
Saturday, November 23, 2019

I don't understand

Age can be about pain for a lot of us, I see. I do know the source of my extraordinary aches. My broken lumbar spine seems to be the radiating center of it all. Yes, I have osteoporosis. Yes, I smoked for more than fifty years. And lots of other things. It is what it is, end of story.

I visit a pain doctor. Actually, I visit his staff, and see the pain doctor once a year. The last time I saw the PA, I startled myself when I said pain was pretty much in hand; it is managed well enough and I am pleased. I don't think about it much, I guess.

Not long ago, though, discouragements commenced creeping in. Especially my knees. How I hate it when they are protesting loudly come morning. How I hate that I had babied them through the whole broken leg business, settled down, and now every morning I stand in one spot, waiting for the pain to subside.

And my shoulder. My lovely new, six month old reverse shoulder replacement, that has not been a minute's trouble. Except some morning it is my other shoulder, or both shoulders. And the ripples of pain down my back, like knuckles on a wash board.

I woke this morning, stretched the pieces parts, got up and started off. I moved slowly, but I did not lean on the wall and clutch door jams. I had my cane; I'll never be without it. But I was without debilitating pain.

When I came to open the curtains, the sun was blazing. I have no idea where the pain went this morning, so I'll credit the sunshine. I was out on the deck before breakfast. I went out and just stood and breathed in and out, half a dozen times today. The air was crisp and bright.

It's going on nine at night; the end of a very productive day. The cat already is sleeping on the end of the bed. I hear it has begun to rain. I just checked the weather. Actually, a wintry mix is falling. There will be snow by morning. Ah, well. It's weather. Nowhere to go tomorrow, and plenty to do.


  1. My companion too, I'm afraid but now and again I get a taste of not thinking about my body and it feels like a vacation. My cane, George, is with me most of the time now. When I forget him, I suffer. Pain is unpredictable.

    I saw the dawn this morning and it was lovely after much rain and fog.


  2. It was a really nice day our way too. The sun was shining and it was surprisingly warm!
    I too live with chronic pain but try not let it control my life. Sometimes we just have to roll with it though don't we? My hands are still rather sore and the left foot where I kicked the wall falling out of bed hurts too, but it's tolerable.
    We're on the right side of the grass Joanne!

  3. I don't have the injuries so my pain is nowhere near yours, but I also rejoice when I have a completely pain free day. Most of my aching and stiffness is in my hands and there's nothing much to be done about that, we need our hands for everything we do. Sometimes I sleep with analgesic cream rubbed into them and covered with white cotton gloves, those are the nights Lola sleeps at the foot of the bed, away from the smell.

  4. Sorry about your pain and those days there no or little pain.

  5. Glad you had no pain this morning! Toby looks like he could not be happier, all curled up on the bed.

  6. So nice to have a day without pain. I noted your use of the word "productive". That's what pain free days mean to me too though even if they were not more productive, pain free days are certainly most welcome. Here's to hoping and praying you have more of those.

  7. Pain outsucks Dyson as a companion doesn't it. Mine is manageable at the moment but will ramp up with the temperatures.
    Enjoy your busy (and hopefully) pain free day tomorrow. With luck today has set a precedent.

  8. I am in your club....Too much pain too often and maybe I'll always need a cane, though when I walk it gets easier after a bit which is different than it was before my knee replacements. I am sorry you have so much pain. But happy for sunshine and deep breaths and a sense of having accomplished a lot which you had today. Be well!

  9. OH, btw. I don't know if you have arthritis in your hands, but I do and the face mask from my CPAP blows cold air on my left hand all night but recently I got wool wristlets or mitts for both hands and they help a lot!

  10. Glad you had some relief from your pain today! Take those days when you can!


  11. I wish you the pains will go away and that the sun will shine for many days for you.

  12. Weather conditions, especially lows can be a bother for aches and pain.
    Prayers for more sunshine your way

  13. Hello. I read your blog posts often but have not commented before. I found your description of your pain so eloquent that I could almost experience it myself. I am so sorry that you suffer so, but am relieved that you did have a good day yesterday.

  14. Hari OM
    It's a bugger, ain't it? Have lived with that carry on for fifty years now, but one does adjust to higher levels of tolerance. Then something new comes in. For me it is the wrist, broken a year ago, which is now aching like a stuck pig with the colder damper weather. Hey ho... Grab the good (and deep fresh breaths) when they are there!!! YAM xx

  15. Been there got the pain t shirt. I find walking helps alleviate my chronic back pain. Sunshine helps too. Where ever that is?

  16. As many have said, getting old is not for sissies! Thank goodness I have nothing chronic, but nagging little aches and pains of one kind or another are just a fact of daily life.

  17. Knees. When I stood for a long time at the parade last night, I tended to lock my knees. Getting them going to walk back to the car was a process.

  18. My pain (nothing compared to yours) seems to wane after a good night's sleep.

  19. My back has settled into a position which is bearable for me too. I don’t have to take pain meds, which I always fought anyway, but my posture is terrible. I can live with it though.

    We gotta just keep on truckin, Joanne.

  20. I have osteoporosis too, refuse the medication nd just try and stay, walking, gardening, moving around in general and so far no broken bones for which I am grateful. busy days and occupied minds are also good for pain control. focus on something else. don't let those two bastards, age and pain, stop us.

  21. Hi Joanne! Reading this post, I realize that I have no right to ever complain about aches and pains. Having never had the injuries you have, mine are mainly due to age (I hope anyway... could always be some undiagnosed problem). BUT... I too rejoice on those few mornings when I awake and head, back, or legs don't ache for whatever reason. I think of it as my gift for the day and am grateful.

  22. It is too sad that we make note of a pain-free day as opposed to a day of pain.

  23. I take inspiration from the choreographer Dame Gillian Lynne who was still teaching dance and ballet into her late eighties. She could still demonstrate all the moves. She did hours of exercises each morning to maintain her abilities, and some days it was difficult and painful, but she kept on with an iron will because she said the day you stop because maybe you don't feel like it, is the slippery slope to oblivion.

  24. I wonder if CBD could help your pain any? Is medical marijuana legal where you live? Even if it's not, you can order CBD creams and tinctures that could perhaps help. No high whatsoever. Not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing.
    I admire you so. I know a little bit about what you're talking about. Let's just say that things are not getting easier.
    You truly are a strong and amazing woman. I hope you know that.

  25. I have occasional pains in my left knee, thanks to an accident several years ago. It's arthritis.

  26. I'm so sorry your pain is ramping up. The weather does seem to make a difference for chronic pain. As Salty Pumpkin stated above, weather lows - the ones that bring clouds and precipitation - seem to make the pain worse, and weather highs - the ones with sunshine and clear skies - seem to help.

    Have you tried a penetrating analgesic cream? Here's a website about it:

    My mother uses one of these for hip pain resulting from a car accident years ago, and finds it helpful.

  27. Waking up without pain is a pleasure, indeed.

  28. Pain free days are always good. I've just returned from Arizona and the warm sun there certainly made me feel better, but I'm now back in damp old England. Sigh.

  29. I'm glad you had a pain free day. It might sound dumb to say this but maybe very gentle and gradual stretching exercises might help with a little of it? Sometimes the pain is caused by stiffening up. Other times it can be helped by altering sitting position if you're at a computer or loom for long periods. Frustrating if it's always been a comfortable position before but maybe just lowering or raising something or changing an angle can help. But I'm no doctor. Maybe I am wrong. You are being brave about it. Good luck.

  30. A day without pain is like a holiday, isn't it? Everything seems possible again - for a while.

  31. Pain: maybe our last gift? Or our curse?
    I don't really know... but the guy who said that getting old was nice, didn't know what he was saying.

  32. A day relatively pain free is definitely something to write home about...or blog about....good for you. May you have many more such days.

  33. Sorry to hear about the pain. But at least you seem to be managing it enough that it isn't too much of a nuisance.

  34. Various stupid things I have done over life have come back to haunt me. Your day sounded excellent.

  35. Nice weather here though a bit too warm (nearly 80 degs). I hope you continue to feel good - that alone makes the days brighter.

  36. Life takes much more planning than it ever did. The days of hopping on my bike and doing something have gone… but perhaps that's what retirement's for?

  37. I'm sorry to hear you're in pain on such a regular basis. I'm not sure I'll take it as well as you seem to manage. Just had my first bone density test. The doctor says there's a little thinning in the lower back area and I need to do strengthening exercises other than walking. I agreed with her but I haven't done them yet. "Maybe next week". I'm glad you had a good, productive, sunny day. The sun always makes me feel better, too.

  38. I'm glad you had a sunny, good day. I'm sorry for the pain you've suffered. Please take good, gentle care of yourself.
