
Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Sunshine tomorrow

The cold damp weather is more annoying than staying home. My phone weather bug says fifty percent chance of rain tomorrow. Weather channel offers warmer weather tomorrow and only ten percent chance of rain. And which did I pick?

There were six bouts to wind when I went to the studio today, and the goal was to finish all. But with the fiddling around to switch out the last several tubes of warp, I quit after two, and made a bowl of custard. I bet most men think it namby-pamby, but it is my go to comfort food, miles ahead of mac and cheese or stuffed peppers.

The custard came out of the oven before lunch, so I had it for dessert, and went back to the studio determined to finish.

Came close. That is bout ten of eleven started there. I do not understand my compulsion to finish. I started this only yesterday. Sadly, I forgot I started yesterday; I had to backtrack and look it up. Only one day ago...

I did write on my calendar another job I wanted to do today, a good thing. There it was this morning like a shiny new idea. I wanted to arrange my remaining towels in color wheel sequence for a picture for Instagram.

A wheel would be more fun, but then I would be removing "stuff" from my work table. Good stuff, like my bobbin winder, that's held down by a C clamp.

This was a good exercise in how much is missing. Here are some colors I could weave to fill in the blanks.

I have even darker greens I can select. Between the green and orange is a plum, I believe. I didn't look it up. It's OK. The purple on the end is a must, as is the yellow on the other end.

Well, time for supper and then I'll give Instagram another go.


  1. Such gorgeous colors! As for the weather, who knows?? LOL I woke to pure white clouds coming all the way to the ground. It was actually a combination of clouds and fog. Cold as all get out... good luck with your weaving. It's just beautiful!

  2. Your towels are so beautiful and the colors make me happy to look at them. I'll go for that good weather tomorrow. And maybe make some custard today. I exchanged emails with Janice and will donate some quilting fabric to her when I feel better about going out.

  3. LOVE those colours.
    And here's to sunshine, in the sky and in our lives.

  4. Custard! I haven't had that in years. Delightful, velvety, cool, delicious custard, ahhh.

    Those towel colours are marvellous. Well done on your accomplishments today.

  5. Your towels are all beautiful colours. The custard looks yummy and is one of my favourite foods. It is a dish I've never made myself.

  6. Custard is always a good choice. Yummy!

  7. Hari OM
    Oh yes, Joanne, I might be the custard monster!!! Give me that over ice cream anyday - versus mac'n'cheese though? hmmmm that's a tough one!

    Love every single one of your colours but that orange is dragging my eye. YAM xx

  8. Oh, I love your rainbow of towels! And mmm, custard.

  9. That custard certainly looks the ultimate in comfort food!

  10. Replies
    1. Tiny bit of nutmeg. It browned in the oven, getting done in such a deep dish, and me not paying strict attention.

  11. Beautiful custard
    The yarn in the photo, the orange throws me off, and I like orange.

  12. Hmmm. Custard.

    The yellow is so lovely. But then all your colors are great.

  13. A rainbow of tea towels.......bound to make you smile while doing the dishes.

  14. Custard pies are very popular in Portugal. They were also popular in Lancashire where I grew up. Thanks for reminding me of them Joanne.

  15. Custard, comfort food. Good choice.

    I like being invited into the weaving studio with you. I learn something every time

  16. I could eat a bucket full of that yummy looking custard! , I am inspired to make some. Love the photos of your weaving! They are wonderful, Ms.Cup On The Bus!

  17. I love custard! You towels are so pretty, Joanne. I was cutting a tea towel to make some masks, but I just found an old 100% bed skirt that I can use. It's just white though. I wish I had pretty scraps to make the masks, but I don't have them and I'm not allowed to go to the store to get more fabric.

    1. I'd bet the doctors and nurses couldn't care less what color the masks were!

  18. Custard is great but comfort food here is bread pudding. If I had any stale bread in the freezer I'd make some!!

  19. Love all your towels... blues and greens still my favs! And we love custard too... custard pie is my go to when DH says he needs “pie”.

  20. Yum on the custard! Seems like you are keeping busy and eating well! Good luck with Instagram. I still struggle with it


    1. So do I. It's just another social media way to put your face out there.

  21. Guess we are going to make a custard now.

  22. I dig the rainbow effect of the fanned towels. The custard looks mighty good & I like the denim-colored background. ;)

  23. I would be fine with the custard. It looks excellent to me. Much better than mac-n-cheese.

  24. I love your color wheel. I've never eaten custard--I guess because my mom never served it.


  25. Is that a baked egg custard? I love those. I make small ones in little ramekins and eat them over a couple of days. I don't know if I can do that now because of the sugar content. Just eating one a day might be alright, I'll have to aske the dietician when I see her, but that isn't until May. I think I'll go ahead and make some, then give them up after that if she says to.
    I love the purple and bright yellow you have there, can you put me down for two of each and invoice me when they are ready?

    1. I doubled the recipe, but not the sugar. Which is to say, you could halve the sugar of your current recipe. My mother was a great one for halving the sugar of any recipe and I grew up that way.

    2. Just for you:
      3 large eggs, slightly beaten
      1/3 c sugar
      1 t vanilla
      2 1/2 c very warm milk (120-130 F)
      Makes 6 custard cups
      I doubled the recipe, but not the sugar. I'm eating it at the rate of 1/4 each day, for lunch.
      The math is .33 cups sugar x .25 per day = .0825 c sugar/day. I'm sure some math head will do a better job of illumination.

    3. Thank you. I already use less sugar than what my recipe says, but will cut it even further now.

  26. I love all those colors and the Instagram picture is perfect! It is good to see you and your beautiful towels on Instagram.

    My husband is one man that likes custard. It is a nice change of pace comfort food. Take care and be careful of your back!

  27. I have never seen custard like that. I do love custard though.

  28. I do envy your weaving, so beautifully neat. Good luck with the weather, here we have sun and it is as bright as your yellow yarn.

  29. The colors are so beautiful.

  30. Savoury or sweet? Comfort custard... hmmmmm!

    The towel rainbow looks a treat.


    1. Sweet. I never had savory. I must look into that.

  31. I would fight you for that custard if it came with a pastry case! Custard as comfort food. Towels as colour therapy, they are beautiful.

  32. Baked custard!, oh, how I love it. When I was working, I used to make it to have for my breakfast, figuring eggs, milk. Perfect start to the day!
    I think you just gave me a project.

  33. I am a mac and cheese sort myself - am overjoyed to find out my new food processor can grate cheese. Will find out if that's true later today or tomorrow. I'm trying to warp my Baby Wolf front to back, and am worried that it seems to be turning into a knotted mess. Am carrying on in hopes that if I continue, it will sort itself out. Doesn't help it's an overshot pattern with a 52 thread repeat...

    1. I've never warped front to back, but I have made a tangled mess of a back to front chain warp.
      Look at it this way, we have nothing but time right now, so add some patience and keep at it. Put your favorite music in your ears. I love overshot, and you can see the pattern building, so it's fairly easy to see a mistake in a few shots, and fix it.

  34. It is amazing to see the pictures of your setting up. Comfort food for me and my children is - Welsh Rarebit.

  35. I love custard. When I was growing up, puddings with custard were one of our regular desserts. Chocolate pudding with chocolate source is a great comfort food too.

  36. You are being so productive! I am in awe. As I so often am when I come here. Beautiful colors. Beautiful custard which is my favorite too. Absolutely.

  37. Wow. That custard looks delicious. Is it hard to make? I'm going to look it up. You are so productive. I kind of lose my mojo after 3-4 days of cold, raw gray weather. Sunshine motivates me more than coffee. Did clean my kitchen yesterday, though, so there's that.

  38. The custard still looks amazing.

  39. I love your fan of towels. I'd have laid them out white, yellow, lt. green, dk. green, blue, purple, rose, red.

    I love custard and rarely get to eat it. maybe I should make some.
