
Monday, November 25, 2019

Progress report.

I tend to panic until the process I am learning has passed through my hands, been a success, and especially, registered in my brain for the next time.  What I am learning now is the collection of money from customers not standing in front of me.

So, I am working on my new sales platform. A coder, or a geek who works on computer problems is already laughing at my shuffling pace of getting started. But, I do know what I'm doing so far. And that is, I realized I do not need to understand how to set up a sales web site that tracks inventory and has a shopping cart.

What I am doing is not that sophisticated. In fact, no more so than when I dealt face to face with customers. I know a good many of you have found the new page, and may be disappointed it is empty.

When the instructions are up, they will ask you pick what you want from all the inventory listed and send me an email on an embedded email link. I will fill the orders in the order I receive them, as follows:

I will pull the items you want and send you an invoice. I will ask you to pay the invoice in a reasonable amount of time. For now, let's say a week. When I am notified you have paid, I will zip off the tab of your previously packed Tyveck  envelope, seal it and take it to the post office.

Tonight I am so tired I'm going to bed early. Here's the rest of story. Today we played cards, and Nancy and I won by what we think was a record score. Or, as she says, we're only as good as the cards we get. We had a lot of good cards, and a couple of those hands took a lot of concentration. I'm tired. Good night.


  1. I use Square to send invoices, people can pay them by credit card or regular cards. They do charge a small fee but it is worth it because it is so easy. :)

  2. I think it's a great idea to sell directly, Joanne. There are so many of us, who received your towels as gifts, who would like to be paying customers, either for ourselves or to pass on to other lucky folks. It sounds like you've got the system set up very well. Will you be posting your prices soon?

    I hope you get a good night's rest!

  3. I thought of you when we were at the local farmer's market on Saturday. They have crafters as well as people selling produce, etc. I saw all the work of putting up the tents and having to display everything. You were wise to avoid anything like that and sell directly online. May be a bit complicated to get everything set up (but it sounds like you got a good hand on it) but easier to manage I think!

    I have to tell you I occasionally buy things on eTSY and you have to pay when you place your order so I would think people would expect the same thing if they are ordering from your site, paying then.


  4. Sounds like an excellent system and very organised. The best of good wishes and total success!!


  5. I'm impressed with all the new things you are learning - and with your card playing expertise!

  6. Rest up well, and thank you so much for selling your towels. I can think of several people I want to send them to.

  7. I hope it's all up and running quickly and easily, your towels are so popular.

  8. To quote the A Team: "I love it when a plan comes together". Good luck.

  9. Seems like a good idea and I think you'll succeed, your towels are very loved.

  10. Hari OM
    Yup - that's how Mara and mum are doing it - works fine for the very small-scale business. Great start Joanne!!! YAM xx

  11. You've got it perfectly organised, as we knew you would. Good luck!

  12. Just imagine the new synapses you are firing off by learning how to do all of this "newfangled" stuff. It sounds like you already have a good handle on things, Joanne. Best of luck - hope it all goes swimmingly! -Jenn

  13. You are moving along and have found a way to make it work for you. I am sure it will all work out fine.

  14. Well done so far, Joanne. You are making excellent progress!

  15. Just let us know when the page is up and working so that we can order! Hurray for you, Joanne!

  16. Exciting times for you, Joanne.

  17. I'll have to try it myself but first I have to get some stuff made. I'm not being very productive and slow to finish what's in progress.

  18. Simple is best...and you have total control.

  19. Sometimes brain work is more taxing than physical exertion. I'm sure you feel more in control today.

  20. I hope you slept well and feel refreshed today.

  21. That sounds like a good plan, Joanne. I'll get some for my sister's holiday basket if they are ready in time! I am not one of the people who found your page, though.

  22. Sounds like you've got a good handle on everything so far. I'm sure your sales page will be a huge success and keep you busy, busy.
