
Friday, March 20, 2020

Keep the pluck

Finally it was to be a good, sun shinny day. Sixty degrees forecast. I woke to the sound of beating rain. Then it stopped and I went out for a spot of lovely sun. I admired the half dozen sprouting bulbs.

I came in and finished the little bit of weaving currently left, and cut off the towels from the warp,

which I put in the washer, and had my lunch. The rain returned with a vengeance, and the afternoon has not much changed.

I did have a lovely piece of cornbread for lunch; this enforced solitude has benefits.

There are three things I can talk about. The bit of weaving I took off is a partial tube of bamboo. I've used it as accent in weaving in the past. This thread slippery and shiny. I read it is 40% more absorbent than cotton, so why not try it as a towel.

But I won't be cutting this into towels, or anything. It is so slippery, it feels like a slip, back when they were part of my wardrobe. It is 17" wide and there are 3 2/3 yards, or 156". I won't make anything from it, it will be too iffy in these old hands.

I think it would make a wonderful tank top, or a shirt with a bit of swing at the bottom. What do you think? I will give this to anyone who would use it.

The second thing I did with the rest of my afternoon is try to sink my teeth into Instagram. As I said, this enforced solitude...! It's testing my pluck! I can see the benefit of Instagram, it's just getting there. I'm up to making a post; perhaps tomorrow. If you'd care to follow, it's:

And finally, I saw another comment on my last post, and its Mage! She's back. I hope everyone will get over there and say welcome. And that's enough said.


  1. I could definitely use that slippery customer, if it would like to come my way!

    I made cornbread today, too, must have been in the Deep State Morning Instruction Memo!

    1. I just put it on the "Good Ideas" page, but it's yours.

  2. I am glad to be your third follower.

  3. Cornbread sounds perfect for today.

  4. Blessings to you and many thanks for the alert that Mage is back posting. I knew she would be as I spoke with George a few days ago, but wasn't sure when she would be able to post so I said nothing. Be well, dear friend, be well.

  5. Good to keep busy. Like here, if you want it dry, its cold, if you want it warm, you get it wet!

  6. Now following your Instagram

  7. Hari OM
    Bamboo is a lovely material... but yes, slippery custome!

    You'll see red dots at top right under the heart where you will find who followed you so you can follow them back - if you wish. I have embraced the instything, as photographs really can't go too far wrong!!! YAM xx

  8. I never remember to check Instagram! I somehow don't understand it. I mean, I understand how to navigate around it but I don't get the appeal.
    You keep safe, woman.

  9. I have not ventured in to the world of Instagram. This is really my only social media. But, good for you. I Facetimed with my daughter and think I will sign up for TikTok (probably not even typing that correctly) so that she and I and son can all look for and share funny short videos with each other and feel more connected as she isn't with us at this time. It rained here, then it got bloody cold and there was ice on the porch. Keep well - love reading everyone's blogs at this time. -Jenn

    1. And I've never Facetimed and TicTok? I guess we do what we want to do.

  10. My snowdrops have been blooming for a while and this morning I realized I have crocus in the front yard, white and purple, blooming and daffodil spears coming up. Keep well!

  11. My phone is so old that it will not accept WhatsApp. I am quietly happy about that.

  12. That color is pretty. The person who receives the fabric is very fortunate.


  13. Joanne don't mess with your towel content...they are perfect as they are. Today the rain came in through three open windows (I had totally forgotten I had left them open last night and there was LOTS of water) and with one magnificent swipe of your magic towel the water was gone.

  14. Instagram is a mystery to me. Good for you for tackling it!

  15. The enforced solitude is slowly happening in Idaho and I am not sure what I am going to do to keep myself occupied. I tried IG but it didn't stick. Maybe YouTube will be what keeps me going. Take care and stay safe.

  16. I vote for tank tops! The fabric sounds perfect for a nice summer tank top or a short poncho.

  17. This is my social interchange. Don't care for facetime, sometimes I don't want to be seen!

  18. I don't play instagram but wish you luck. And hope that whoever receives that fabric shares what they make of it.

  19. That is interesting to hear about the bamboo thread. If it makes the fabric slippery then is it hard to work with? I've got some bamboo quilting thread but I have not used it yet. It is recommended for decorative quilting. They also make bamboo batting for quilts and I've heard good things about that except the price!

    Welcome to Instagram! I have followed you and feel free to follow me if you are interested. So far all I have on it is pictures of some of the quilts I've made. I need to add more photos.

    Take care of yourself Joanne and enjoy that cornbread!

  20. My solitude isn't any more than I normally have, I mostly stay at home anyway, just going out to shop when necessary and twice a week to clean for a friend. so I'm not finding any extra hours to catch up on stuff, but it is nice to have the neighbours staying home and not knocking on my door.

  21. Good to see the bulbs appearing. Life goes on.

  22. Those little green shoots give a boost to the emotions at times like this.

  23. Trying to stay in is tough - I don't like it. Nice that your bulbs are starting to sprout. I've used a bamboo thread in crochet projects. Yes, very slippery and I thought, very difficult to work with.

  24. Like River, my life hasn't really changed very much. The best part is not having any appointments of any kind now. Very relaxing.

  25. The one I can't figure out is snapchat.

  26. I’ll look for you on a Instagram! Yay for Mage!

  27. I too will follow you on instagram.

  28. it's nice to know that Mom Nature is unaffected and is breathing deeply during this interlude of reduced human activity. as for people, well, maybe the stupid ones are going to be winnowed out. hopefully they won't take any smart ones with them.

  29. 70's a day or two ago. 40's today.

  30. I have a kind of ritual now. Really taking shape and I'm really surprised at how I got into cleaning. I know. No on can believe it.


  31. Could they be Tulips? Your cat looks very content.
