
Monday, December 16, 2019

Some change must be made

My dear loom needed a drastic change today. I had to reverse the treadle tie up from jack loom to counterbalance. I inadvertently gave Beth the wrong tie up yesterday.

Jan came to help me, after cards today. Her caveat was she would not be the one on the floor. "Don't worry," she said. "I can get you up."

When we had the tie up changed, she pulled me up from my back to sitting position. Then I used a stool to get to my knees. Then I used a chair to stand. I think I will buy a gait belt, used to lift folks from their butt to their feet. Having one on hand will forestall ever changing the tie up again.

Another change must be made in my method of doing business. The credit card company I selected is not good for my purposes. In fact, I now wonder whose purpose they suit, as their computers will not talk to google or yahoo to send an invoice. 

I set aside time tonight to call their Sales Administration Department, and found the number was not set up to take phone calls, yet. Excuse me! I am or will be in touch with the couple of you this problem is putting off. Your orders are still packed, and I'll figure this out.

And one more bit of excitement! I received a very large shipment of weaving thread from the factory. I ordered one pound, or two tubes of each color, straight down the color chart, by name and number.

I received a packing list and two boxes of beautiful colors, not one of which I did not like. However, the tubes are not labelled. I must match them back to the color chart. I will be scrupulous about that now; I'm sure I'll live long enough to replicate some.

There's lots of good stuff left. The shelf of thread on tubes is stacked three deep.

And I wove a tiny bit of Blue Cobalt before I called it a day. That's its name in the catalog.


  1. I'm so impressed with not just your undertaking a whole start up to your business, but especially with your fortitude in dealing with the invoice/credit card/on line snarls.
    That cobalt is stunning, but I'm always a sucker for cobalt.

  2. It is like a rainbow in your house.

  3. Such pretty colors of thread!! Admire your ambition to start your business! Usual kinks being worked out, but I think you are doiong great with it!


  4. The blue is beautiful. I will check my card to see if there has been a charge made. They did send an invoice so I assume so?

  5. My brain is hurting badly just thinking about the things you are wrestling with.
    Love the colours and the early work on display though.

  6. Weaving seems like a kind of magic to me, it's so beautiful.

  7. Yes to all you say, and the gait belt, understood. Great colours on your shelf.

  8. The colours are all so gorgeous. I do hope you get the payment system fixed. I use paypal to pay for things I buy online and I'm used to that, don't know anything at all about any other system.

  9. I get the impression that this things looms large in your life. I can hear the groan from here!

  10. Hari OM
    I have been suggesting a gait belt to the father... so far with no take-up of the hint! It will come soon enough. I shared with him your adventures in entrepreneurship and how you work through 'problems', and he said, "sounds like your mother." Yup, I've said that all along. Joanne is a branch of the same tree as Elsie Maclean was on! YAM xx

  11. All the best with sorting out the business,

  12. wow you sound so calm. many challenges for your shop! lovely colours.


  13. So beautiful, the blue cobalt. Also beautiful is your determination and creative problem solving.

  14. Beautiful colors. And, completely intimidating listening to your descriptions of loom-works. Yet, you make it sound so easy!

  15. I'm sure you've written about this before but I would love to know how you started weaving. The story of that. I'm sure it's a good one.

  16. Yes get the belt to ensure that you won't need it, like taking an umbrella. I echo Mary's request that you tell us the story of how you started weaving.

  17. I know I've suggested this before but really you should just set up with PayPal. it's so easy. you can send invoices, people can either use charge cards or just transfer money from their bank and you can transfer the money you receive to your bank. we use a Square for our open house. the little device plugs into your phone to be able to swipe a credit card and only costs $10 . you can get one that will do the chip but it costs more. you do have to set up an account on-line with Square (also with PayPal) but it sends the money directly to your bank account and sends you an email report every time it does.

    those colors are luscious. like looking at candy. how weird that the tubes aren't labeled, not even with a sticker. love that cobalt.

    1. My wife uses PayPal for her on line business. Works like a charm.

  18. You're successfully working all the bugs out of the system! I also recommend PayPal. It's great for customers too because it safeguards their credit card info from the sellers. That's reassuring in today's world for online shoppers.

  19. I agree about PayPal. I use it all the time to buy online. I have one click
    enabled on my iPad, so if I want to buy something, all I have to do is click one time. Shipping info is stored, so there is no typing involved!!

  20. Can I suggest PayPal? A lot of businesses use them and they are easy for customers to use too. I don't know about rates but you can talk to them and find out if they are feasible.

  21. A good source of what goes info on paypal is their eBay discussion board, if they still have one there.

  22. Gorgeous colors...even the so-called Cobalt!

  23. Those spools of thread are a joy to behold!

  24. All of your colors are just yummy.

  25. Such lovely colours… and the colour chart is a thing of wonder.
    You're going to have great fun for months to come!

  26. If I get down on the floor it takes much moaning and groaning when I get up.


    1. There was moaning and groaning when I lay there, too. A couple of times I had to drop everything to get my shoulder in a better position.

  27. Everyday, it is about adjusting one thing or another. You will figure it all out.

    The thread colors are awesome.

  28. Such beautiful colors, especially the cobalt blue...But all of them, truly.

  29. What an array of beautiful colors! How can a business NOT be set up to accept phone calls? It's crazy!

  30. You could do without all the credit card hassles!

  31. We also use the square, altho we opted for the desk top device. It is fast and easy and with the desk top unit I can print a receipt or e-mail one. When we bought this place the business line was (of all things) a pay phone! There was a line at the desk, but the pay phone was an antique old thing that was hung on the wall out of sight of the desk. I deemed it useless, as most people have cells now. To keep our business AT&T let us keep the phone number and even gave us a cell phone! HeWho may drive me nuts, but he can negotiate the most amazing deals!
