
Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Another beautiful day

Not kidding; it got to near sixty today. Sad the days are so short to enjoy it. And shorter every day!

This stopped me as I passed the door this morning.There was so much sunshine, my Nike N's were illuminated and reflected in the storm door glass. I could not make this up!

I went out for a haircut after lunch. Oh, the traffic. I pass two nearby high schools, still in session. I assume their dear parents are still at work. It's not black Friday, and no one takes a day off work to do Thanksgiving shopping. Yet I was ten cars back at the four way stop, and the roads were just as congested.

I asked Melanie when I got to the shop. Everyone chimed in that it must be all the traffic exiting the freeway because of a bad accident. I can't find any news of said crash, and I got home with nicely sheared hair, so all is well.

I called my sister today to see how her township bazaar plans are progressing, and, well, they have not. A couple of weeks ago, as we drove to Seville to deliver towels, she regaled me with her husband's recent adventure of being rear-ended so hard his great red truck was driven into the car ahead of himself. By a youngster, texting, who exited her car with her thumbs still flying on the phone. Let me guess: "OMG! I was in an accident. I'm OK."

All week Jan and Tom have shopped for a car; Tom's truck was totaled by the insurance company. The end of an era; the man has been driving a truck, aka The Mobile Living Room, for nigh onto fifty years.

Tom was persuaded from a truck, which simply causes nieces and nephews and more to borrow both the vehicle and the person, for moving.

I said it would be an easy move in for me; a shopping bag of towels in each hand. Jan laughed. She anticipated two tubs of things to sell. She will ask Tom. They will fit in the new SUV.


  1. Near 60? I hope it stays like that!

    Events lie in wait for us all. Glad Jim is ok.

  2. it was just beautiful today. We have some nasty muck coming in during the wee hours though.
    My grandson was in a multi rear end accident last month in the city. His car was towed (a write off), no own seems to know where it is, his tools are in the car and his license plates. This is his second accident in a year so he can't get insurance for another year, and can't afford another car anyway. What a mess. He was on his second day at the new job. A very good job he's been longing for, poor kid.

    1. We have warnings for tomorrow, too. All good days must end.

  3. Hi Joanne-and it looks like the big storm is going to skip you guys, at least the channel I checked only showed clouds, no snow or rain. My daughter lives in Dayton but has plans to drive to Springfield to spend Thanksgiving with her aunt, so I was checking up on your weather, as well as my own (we'll also escape, looks like). That's a cool picture of your Nikes. Your Ghost Nikes. Glad no one was hurt seriously.

  4. I think you likely hit the nail on the head as to what that girl was texting . . .

    Soon the days will get longer. Soon . . .

  5. The reflected Ns were amazing.
    Sadly you are undoubtedly right about the language of the thumb.

  6. Another busy day for you. Sadly don't get too used to the nice weather. With the snow is coming wind. It is cold.

  7. Funny how your almost sixty is warm for you and would have me reaching for a jacket on this side of the world.
    Glad no one was hurt in the accident, cars and trucks are replaceable, but people aren't.

    1. I'm in warm layers, River! It's what we make ourselves believe.

  8. Hari OM
    You had a good day even if others didn't. That is a win of some sort I thinks... not that I am without sympathy for those others. Just that you are the person of concern for me here!!! YAM xx

  9. Reflections are worth catching.. they can create interesting patterns

  10. We had a similar car accident. A motorist smashed into a car which then smashed into our own car. It was a total write-off. Luckily neither of us were in the car at the time, it was empty and parked. It took the insurance company nine months to settle our claim.

  11. You have the Autumn which I was hoping for. We have biblical quantities of rain.

  12. It was beautiful here too. The snow is all but gone, except where it accumulated during removal. It was spring-like and a nice if short reprieve from that early onset of winter.

    And strangely enough, I also noticed a lot of traffic -- on the highway. I don't get down there a lot, and I guess that's the way that it is now.

  13. Did your brother-in-law get whiplash from that accident?

    1. I don't think so, not that he's ready to admit, at any rate.

  14. Nothing worse than being forced to buy a new vehicle when you were quite content with the one you had. Is distracted driving not a punishable offence where you are?

    1. Yes, they were planning to have another three years use of that truck. I don't know if the girl was cited.

  15. You had a busy day. And it being in the sixties must have seemed like a sort of heaven.
    I love your point about how if you have a truck are constantly being asked for help not only in moving but also in hauling all kinds of things. It's so true! I hope they love their new SUV.

  16. in Texas just about everyone has a truck. except my trainer when I was a gym rat. she moved 3 times in a little over a year and always upstairs! I was in a similar accident once. heavy rush hour traffic on the freeway...the car in front of me stopped short, I stopped in time (barely), the car behind me stopped, the semi behind that car didn't. pushed the car behind me into me and me into the car in front of me. pretty days here too though a mild cold front moved in last night, is moving in.

  17. Traffic is, it seems in this day and age, a way of life. Even in my little town I am seeing more cars than ever. I hope the parents of the teen that caused the accident remove her phone, car, and general privileges and make her work off the costs.

  18. I am glad you BIL is okay - I am always on hyper alert because of the idiots on their phones. But there's not much you can do when they are behind you! Yesterday was gorgeous and now we are back to overcast and damp, with 'shovelable snow' forecast for the weekend. Have a very happy and safe Thanksgiving!

  19. I think your 60 was warmer than our day at 58! Warm days in November in your neck of the woods are indeed blessings! Glad your BIL was okay; I'm hoping that girl learned a lesson or two not to text and drive. I can't imagine how much her insurance will go up!

    Happy Thanksgiving!


  20. Trucks and SUVs abound here so do horrific damage to us more environmental folk and they are aggressive also - so much so that cameras are not being installed on the main highway to catch them.
    They terrify me as they are fearless, having all that weight and arrogance.

    I hope no physical effects on your BIL.


  21. Thanks for an illuminated post. Yes when I think about a truck my wife reminds of the moving requests that come with it.

  22. Texting while driving bad news here, big fines now and about time .

  23. You were no doubt spot on with what the girl was texting.

  24. When we had the pickup truck, people did not tail gate us. It wasn't even a big truck, but they kept their distance. Now that we are driving a teeny baby Jeep (it's actually a small car) people tail gate us incessantly, it's annoying. Plus you know they're texting at the same time.

  25. I hope the young girl realises just how lucky she was. Here all the students still seem to believe that texting while cycling along the river path or up the main road makes perfect sense.

  26. Reminds me if when I got rear-ended having stopped at an amber light. The guy who hit me (in a pickup truck) jumped out screaming, "You could have made it!" He repeated the same statement to the cop and I suspect it did not go well for him. I wonder if the girl will learn her lesson. I have my doubts.

  27. This texting and driving is life threatening really. How is it any different than intoxication?

  28. That's a pretty nifty picture!

  29. Enjoy that balmy weather while you can because it might be changing soon as we got snow and cold today. Hope you had a nice Thanksgiving and all is well.

  30. Our temps are mostly in the 70s. I went to Costco on Wednesday and saw such a terrible crash on the interstate that I came straight home and didn't stop for my prescriptions.

