll be switching companies. I can't wait. My skin crawls every time I pay the bill. In other news, I made custard! Ended up using an Amish recipe I found on line. That mix stuff I bought seems to be for some kind of pudding. It was good-very creamy. I'm not sure I'll make it again as I'm the only one who seems to like it, though, and I don't need six servings of baked custard lol. I'll try creme brulee next time. I'll be fighting them off.
