
Wednesday, December 18, 2019

A cluster you know what sort of day

I got out of bed this morning with a list of seven must-dos. The first did not involve cleaning up a trail of cat barf, but I did. In the mantra from the childhood of my offspring, "if you find it, you clean it up." If Toby is no better in the morning, I'll call the vet.

Here he is, staring at his food, though he ate nothing all day. Did a good job on his water bowl, however.

The second did not involve snow moval, but that happened, too, with the broom, followed by salt. Yesterday's downfall of several inches set me back the usual fifteen plus a bunch of ones, there was so much, and I had places to go. Nowhere to go today, and only a couple more inches, so I saved some money and did it myself. Car still undone. Spread some salt, too.

I wanted to weave before I expended good energy on dumping my credit card company. I had an idea I wanted to try out to extend my weaving hours and days.

Fourteen or fifteen years ago, I broke L1. Like every bone I ever broke (and there have been a few), I heard it and I felt it. I don't know why I feel the need to keep mentioning that. "They" issued me a corset, and what a lovely job it did, except for fastening it up with fourteen hooks and eyes. 

Doctors with no clue about standing in eye watering pain, attempting to fasten all those freaking little hooks. One day I looked at my sister and said we had zippers in the studio up to the job. If I pinned them, would she sew them? That big Consew scares the bejammers out of me. 

I almost can't believe I've kept it, except as a souvenir.  I've lost so much weight since that accident, I wondered if it would fit, even laced down as far as it goes. But now it's winter, and on top of all my winter clothes, it does fit, strapped all the way in. So I wove the usual two hours, and instead of quitting over back pain, I put on the corset, pulled it up and wove another hour, leaning on it. Tomorrow I may put it on first.

Then I spent the first half of the afternoon ditching the old credit card company. They still have not acknowledged even receipt of the signed email.

And, the ayes have it. I spent the second half signing up with PayPal. I have a couple more hoops to jump tomorrow, but then I should be living in a perfect world of credit cards!

While I was out yesterday (in the snow!), I got a picture of the matched pair from Trapp Family Farm.  Doc and Dan are enjoying the remains of the cover crop Mark planted in this field.

And no, my list is not cleared. But tomorrow, after I weave, will be much better, Toby notwithstanding. 


  1. I have no doubt that PayPal will do the trick for you.

    1. Dave, I could not read your blog tonight. Malware blocked me. What the heck?

    2. I have no idea how that happens. I just looked at your post again and I can't help but think that corset looks like a medieval torture device!!

  2. May your tomorrow not start with unplanned clean ups! Great about PayPal.

  3. That's clever - getting the corset out for back support. It looks vaguely Victorian.

  4. Great idea to reuse the corset over clothing. Sitting can be tiring on anyone's back, but with a previously fractured back it must be h*** to sit and weave.

    I do hope Toby is better tomorrow. Can you entice him to eat some canned tuna or salmon or sardines?

  5. The corset seems to be the answer to the pain problem; part of your weaving "uniform".
    I hope Toby's problem is resolved soon.
    And each day I look for the next episode from Francis as he cycles his way through Vietnam.

    1. Amazing lad, what. He's headed for the backwoods country, now, relying on pointing and praying for language.

  6. Pay Pal, that is a great service and I think will be much more convenient for you and for your customers. I love your idea to use the corset. Poor Toby I hope he feels better very soon.

  7. I use PayPal exclusively anymore. It is so much easier to keep track of purchases.

    when that is all sorted out, I'll send my order in.

    The corset would be a great help. Glad you have that extra assist. How is Toby?

  8. Was it easy to sign up with PayPal? I've bought things and paid via PayPal, but I am trying to sell a large piece of furniture and have it listed as cash only. I might get a buyer if they can pay me via PayPal
    The corset would be a great support to help you weave longer hours, but please, still take enough breaks that you don't exhaust yourself. Putting in zips was a fabulous idea.

    1. I talked to someone who learned what I wanted and talked me through. Just go to and get their number.

    2. hari OM
      River, if you are only selling one item and that for private reasons (ie not business), all you will need is the 'paypal me' function... (see HERE. Yxx

    3. thank you Yamini, I'll check that out.

  9. Good to you still taking on obstacles big and small. I can't seem to even throw a blog post together.

  10. I do hope Toby is okay. You do so much. I am fearful every time I read how much. Please be careful.

  11. I've used PayPal for years--it's my preferred way to pay. p.s. I crushed two vertebra in my spine 30 years ago--still have pain from it at times. Had a fiberglass full-body brace and then an abbreviated brace. Rough time -- I don't envy you at all... Healing hugs!

  12. Take care out there in that white crap. I'm thankful we had a big bucket of ashes to throw on the skating rink we call our lane. Are you heading into the deep freeze too?

  13. Hooray for PayPal. I use it to pay for things, but have never explored it as a method to receive money.
    Your corset idea was wizardry.
    I hope Toby improves tomorrow. The fact that he is still drinking is a big positive.

  14. I like PayPal and feel entirely comfortable sending money through it and receiving money through it (its usually I'm sending more money then getting it, LOL) but a group of ladies online I'm part of that pray for each other, one of the lady's hubby died and the other ones of us wanted to send flowers. I was able to send my share of the flowers to the lady organizing this through PayPal. So much more efficient than mailing a check. Completely safe! Wise for you to go with them. I hope Toby is feeling better. I hate when our fur critters are under the weather and we can't figure out what is going on.

    Great idea with the corset and zipper to aid in you being able to weave longer!


  15. Hari OM
    I echo the gladness at your taking up PayPal. It really is safe and easy and fully international. Those of us with accounts will only have to place your name and email address and the amount we are paying and hey presto! I am pretty sure you can use the paypal me function I mention to River, also.

    That corset looks the business! Maybe I should think of something of the sort...Sending some POTP for Toby and hope it was just a one off barf. YAM xx

  16. Great picture of the ponies feeding. I hope Toby is better.

  17. That is such a beautiful photo.
    I can't believe you are such a dedicated weaver that you would wear that corset to weave in! It's like a fairy-tale in a way.
    You are amazing. I hope you know that.

  18. Well, I hope poor Toby feels better soon! And that is one fearsome corset, oh my.

  19. good. I think you'll be happy with PayPal. you might also look into the Square for when you do those little shows and someone wants to pay with a credit card. so I guess you neighbor boy finally came around to shoval.

  20. It’s great that the corset helps! My husband keeps all sorts of stuff that he eventually uses.

  21. A good day even if not as intended.
    The corset is akin to a weightlifter's belt!

  22. Hope poor Toby is feeling better and 'back on his feed' again soon.

  23. I was reminded of Frida Kahlo and all she had to endure with her permanent corset, what a good idea for you to use this to get some extra weaving in!


  24. I got a corset to help with my back pain. For the life of me I can't do all those tiny hooks.


  25. The corset looks very supportive! I've never been able to figure out PayPal though, or make it work.

  26. I admire your persistence in carrying on your enterprise thought pain. And PayPal should work well for you.

  27. Sounds as though you have all under control, as usual!

  28. I hope everything is much better and so is Toby. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

  29. What a daft idea, a corset with fourteen hooks and eyes. Very clever to replace them with a zip. My granny had a corset which greatly relieved her back pain.

  30. May sweet Toby be feeling better!

    I have never worn a corset and don't think I ever will. Bras are annoying enough.
