
Sunday, December 22, 2019

Bits of news

Towels:  Blue Cobalt towels are done and listed on the Towels for Sale page. The name is so interesting. Is this cobalt to the blue, or blue to the cobalt? Ah, those Frenchies. Have to love them.

The next set of towels will be lime. Can't go too wrong with that.

Gerbera Daisy: The last time the Gerbera appeared here, there were four blossoms and possibly a dozen full leaves left. This morning:

What next? I guess the corner of a dark closet, until spring. I'm rather short on dark corner closets. How about a paper bag?

David M. Gascoigne, I presume? I do enjoy your blog and your birds. Alas, my firewall no longer likes you. I am no expert on things internetty; can you help me with this message from Malware:

This site can’t provide a secure connection sent an invalid response.


Instead of pictures, I simply have that ugly "M" bouncing around. And, Windows Network Diagnostics says the same, not a secure connection. Anything I can do?

A lovely day today! I went outside with muffin tins to lend to my neighbor, and for the first time saw this knotty little cartoon face in my deck floor:

And finally, Toby seems to be feeling better. Alternatively, he's hallucinating:

His fish had quite a workout this morning. No, it's not real.


  1. Too much catnip? LOL
    I’m sorry about your blog problems. Another blogger also complained about a slew of spam she was receiving. It’s so annoying.
    Have a wonderful Christmas week, Joanne.

  2. Hi Joanne: I have no idea why you get that message and I equally have no idea how to fix it. Maybe someone a little more computer savvy than I would care to offer a solution. In the meantime I will continue to follow you.

    1. I just tried and it was ok. I'm using Firefox; my first thought would be to change browsers. My second would be to wait and see if it fixes itself. Those are all I know...

    2. Hari OM
      Joanne, David's site is actually secure (I witness the little padlock at left of the URL). The problem is pretty much likely to be at your end and I agree with Sally, it may be your browser. Ensure that you update the browser (you will see an 'up arrow' on the toolbar when there is an update available - at least in Chrome). Another possibility is you may need to clear your cookies (go to browers settings tab and 'clear history').

      Then there is just the clicking of the 'diagnostics' line - did you do that yet? I think you are on Win10 now? It is a bit of a pain. The thing is, as I look at your URL on my screen right now, it declares quite clearly that your site is 'not secure' - yet it still displays for me. So there is something in your system that doesn't want to communicate with TwB. Try these fix options first and let us know how you go. (Is it the only site you are getting this feedback from?)

      Meanwhile, hello Toby! Loving the catnip fishie are we??? puurrrsssssssssssss... As for the gerbera. Well. Impressive!
      YAM xx

    3. There's a browser settings tab? I'd love to clear my history and cookies.

  3. Love that lime, and the happy, happy Toby.
    Sadly I am also clueless about the message on David's blog and hope you can get it sorted. I do love the posts that he and Miriam give us.

  4. That fish looks SO real. Glad Toby is back in fighting shape.

  5. I like the lime color for the towels! So glad Toby seems to be better!


  6. I enjoyed your newsy report. Glad Toby is better.

  7. Great to see Toby back to his normal self. He's a character.

  8. Glad Toby is feeling better. Lola is off her food at the moment, could be the heat, could be all the people coming to my door, she doesn't appear to have lost any weight, and still comes for cuddles. I'll have to play the wait and see game.

  9. Glad to hear Toby is on the mend...that fish sure LOOKS real.

  10. Yes, that site is secure, so try the advice up above because I have no other clue.

  11. A Toby Holiday joy episode.
    My gerbera daisy has new leaves forming. It is in the dining area where it gets sunshine. It makes a nice house plant.

  12. The gerbera is hanging on very well, isn't it?
    Love the Toby photo!
    And I, too, would try switching browsers. Firefox is the one I use and it never seems to have problems.

  13. I've never been told "This site can’t provide a secure connection". I always get connected to websites even if they're not secure, and so far I've never had any adverse consequences (like hacking).

  14. I'll bet the cobalt towels are a favorite. They definitely are mine. Even in pottery, cobalt is king. Glad Toby is his old self again. Wishing you a very Merry Christmas Joanne!

  15. We use the Geek Squad at Best Buy for our computer problems. They spent an hour with us by phone and managed to get rid of the malware. Merry Christmas to you, Joanne. Aloha from Hawaii.

  16. I wouldn't put the gerbera daisy in the dark. I'd put it someplace it gets light and keep it watered. it'll still go dormant but without light and water it may die.

    I bought a catnip mouse from the handweavers and the only time Emma has even noticed it is when she batted it away when I was trying to get her interested in it.

  17. The cobalt blue is so pretty.

    Toby is looking good!

  18. Love your gerberas, I have a weird used up plant and was pondering its funeral when lo and behold it started to sprout blossoms I will await her full flowering. I think plants hear us.


  19. Glad that Toby us feeling better...really like his toy fish.

  20. You have so many beautifully colored threads to choose from.

  21. Glad to hear Toby is getting back to his old self!

  22. Toby wants tummy rubs.

    Merry Christmas!

  23. Strange coincidence. I clicked on a favourite blog this evening and my malware programme blocked it due to a trojan. I have only a vague idea what that is, but I know I don't want one. Anyway, wishing you a happy Christmas, Joanne. Keep on blogging! I love your dry humour.

  24. Another weaving idea! Did you see the prizewinning card on John Gray’s blog? The woven one in red? I thought of you immediately.

  25. I use a mac and don't have Windows so don't really understand what that problem could be but it's frustrating for sure.

    Glad Toby is feeling better!

    Happy Christmas to you!

  26. It looks rather as though Toby's trying to give you a hint...

  27. The Demon Duo sees things occasionally that I don't - and I see some odd stuff! I wonder what go on in their brains. Glad Toby is feeling better and you have winter flowers to enjoy.

  28. Well, glad Toby is feeling good, not to mention the gerbera. I'm not sure I would put it away now it's looking so perky. But what do I know. I hope you had a good Christmas!
