
Monday, March 23, 2020

Stay at Home

That's what our governor says, "Stay at Home!" He believes it's friendlier than Shelter in Place. Or else, he's saving that for even worse.

I went out today to have my toenails cut. It feels so nice in my shoes. I've outsourced toenails for a long time. A while back, listening to the gossip, I realized I could have my fingernails cut, too. I need to source a reliable shop.

Stay at home angst has trickled down to my cat! I stripped the bed, to launder the sheets. Since 1988, I have owned a single set of sheets. When we moved into the old house, I gave up my queen bed for a single and ever since have owned only the sheets on the bed. 

This to the horror of my mother and her linen closet of duplicates and triplicates. I've never been reduced to the sleeping bag because sheets are in the laundry. However, the foot of my bed is Toby's chosen spot during the day. There have been arguments, and he finally knows the white blanket at the end of the bed is the only refuge for his hairy, shedding self.

Today he ran the length and breadth of the house, howling. That generally means the haughty little cat next door is sitting in the window, ignoring him. But today it meant the white blanket was not on the foot of the bed. Eventually he settled for my desk chair. He was not happy.

I'm winding on the new warp. This will be tedious; I must change out half the tubes. Warp is heavy, whether pulling forty half pound tubes from the spool rack, or turning bout after bout onto the warp beam.

This is the third warp onto the Mira, and the first time I've had to switch bobbins.I set it up so that only half would be changed over at a time. It's a tedious, and job, and very hard on my back. Painful. After this run of towels, the next time I warp, I will have to swap out the twenty spools left this time.

The cat is happier. Not totally satisfied, but he is a cat.

And that brings me to the only subject left in my constrained life, my pots of flowers. Shoots are up in all three pots now. This is my number one, happy pot, where I found the first sprig.

I'm thinking the two fat green bulbs in the back are a hyacinth type. There are three of the darker green with purple tipped leaf. I have no idea. There are a number of the pencil thin sprouts, in this pot and in the other two. Again, no idea.

And on that note, I'll go do my census.


  1. Your pots are doing well. Lots of new shoots. Spring is definitely in the air, sadly so is a nasty virus so look after yourself!

  2. Toby's head colour doesn't seem to match his body colour.

    1. It matched for years, until I had his hair cut. One the virgin, baby tips are gone, hair is never the same. The tips handle light differently. Like shearing a lamb. It will never be the same fleece again.

  3. Who is the boss? You are of course, most of the time.

  4. You must let us know when you find out what the mystery sprouts are.

  5. Oh yes, look at that little pouty cat face! LOL. I only have one set of sheets too. I take them off, wash 'em, dry 'em, stick 'em back on the bed. No problemo. I contemplated getting a second set but it seems excessive to me.

  6. Definitely a disgruntled cat!
    It's lovely to see your work progressing.

  7. You seem to have a full and interesting life indoors. And still weaving seems like a kind of magic to me.

  8. You can definitely tell that he is perturbed in that first picture! -Jenn

  9. With this enforced nothingness, you would think the old artistical juices would start up... unfortunately not, at least for me... now you Joanne are really in the zone, not sure about the cat though?


  10. Poor Toby. Jazz rocks that look too - and makes me feel guilty.
    I don't 'think' those sprouts are hyacinths. They look a little too slender. I will be interested to follow their progression. On this side of the world as we enter autumn I have anenome shoots emerging. In rather a lot of places. Weird.

  11. The look on the cat’s face when it’s on the chair is priceless.

  12. It's funny my cat spends most of the day on the foot of my bed but it i dont open the window he moves onto the mat on the floor why I do not know.

  13. Toby, Toby, Toby...

    Hope you and yours are well. x

  14. My old lady has a favorite quilt to lay on too. If it isn't on the bed she goes looking for it. I've given up washing it for the sake of washing it. It belongs to the cat.

  15. That is definitely an unhappy cat.

  16. Hubby took care of census last week. No one has any excuse not to complete it. We only have 1 set of sheets too. We should probably get a back up one just in case. Glad to see plants sprouting!


  17. cats are SUCH creatures of habit!

  18. Toby sounds like quite the character. I miss having a cat but the time has never seemed right to get another one though I have looked on line from time to time. I will get one in future, just not sure when. I'm sorry your back was acting up and I hope you will feel better soon. Your plant is looking lovely. Plants and cats and books, are all on my lists of favs and I think for you too. Have a safe and healthy week ahead.

  19. Hari OM
    Language no barrier to disgruntlement!!! Tomorrow, Toby will be his good self again. Or not. I'm starting to wonder if, when driving back East on Wednesday, I am going to be chased down by police; 'essential travel madame???' Yes, our BoJo is going to give them 'powers'... YAM xx

  20. Sweet Toby, I've had several cats, all completely different in personality. One was completely canine and went for walks between the dogs as if he owned them. One was a princess, food, bedding, petting maybe allowed.


    1. I've had a couple of cats who walked with the dogs. I took it that they felt that much part of the family and its routine, to always show up to accompany us.

  21. "There were arguments ..." - lol!!

    The cat is always right -- in the cat's mind.

    Do take care, Joanne. I can still cut my own toenails but my hair is another matter :)

  22. You do have busy days! I hope you don't hurt your back too much with that warping. Love seeing the plants coming up and enjoy reading about your Toby cat.

  23. Your Toby is so funny. He sure has his grumpy face on while he is on the chair.

    I can't tell how thick the mystery leaves coming up in your flower pot are, but is that the pot where you had your madevilla. It would be nice if they came back again, but they probably don't survive being so cold.

    1. The mandevilla pots will hang above the three pots on the ground. I did not try to overwinter them. The gerbera daisy has overwintered, but not well. It lost all but half a dozen of its leaves. It did make flowers all winter; the last is drooping sadly.

  24. Winding the new warp looks confusing to me! You are amazing.

    My cats love it when I take the sheets off the bed. But then they love it even more when I put the clean sheets back on the bed. Making the bed is such a game to cats.

    Toby is like most cats I'm sure. They do not want their routine to be changed at all!

  25. You may be amazed to know that we too have but one set of sheets for our bed, and wash them once a week. When they wear out we will get another set.

  26. Prayers for goid health and a pain free back
    The way you write about your cat makes me smile. Your cat photos are spot on cat attitude!

  27. Poor Toby - it's a tough life when you're a little, bitty, kitty.

  28. That might be hyacinths, sorry thatI cannot put here a photo of mine. It can also be tulips - and when I saw little pencil sprouts in my my garden beds (I had planted 180 white, moon yellow and soft-pink lily-flowered tulips!) , the a tulip often had a tiny little new bulb at its side.
    Whatever it is: it makes watching thrilling! (My experience is that plants with red in the stem or top of the leaf most often have red (or violet )blossoms.
    And, Joanne: thank you for your wise advice - it made me think. :-)

  29. In the first photo, Toby looked decidedly out of sorts. Poor kitty!

  30. Could Toby possibly look any more pissed off? If looks could kill...

  31. oh the look on Toby's face. all the foliage has now tamped off your iris. I see little tip sticking up but no growth. I would have thought they would be growing by now. Harris County wherein sits the big city is going on complete shut down this evening. so says Marc. and since I went and got dirt and butter yesterday I have no place else to go.

  32. Oh my! That was one unhappy cat! LOL I agree -- the bulbs at the back are probably Hyacinth--their leaves are thicker than a tulip's or any other Spring bloom/bulb. Can't wait to see them bloom. Be careful with your back! Hugs to you...

  33. Custard seems like pretty good comfort food to me. I am amazed at how many people are making bread during this crisis. Apparently locally, yeast is just about impossible to find.

  34. Poor Toby. This isolation bsiness is hard on all of us....even those fuzzy ones amongst us. We too, remain in our apartment except for one trip out a week to the grocery store. If we venture outside for a walk we must remain 6 feet away from other folks. Thank goodness for blogger.

  35. The look on that cat's face is a hilarious mixture of indignation and love.
