
Friday, August 9, 2019

A day of fine surprises

This morning I kept a long standing breakfast date with Lynn and Jim, at a place in Kenmore renown for home fries. I had two eggs over easy, English muffins with jelly, and the crispy top of the half a plate of home fries. So good I did go one bite over the limit.

On the way home, idly watching the passing street signs, I saw Bisson Avenue. I asked Jim to go around the block and I showed them the part of Akron developed by my great grandfather, James Hogue, and Frank Bisson, his business partner. Since my last trip through, blocks and blocks have been redeveloped. Jim says by Habitat for Humanity.

To celebrate that, Jim pulled into Krispy Kreme on the way by. This is one of the few stores left in Akron, the first, and the store that still makes the goods. You know what I brought home for lunch. Red raspberry filled jelly donuts.

Since we were on a roll, I asked Jim to go through the drug store drive through to get my Lyrica script. I intended to play my new game. When the cashier asks "Are you aware of the price?" I generally reply "Let me guess. Is it three hundred dollars this time?" Since I donut holed, it runs around a hundred thirty.

I waited and waited. The question never came. Finally she asked if I had any questions for the pharmacist, and I said "Yes. How much is it?" "17.44," she replied. "It's gone generic." Very anticlimactic on one hand, and fabulous budget news on the other. 

But wait! There's more to tell. Some time ago I ordered a rug for the living room area. I expected it today, but finding it on coming home from breakfast far exceeded expectation. Lynn and Jim seem up for anything, and when they left, the rug was on the floor.

And if you thought that was the end, what could possibly be left, it was not the last surprise of the day. Hours later, eating supper, I heard clickitty clack. I looked over my shoulder, and to my surprise:

Yes, when I go shopping tomorrow for a high backed, high stool, I will also purchase double sided carpet tape, for those corners.


  1. I was prescribed Lyrica somewhat recently and my insurance would not cover it. Now that it's become more affordable, I might want to revisit trying to obtain some.

    1. Check Their prices are pretty good and they tell you who is the cheapest. They're frequently less than our co-pays.

  2. What a great day! I love the rug with all of my heart. I need some beautiful rugs badly.
    Krispy Kreme doughnuts are the best in the world. I remember when we used to get SO stoned and someone would go make a Krispy Kreme run. It was a definite sacred and holy experience. I haven't had one in decades, probably, but I love knowing they're there.

  3. That was a fabulous day you had. I love the rug you got. Lynn and Jim are good friends to have. Good luck with the search for a bar stool.

  4. I loved your day and it all ended well with it looks like Cat's forgiveness indulging himself with the toy you brought home to him.

    Great rug, my kind.


  5. Cheaper drugs...whoohooo!!!!! The rug is lovely and how nice to see Toby has relented and is playing pretty with his new toy.

  6. Hari OM
    My word, but that was a FABulous day for you darling!!! That rug is perfect and a happy cat - well, a fine ending. YAM xx

  7. What a very good day! And what a good feeling rug! Is that Bisson connected to the Bissons that had grocery stores for a long time? And then I think the Banana Peddler? That was a great store but I thought it was too upscale for the area at the time. But I did love all the teas they had for sale........

    1. I believe so. I only knew of them because of all the houses on the hills in Kenmore. How did they get lumber up Sherbondy Hill and all the rest of the hills to build those houses.

    2. I found this which was very interesting to me. I still do not know if he had a connection to your ggrandfather.

    3. This man and my father would have been contemporaries. We need to go back another generation or two.

  8. I love that rug! I have a similar one under our dining room table and a brown oriental under the coffee table in the living room, and a nice peach floral Oriental under our bed in the bedroom. With hardwood floors, the rugs are really eye candy against the brown flooring. Good to see Toby made up and has forgiven you. We had a Krispy Kreme store within walking distance from our home in San Diego -- used to take the eldest grandson there whenever I babysat him so he could watch the donuts being made and then get a hot one off the end of the line. Memories... he's 19 now and that was a long time ago.

    1. Yes, they hand over that hot one with finger protection!

  9. Photo of doughnut made my mouth water.
    Coffee is on

  10. What a good day you had! I hope tomorrow is the same.

  11. The carpet really makes the room brighter. Looks like the cat is coming out of his funk.

  12. That is good your med went generic! I like the rug! That's the typical breakfast I get when we go out for breakfast. Nice and simple and always delicious! Seems like it was a great day!


  13. Woo Hoo.
    Lots of most excellent surprises. When I was on Lyrica the cost was truly painful. I am so very glad it has come down for you.
    And here is to days filled with pleasant surprises (and helpful friends).

  14. Wow! That was a huge drop in the drug price. Good for you. I do like the colour blue so I love your new rug.

  15. I like the rug. Your cat seems to like it too.

  16. $17.44! That's a huge price drop, yay you :)
    I like your rug and I'm happy to see Toby playing.

  17. The inflated amounts of money made by drug companies seem wrong but at least the patents don't last for ever. You won!

  18. So your cat has decided to have fun after all. Krispy Kreme made an enormous effort to launch themselves here a few years ago. They managed to get influential people to say how delicious they are and a few friends of mine started saying how delicious they were too. I tried one. It was awful. I don't think they are selling well.

    1. Fried sweet dough truly is an American experience. They don't quite rise to "awful" for me, but once every five or ten years is adequate. The sugar high will float you back out the door.

    2. What I prefer about the English ring doughnut is that it is not overly sweet, but Krispy Kreme are off the scale for me.

    3. It's said a sea captain invented the ring donut by jamming his fried cake over a handle of the helm in a high gale. I hope it was an English sea captain.

  19. What a great surprise at the drug store!

  20. That was a great day, good food, good company, a beautiful rug delivered and installed, sounds wonderful. It looks like even your kitty was celebrating with his new toy.

    Your new rug looks so pretty.

  21. Such a nice day, Joanne! Sorry to hear you've reached the donut hole stage of Medicare Part D. This, too, shall pass. But not soon enough.

  22. Thank you for sharing your lovely day!
    The last surprise makes me smile as much as the donuts photo!

  23. Sounds like a very good day from breakfast out to a successful kitty toy with the added bonus of cheap drugs and beautiful rugs!

  24. A day of fine surprises, indeed - may you have more, and soon!

  25. a good day. a nice rug. and Toby finally getting over his pique.

  26. I love the picture of Toby enjoying the game.

  27. What a nice day for you! We love Krispy Kreme donuts here. I've never had anything but a hot glazed one and not too often. DH loves them and would indulge every weekend if he could. Your new place looks very comfy and I love the pic of Toby on the blue rug.

  28. “Since we’re on a roll ...”
    Nope, you were on a donut. 😂

  29. Wow, that's a big drop in price for the generic version. A nice surprise!

    So he's still trying to get those balls out....

  30. What a perfect day and a really happy story about Toby!

  31. That new rug is very pretty, and Toby looks like he's enjoying himself, a wonderful ending to your day.

  32. "one bite over the limit" - that sounds funny. Nice surprise especially for medication

  33. Dear Joanne, what a lovely day--filled with surprises and memories and tasty food--with friends. Thanks for sharing. Peace.

  34. Every day is better with a Krispy Kreme donut! My parents are from Akron, as were their parents. I haven't been through in decades. I love that rug.
