
Thursday, August 8, 2019

Faint hope

I'm worn out today. I started the day with the grocery store. I get up early enough to start my days early, but out and about still is a low priority activity. However, I really wanted to make stuffed shells, and needed all the fixins, plus some more containers to freeze the extra portions.

First stop the container store, second the grocery store. The good news, it was early enough in the morning to have the stores to myself. Bad news, no giant shells. I settled for giant rigatoni, not so easy to stuff with stuff. 

Worse yet, I stood so long at the counter stuffing, my back is in screaming pain. That's just something I must deal with, and the solution is a trip to the thrift store for a bar stool (with back!) to use at the counter for long, tedious tasks. Soon, I think.

Almost ready. When the timer buzzes, I'll take off the lid and let it start cooling.

My cat has yet to forgive me for leaving him for a week.

But rather than glare at me most of the day, he's playing big cat, little cat. I'm the big cat, and he spends the day annoying me. If I sit down, he's into the chair. If I lie down, he's beside me.

None of his toys hold his interest, so I bought a new toy. The online videos show kittens and young cats beating the snot out of this toy. There are three levels, and three inextractable balls go round and round. All the video cats are on the hunt for the balls, around and around.

Mr. Cat has demonstrated the ability to pin all three balls at once, look over his shoulder and telepath his opinion, "Is that all ya got, big cat?"


  1. I am so sorry your back is giving you grief. I hope you can get that bar stool with a back SOON.
    Smiling at the poor victimized cat. Jazz would sympathise. He also leads a deprived life.

  2. I use an old step-stool for kitchen tasks that take a bit longer than I have, physically. Would that you could find one of those!

  3. Dear Joanne, I delight especially in the 2nd photo --"My cat has yet to forgive me...". We have 4 or 5 neighboring cats, to whom we've generously granted hunting rights on our property, but they look as though they don't quite approve of me. It's that one half-closed eye that does it.

  4. Hope your back is feeling better. There are several reasons - allergies is the biggest - I don't own cats but the guilt would be the biggest. They would have me wrapped their paws in no time. Take care.

  5. So sorry to hear about your trip to the store and inability to find what you went there for. That happens to me at times and it sucks. If you have walker around the house, the kind that has a seat on it you can use that when you are at the kitchen counters. My dear mom used to do that and it really helped her. You made me laugh out loud with your cat's antics. They really are such (good) characters.

  6. So tell me -- where did you find that cat toy??? LOL I'm thinking Ruby might like it! Stuffed shells are WORK... I can't stand at the counter for too long because my back not only hurts, but my legs start screaming in pain. I know I have a pinched nerve in my lower back, but don't want to mess with it until I have pain 24/7. THEN, I'll consider doing something--till then I stop what I'm doing and take a break, which is what you do! Good call on that seat with the back. I have a step stool with a low rod back (actually the handle of the stool) and it works after a fashion. Hope the pain is gone by this evening.

  7. I bet those stuffed shells are delicious! I hadn't thought of making such a thing in the crock pot. I'll have to look for a recipe! I agree, a bar stool for sitting when preparing is a good thing to avoid further back troubles. Your cat has personality and is very smart I think! Looks like a unique toy you got him to play with too!


  8. A back that screams is one of the reasons I've pretty much given up on cooking. The bar stool is an excellent idea.


  9. Toby pinned all three balls at once? he's a smart cat!
    I agree a stool to sit at the bench is a great idea, anything that takes tension out of your back is a great idea. I have trouble sometimes bending over to make the bed, so I do it on my knees which are still in good nick, thankfully.

  10. Hari Om
    Okay, I cackled out loud at Toby's mastery! I did not cackle, but totaly symapthised with the back and the counter work; something I know only too well. At the father's place last visit, Mac1 had brought him a booster stool and I made use whilst there - big difference! Get yours as soon as, gal. YAM xx

  11. Bright cat. I used to know a dog who, if you threw a stick for him, would just stare at you as if accusing you of being an idiot.

  12. Lol. That cat is too smart for his own good!

  13. We have purchased toys like that for Daisy and get the same reaction. I think the ads might be CGI and not real cats who really would rather chase a moth.

    Get the stool ASAP. Our worn out backs don’t need anymore punishment. My stool does not have a back but it works fine because it is the pressure from the standing that causes me pain.

  14. Mr. Cat will come around but Lord, cats sure can show you how the feel about things, can't they?
    Ugh. Back pain. Yeah, get that stool. Or start making less labor-intensive meals.

  15. I hate to hear about your back pain. I hope the stool helps.

  16. ooo, stuffed shells/rigatoni. that sounds good. I've even made that a time or two when the the kids were growing up. my cat wouldn't even bother. not even when she was young. we quit buying cat toys because she would never play with them.

  17. I have seen many cats who are not interested in cat toys, the effort is not worthwhile.

  18. So sorry for your back pain! Until you get a high stool with a back, can you do some of this kitchen work sitting on a regular chair at a table?

  19. Oh jeez Joanne, you and me both with the back problems. I saw my chiro today. Going to be a couple of weeks of treatment I guess. That's what I get for lugging big plant pots and throwing firewood. Surprisingly, I find standing upright doing a project relatively pain free.

  20. Oh my goodness...that cat of yours is a hoot. What a character. Sorry to hear your back is giving trouble. Fingers crossed for a decent stool at the thrift store. I am a regular customer at ours.

  21. The cat has such a vicious look on his face. Glad I'm not a little bird in his path. Stuffed rigatoni sounds good.

  22. I wonder if our cat would like something like that?

  23. Good idea on the stool it should ease your discomfort a little. I too hate when pain grabs the last part of my day and immobilizes me.

    Love your cat, hard to please that fellah.


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  25. That glare cannot be bettered. I wonder if Toby can knit?

  26. That's an ingenious toy. I hope it cures him of his fit of pique.

  27. My sister's cat plays with a toy like this. It's a brave person who goes near it or attempts to lift it up and move it somewhere less trippable.
