
Thursday, March 26, 2020

Yes, it's Thursday

Checking the calendar this morning, it was Thursday. I would like to grocery shop, but had a few more important chores before the grocery store. Like buying and readying disinfectant before I lugged another month of groceries into the house.

So, I went to our Dollar Store. Across the street, gas was $1.65. I've been out and about the last two weeks on the same three quarter tank of gasoline. By the time I need a refill, it will either be down to a buck and a quarter, back to two dollars a gallon, or unchanged. We live in a very uncertain time.

While looking for Lysol I did pick up laundry soap and dishwasher soap pods. I've quit boycotting pods because toddlers eat them. Putting my money where my mouth was, so to speak. I've concluded that mothers can just keep them out of reach, because there are no plastic jugs involved.

And yes, toddlers can climb anything to get anywhere. So, put them in a locked strong box. That's what I had to do when I had a granddaughter threatening destruction. Not pods, they weren't on the market then. Every drug in the house, beginning with aspirin and all the way through old people drugs the three old people in the house took had to be locked up. We all still have the strong boxes.

Anyway, I went through checkout and asked about the Lysol. The clerk said perhaps it would be in tomorrow's shipment, but he didn't know how much would be required to for nightly disinfecting the store. So, I went back for a bottle of Clorox.

Boredom is hard to fill. I've done a decent job. I went to the store after breakfast. Now I need to go make supper. I also made Boston Brown Bread today, so I won't need to go to the grocery store until next week.

The sun shined today; the windows were open. It made us happy.


  1. Here we are not allowed to go more than 100 meters from the house. Only the cats are allowed to go wherever they want.

  2. Toby seems so happy looking out the front door slider!

  3. once again I'm glad I live on a half acre lot in a neighborhood of half acre and acre lots. plenty of room to be outside and no one in sight. being bored is not a problem for me. deciding what to do if anything is the problem.

  4. We certainly do live in an uncertain time.
    It is so reassuring to read blogs, though. To know that we're all here and accounted for, each of us doing what we do.
    Give that pretty kitty a pat on the head from me.

  5. I'm learning what does and doesn't disinfect, these days. Good thing I had some alcohol in the studio, since I don't seem to have anything else that disinfects!

    But the weather is beautiful, walking is lovely, and the neighbors are waving and chatting across the street. So some things are still good.

  6. Well done! Andy put the check in the mail,Joanne...

  7. I long for the first spring day when we can leave the windows open! Take care, Joanne.

  8. I love seeing photos of you cat.
    I tell myself there's no toilet paper because I'm there on the wrong day. Good thing I bought enough.

  9. An article from The Guardian says soap and water are still the best way to disinfect - the soap breaks down the fatty membrane of the virus and renders it inactive. So for those who can't get their chemical of choice (because chemicals always make us feel like we are DOING something), do not despair. Mix up a batch of soapy water and clean instead.

    The Guardian article at MSN:

    Toby is such a handsome guy, and don't cats love to smell the outdoors? Just like we do.

    1. I totally agree. I have used little but soap for 77 years. I don't believe in sanitizers. But I do think warnings about disinfecting things brought home from the store are serious. And this is where I believe in spray bottles of disinfecting stuff. Soap and water is OK on veggies, but not on cans and boxes of stuff. I will even set up a disinfecting station and put everything under the spray bottle. I hate Clorox, though, and if I can get my hands on a bottle of Lysol, the Clorox goes to my sister.

    2. It was my understanding from the article quoted that using soap and water DOES disinfect, just as well as the "disinfecting" stuff does. It inactivates the virus by destroying the fatty membrane that holds it together. Science! And those wipes and liquids must stay wet on objects for several minutes to be effective. Lots of folks aren't using them properly. The directions are on the wipes but many people aren't reading them.

  10. Hari OM
    The sunshine heals much... YAM xx

  11. I know where you are coming from with disinfecting groceries. If you read my blog today you saw what we went through our groceries. When I saw the predicted virus increase a few weeks ago I ordered a box of three containers of disinfecting Lysol wipes from Amazon and actually got them in fairly quickly. I'm sure glad I did that as any disinfecting products are really hard to find now.

    I love that picture of Toby! Don't they love an open window! We do what you've done and put a chair at a window just for the cats. Take care Joanne.

  12. No stay at home lock down where you are? I am astonished, I have been at home for two days and two weeks now and it is just getting more restrictive with every passing day. Since you can still run around, be sure to think of getting things that you will be needing when Rona comes to town!

    1. We're under Stay at Home orders. However, grocery shopping does not count, and the line to the register has six foot markings. The city, Akron, has two hospitalized this morning. Probably more tonight. We have nothing 13 miles north, in the township. And I'm set to disinfect the groceries I must buy next week. It's been a month since I bought groceries.

  13. We are under house arrest given the state of Leo's health, which did not stop a God botherer entering the property this afternoon in search of - as it turned out - money to buy gas refill. Blown over bow legged as I told her what I thought of endsngering someone's health against all the official advice.

    1. I would have been screaming at her back all the way back to the street.
      So good to hear from you. Take care.

  14. WE are free to come and go, I just don't. HeWho is more cavalier about it and just left to take someone to a store. I am not sure I will let him back in! Too close to be in the truck with a stranger you don't know, even with a face mask and gloves. I am taking this very seriously!

  15. We're having our first open-the-windows weather. It's made SUCH a difference in my mood!

  16. It is hard to ignore the buy-this-use-this push. We have what is important, hopefully.
    Watching NYC news. They confirm what we all knew: they are idiots.

  17. Since we don’t go further than our backyard and are doing isolation, we really don’t need all the bottles of sanitizer. We get our food delivered and clean and sanitize per instructions. We plan on outliving this virus.

    Stay safe!

  18. Hello to Toby! It was not sunshiny here today, but maybe tomorrow. I am looking forward to being able to open up some windows. I have a spray bottle of part bleach, part water. I just make sure it doesn't hit fabric. Mind you, I literally go nowhere and nobody comes in, so I just use it to make myself feel better. -Jenn

  19. Fresh air is always a blessing! It is hard not to get bored. I am not experiencing too much with it with still working and having a puppy but I would imagine boredom is creeping into a lot of people's lives about now!


  20. Toby looks like a ball of fluff with his winter coat still on. I have my prescription-only migraine tablets locked away in my safe, along with all important papers, but I'm sure Lola isn't interested in any of those anyway. I'm staying as safe as I can, washing my hands after coming home from anywhere, wiping down surfaces, but haven't actually been disinfecting things, because I'm the only one who comes in and goes out.

  21. The boredom bug hasn't hit us yet but I am worried when it does because I am running out of ideas to keep the kiddos happy. Glad to see you got some sunshine.

  22. Plastic bags with holes in them, shorter cords for blinds to keep them out of reach, with live with this stuff now and look back in horror at air-tight bags and long cords. Medicine cabinets have always been high off the ground or locked though. Isn't it funny how food has become so important? They are predicting a peak in obesity by the time this is over.

  23. Being confined is a challenge isn't it? Apparently there is a huge surge in bread-making right now. Miriam will be making corn bread today. Yippee!

  24. Ah yes, Sun. I am hoping that we get some sunshine today.

  25. That cat looking out the window sure is beautiful!

  26. It's hard work to find that 'silver lining' but if you look hard enough you'll find it. Thanks for sharing yours.

  27. I bought some kind of custard mix at the store the other day, thinking of your delicious looking custard. It's called "Bird's Original Custard". It's kind of a retro-looking container. It was an impulse purchase. I'm not even sure you need mix to make custard but now that I have some, I'll try it out. Our gas is $2.17-it's gone down a lot.

  28. Dear Joanne, what a blessing Toby must be in your life just as Maggie, Ellie, and Matthew are in mine. When I see Toby looking out the window I think of what the writer May Sarton said so many years ago-that when a cat stares out the window he/she is "reading the feline newspaper." I think Maggie especially knows so much better than I what is going on in our neighborhood! Take care. I hope you find the Lysol. Peace.

  29. Although we do have the lock down, I don't think our grocery stores are quite as careful yet as I would like them to be. Costco is starting to wipe down the cart handles for us though. I'm staying in for the next couple of weeks. That's my goal anyway. It's getting scarier and scarier. $1.65??? Wow!

  30. Glad your weather has improved. They were supposed to seal our street today (spray black stuff on the asphalt) but it's TOO COLD. It's the end of March! WTH???? Toby looks very happy.

  31. The sky with clouds looks fantastic. Enjoy your Boston brown bread! x

  32. Dear Joanne, I am glad to read that you got the things you need. Here in Germany only supermarkets, pharmacies, and banks are open. We cannot buy protective masks (though yesterday I saw that one-way gloves are now here to buy again) or disinfection solutions - that is also in hospitals (!!) a huge problem. I always thought that we were a very organised country - being able to help itself in many ways - but --- look at my new post... I wish you and all of you: Stay healthy! Take care! Britta xx

  33. A big queue outside our local supermarket yesterday morning. They were only allowing a certain number of people into the store at a time to maximise physical distancing. And some basic food items are still missing from the shelves - things like pasta, rice and most canned veg.

  34. I get mine delivered and arranged for deliveries for a few more who have no credit rating and no money. They are left in my lobby and I go down to get them and then treat them like dynamite, etc.. So far so good.


  35. Scary world when we think we must wash everything purchased before using it.

  36. Well hello there, Joanne! It's my first time visiting your blog and I already love your cat. Also, lovely photo of the sky. We live in a crazy time at the moment, it's just like you said. Hope it doesn't last much longer and everything can go back to normal. Also hope to see you around, girl! :)

  37. Like you, I am losing track of what day it is. This lockdown cannot last for longer than a few weeks, because we would all end up barking mad. My cat is happy, though, to have me at home so much. She also spends hours looking out the window. I wonder if she has noticed there are fewer cars and people around.

  38. When the self-isolation was first mentioned it seemed sensible… a week later, now they're talking about twelve weeks minimum, I'm beginning to twitch. I've hauled all my unfinished knitting projects out of the cupboard and wonder how bored I have to be to finish any off.
