
Monday, August 5, 2019

Wisconsin miscellany

We had an adventure. There was a pop, and a gauge on Ann's six month old car announced the decreasing air pressure. We waited quite some time for AAA, but help did arrive, and a chatty young man loaded Ann's car to the flatbed and me to the cab. It all came out right.

As ever, I photographed barns, and I found another old school house to photograph, too.

The road went on and on, under blue skies and white clouds. A beautiful week; it could have been longer.

I opened my door to this shadow on the opposite wall. The blind, my curtain, and outside, a mandevilla tendril, doing its thing.

And the mandevillas are in full bloom. The red mandevilla finally has put out blossoms!


  1. Your plants survived your vacation. Sweet!

    1. My neighbor watered them daily. Now it's back to me.

  2. Rural Wisconsin looks an absolute treat. So green and with a road that begs further exploration.

  3. I hope what ever was wrong with the cat was an easy and cheap fix. The flowers are so full of coloe.

  4. Lovely scenery. Hooray for blooming mandevillas. Such a cheery flower.
    I too hope the car could be quickly and easily fixed (preferably under warranty).

  5. I saw so many interesting barns on our trip through North Carolina and Georgia. I took no pictures though.
    Isn't it a balm to the soul when our flowers bloom?

  6. Wisconsin looks pretty nice to me.

  7. Your flowers are so beautiful! And I'm glad the car issue was only a small inconvenience.

  8. Gorgeous country out there!

  9. Car troubles always make my heart sink - glad it was just a tire (if the word "just" fits here).

    Lovely to have good weather on holiday. Nothing ruins a trip faster than constant rain!

  10. Beautiful! I can see why a week is not nearly enough.

  11. So green in Wisconsin with such pretty views! Glad your flowers survived when you were gone! So beautiful too!


  12. Beautiful photos from Wisconsin. I love that sort of scenery and hope it will last long. And I love your Mandevillas. I really need to get at least one. My daughters are so beautiful. I've never seen an ugly one!

  13. The old schoolhouse looks like someone is caring for it. Nice that your mandevillas are blooming again.

  14. Hari OM
    What's a trip for you without some kinda emergency taking place?!! At least this one didn't involve hospitals. Not for humans anyway. Those are some adorable buildings you got in your lens and I miss wide open roads like this... nothing comes close this side of the pond.

    Your shadow shot is delightful and oh the colours of the mandys... YAM xx

  15. I believe the 5th barn down is a chicken farm. Those birds only glimpse daylight once between the shed and the truck which delivers them to Colonel Sanders.

    1. Well, the ones on the outside of the crates anyway.

    2. No chicken farms here, but plenty of feed lots, and, worse yet, veal pens.Turn off your understanding as you pass by.

  16. I thought the Mandevilla tendril in the shadow shot was Canada geese flying by. Lovely pics, I've always wanted to go to Wisconsin. Glad you're home safe and sound

  17. I like the farms. My sort of pictures.

  18. Oh, how I hate car problems. The last time I waited for Triple A, it was late at night and it took three hours for someone to arrive and he could not tow us. We had to be rescued by family.

    Your pictures are lovely and those red barn pictures should be framed.

  19. I think my fave is the schoolhouse, just lovely how it has been preserved and the history would be fascinating.


  20. no spare on Ann's car? I was wondering why all barns are red when I was scrolling through and just then came the picture of the white one with silos. so wonderful to be met with your mandevillas.

    1. The car is a 2019 Ford. The spare is a can of stuff to spray inside the tire "to get to a safe place", for the purpose of saving weight. A major rip off.

  21. Beautiful pictures - flowers at home and countryside in WI.

  22. of your barn pics - I'll say the red ones do stand out more than the white one. Nice rolling hills in WI.

  23. It all looks lovely Joanne - so pleased you are settling in and happy.

  24. We had a tire fly off on the highway once when my daughter and I were headed to New Orleans. It was certainly a shock... and we were so very glad it didn’t hit another car. Glad your incident was overcome without too much trouble. Love the mandevillas!

  25. Love the little school with the double doors...I went to one of those.

  26. Your barn photos remind me of the Amish community in Berlin, OH. Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful! I was at Home Depot yesterday afternoon and saw that their Mandevillas were in bloom and immediately thought of you. ;) My mother had one in pink that climbed all over her Lanai. She had a Koi pond in the center of the Lanai that eventually got filled in and buried. Thanks for jogging those old memories out!

  27. Love the barns and flowers pictures. Great colours.

  28. Dear Joanne, it seems to me that you have adventures every time you leave your home and even within its walls. You are a woman who is curious about all of life and that leads to such delight.

    I've enjoyed the times I've spent in Wisconsin. I especially liked camping in Door County. Peace.

  29. Thank you for sharing these beautiful photos. I've never been to Wisconsin but love the things and colors that caught your eye.

  30. Welcome home to blossoms and beauty. Maybe next year, you can go north twice.

  31. Wonderful photographs! Looks like an absolutely beautiful trip.

  32. What wonderful weather to see it all in and to wonder what it would be like to live in each of them. So much space!
